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Hello, as you may or may not have heard, the new starter set will be out for preorder on the 25th and release on the 1st of September, and has an interesting change which is a first for games workshop, I'm talking of course of the Dark angels.

One could say that the Assault on Black reach set contained Ultramarines, but it could easily have been picked up by a Blood angel player, and painted them red instead, the new boxset however, there is no mistake, these are no generic marines, they are Dark angel through and through.

I have seen the contents and the Deathwing terminator squad is Space hulk grade good, but they'll be painted to dark angels and their successors only make no mistake.


Here we come to the topic at hand, although the quality of these miniatures is incredibly high which is good, they are purely for Dark angels and new players which I feel is bad, don't get me wrong I like dark angels, but this is a starter set we're talking about, space marine players are a huge chunk of the sales pie but when that pie is divided into chapters its really small (depending on chapter)


If you are not a Dark angels player, will you personally be buying this set? I'm not talking about the chaos here (which are equally good) I am only addressing if you will buy the set and you DON'T already collect dark angels, Will it make you begin a dark angels army? Or will you not buy it (or go halfs) at all.


It remains to be seen if this will be a good idea or not in terms of sales.


What are your thoughts?



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I'll be buying it and, with a sharp knife, a load of bits and Green Stuff, converting them to non-DA.


The Chaos minis...I think they'd be harder to de-Chaosify. Might end up making a small Chaos warband with them. I really don't need my current marines, DA and Chaos.

Well it is a Starter Set, so it's aimed at new players. What will entice new players? Awesome models, comparatively cheap price. We know snat fit makes cheap price, so what makes awesome models? DETAIL. What gives you detail? Specific iconography.


I think they look pretty easy to convert to another chapter for anyone with reasonable com petence and attention to detail. Given there aren't that many Dark Angels players out there, I imagine GW will be pretty happy if someone with marines decides to start a DA army because they can't be bothered to de-Angel them.


Personally, I think it's a good move from GW and the level of chapter specificity is really what makes the Dark Angels side look good - take that away, and the quality of Chaos would be so far ahead of the Dark Angels it would be funny.

With regard to the new allies rules having the Dark Angles as part of your Ally Detatchment could be very good. Also since we dont know what kind of 6th Ed Codex the Dark Angles might get, that might be the deciding factor for alot of people. The ability to get a full 500pt/1000pt Detachment force on-the-cheap might be good for you. I am sure that we all know at least one Chaos player that would be willing to go in on getting 2 box sets to split them up and each get a small rulebook.
I'll be getting the Starter box to boost my Word Bearers army and paint up a DA force with an Idea I've had for some time. Several years ago, WD showed a DA force where the rims of the shoulder pads had been painted to resemble a fire effect and I want to give that a try.

I think awesome models are always a good idea in terms of sales, and these models are amazing. I don't play either army, but I'll definitely buy the set just to paint the models. And sorry, but those chaos chosen absolutely blow the dark angels out of the water. If there are new kits coming out for chaos that look like this, I've definitely been converted.


I predict these things will fly off the shelves.


EDIT: It's also great to see that the black legion may no longer be the poster child for chaos, and likewise for the ultramarines and loyalists. That's World Eater red if I've seen it!



My oldest army is CSM. I have several hundred models already but then I can always add more.

My room mate just started her DA army early this year. (well, I started buying models for the army and she sort of took them over so DA is her army now).


So yeah, we have been looking forward to the new starter set since we can use all of the models from both sides as is; no conversion necessary.

I was thinking of getting the box set for the chaos stuff, then with some light conversions (a few spikes and tenticles here and there) I'd change the DA stuff into fallen DA stuff. This then opens the door for buying SW and BA stuff for 'fallen' conversions. Fricken awesome if you ask me ;)


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