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Stormraven rules

sargent josh

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With POTMS its say you can fire an extra weapon, also you can fire at an different targets. If you destroy lets say a rhino with one shot from a mulitmelta and the people in surivive, couldn't you then fire at the survivers with a TLAC??
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All firing from a model/unit is done simultaneously (barring a few corner cases, the only one that leaps to mind is Tau networked markerlights which fire before the rest of the unit as the unit is allowed to benefit from those hits which is not normally the case). Ergo, whilst you could multi-melta something and assault cannon something else, you can't break a tank and shoot the guys inside as they're not out of the tank yet when the assault cannon fires. Its the same reason that you can't, for example, use a dreadnought to lascannon open a chimera and then frag cannon the guardsmen that were in there.
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I think the issue is you have to declare what the "unit" is firing at (inc. splitting fire like Long Fangs or POTMS) and then resolve the shots. Not declare individual weapons, resolve, then move to the next. Therefore the embarked unit aren't a legitimate target, since they aren't "in play" when you declare what your unit is shooting.


EDIT: Curses, ninja'd :)

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