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Kill Team: Operation Protinus


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Hello all,


I am in need of your help and advise...


A friend as asked if i want to go to the Kill Team event in December... Sounds like fun so have taken him up on the offer.


I only have 200pts to spend, which can only be from the elite, troop or fast attack categories.

Iv rattled the codex and put some lists together but cant decide.


I need something that will survive, but i also dont know what i will be up against until the day.. so its hard to put a all round list together..


This is where you experts come in... i need something that can put up a fight against hordes or light armour units (Eldar/tau/guard etc).. but can also tackle low AV vehicles or high armour units (marines/ termies etc)..


anyone have some suggestions?




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I'd steer clear of tactical terminators. You get no weapon upgrade so they are stuck with stormbolters and shooting is king in Kill Team games as it allows you to snipe out special models and single model units mean that you can't tie down multiple models if they are not in base-to-base contact with your own models --its kinda like fighting 1-on-1 challenges for most CC engagements.


If it were me, I'd either go with either Sternguard or a bike squad.


For Sternguard, I'd go for: 6 marines --2x Plasma, LC on Sergeant, and 3x combi-melta or combi-plasma.


For bikes, go for something like: 4x Bikes; 1x Attack Bike, 2x plasma, Sergeant w/ Power weapon (go for a sword here). Choose whatever special rules sound good to you.


Use plasma and weight-of-fire to knock out 2+ saves. Use your mobility to keep your distance from CC units until you whittle them down a bit. Your plasma should be heavy enough to take out most vehicles. If you think you might run into heavier armor, you could swap out the plasma guns for melta and upgrade the Attack bike to a Multimelta with the savings. It won't be as effective against infantry, but the melta guys will still have their twin-linked bolters, so you'll still have some ranged shots you can put out with those.


I haven't played a game of Kill Team since the beginning of 6th, so I'm not sure how some of the new changes will effect the game --assuming you are using updated 6th edition rules (somehow).

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Thanks so far guys!


I was thinking DC but they are a bit expensive, especially as i think mobility is going to be key in this.

Yeah wasn't going to take Termies at all.... id clearly be putting "all my eggs in one basket" so to speak! LOL.


I hadn't really thought about Sternguard or a bike list..


This is my first Kill Team. so i don't know how the rules will have changed the game between 5th and 6th. Yeah id imagine its going to be 6th ed rules as it is a games workshop event at Warhammer World in Nottingham UK.

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I think DC could work but I personally feel that you are probably handicapping yourself for using them. As you say, they are expensive and they are even more expensive when you consider the cost of improving their mobility so that you can bring their formidable CC attacks to bear. Also consider that excellent assault units like DC will be "over-qualified" to kill the one or two models that they will manage to get in base-to-base contact. In other words, you do yourself no favors when you can kill that one enemy model 3 times over. Any additional kills after the first are wasted because there are no eligible models to assign those wounds to. In contrast, shooty units like Sternguard can split their shots amongst any available target within range and LoS, maximizing your efficiency at removing enemy models without wasting attacks on models that are already dead. Also, don't forget that cover saves are only 5+ now so your special and heavy weapons will be more effective.


So, I'm not saying that you shouldn't use ANY CC units in Kill team, but they have distinct disadvantages and in general should not be the focus of your list.


If you really have your heart set on using them, here are a few things to consider with DC:


• Never give them any weapon that reduces their initiative--axes, fists, or hammers. It's impossible to hide an initiative 1 model so that they are safe before they swing in KT and DC do not have the durability to realistically expect to survive a one-on-one encounter with an enemy PW that can strike before them.

• Consider running power lances as your power weapon of choice. Most CC engagements involving power weapons will only last on round anyway so either you or your opponent will be removing models at the end of the phase and it won't matter that your AP will drop in subsequent rounds.

• Lightning claws are also a decent option --particularly on DC with bolters. And IMO, if you are running an all-DC list, you should have some bolters in there just for some ranged punch.

• Don't go overboard with the power weapons though or you will have too few bodies.

• Consider doing a hybrid list with a minimum squad of 3 DC and something like scouts or Sternguard to bolster your numbers.


Enjoy your event. Sounds like a lot of fun!

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I'v only ever played a couple of kill team games against my friends. But each time I used sternguard with different combi loadouts each time. Personally they proved most effective. You can load the sergeant with a power weapon (Don't really know the new PW rules in 6th so don't ask me on which. Sorry.) and hten throw around some combi meltas and plasmas. Personally I would go with a mix as a just in case, plus melta is overly efficient in killing infantry so even if you only encounter infantry target their toughest or most important model with the combi melta if in range and blast him.


Then comes the special issue ammunition. Personally I can't get enough special issue ammo. It basically has an answer for everything. Plus to whittle them down from longer range then almost any weapon (almost but not quite) come up against in a kill team game you have kraken bolts. Plus you can use those...oh I forgot the name...the plasma like ones that have ap 3. Throw those at some PA and you have a sweet deal.

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I wasn't planning on using DC, they where just a thought.. but again the cost to make them Mobile in such a small pts game is not worth taking them.


So, after consideration for peoples comments on here and looking through the Dex I have decided SternGuard are the way..

Question is now, what loadout do i take...


So far I have came up with:


7 Sternguard; heavy Flamer and Sarg with Power Weapon.




7 Sternguard; MeltaGun, Missile Launcher and Sarg with Power Weapon.


Both 200pts.



Cant wait to get some practice games in before the event..

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my personal kill team that i have used quite a bit is actually a scout squad with sniper rifles camo cloaks and one guy with a missle launcher and then i spend the rest of the points on a land speeder with an assualt cannon with a heavy bolter. the snipers are surviable and with scout and infitrate you can spread all over the map which really helps. the missle laucher just in case you run into any armour and the land speeder has enough fire power to kill most things you will run in too. i have played many kill team missions with this setup and have not lost one game
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my personal kill team that i have used quite a bit is actually a scout squad with sniper rifles camo cloaks and one guy with a missle launcher and then i spend the rest of the points on a land speeder with an assualt cannon with a heavy bolter. the snipers are surviable and with scout and infitrate you can spread all over the map which really helps. the missle laucher just in case you run into any armour and the land speeder has enough fire power to kill most things you will run in too. i have played many kill team missions with this setup and have not lost one game


Seems to be quite the tactic, but also, who wouldn't like to run some good ol' power armour?

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7 Sternguard; MeltaGun, Missile Launcher and Sarg with Power Weapon.


This one definitely between the two. Flamers and heavy flamers are really not that great most of the time if your opponent knows what he's doing. With no unit coherency requirements, and proper placement, you'll be lucky to get more than one enemy model under a template. Ignoring cover is a great ability, but with Sternguard, you've already got that ability --and with better range. If you get a chance to try out your list in a few games before hand, you might consider a combi-melta instead of the melta gun. Just to see what you might prefer. The added range and flexability of the combi-melta with special ammo may tend to serve you better in the long run and you've still got a missile launcher as your first line of defense in dealing with armor. I see the melta gun in this list as a last-ditch weapon of desperation since it's got short range and is on an infantry model with no transport. You'll likely only get one chance to use it anyway because vehicles should be able to run circles around him.


In fact, I might suggest to just go with another missile launcher instead. Give one of the MLs Relentless, and give the other Slow and Purposeful. That way you've got two move-and-shoot MLs and gives you the option to give your Sergeant a CC-based USR like Rage or Preferred Enemy. In a 5th Edition game of Kill Team I would have suggested Furious Charge as the best CC USR choice for a PW character because the boost in initiative was HUGE for keeping your PW alive. Now that it's only a 1+ Strength boost, it's not nearly as good.

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my personal kill team that i have used quite a bit is actually a scout squad with sniper rifles camo cloaks and one guy with a missle launcher and then i spend the rest of the points on a land speeder with an assualt cannon with a heavy bolter. the snipers are surviable and with scout and infitrate you can spread all over the map which really helps. the missle laucher just in case you run into any armour and the land speeder has enough fire power to kill most things you will run in too. i have played many kill team missions with this setup and have not lost one game


Seems to be quite the tactic, but also, who wouldn't like to run some good ol' power armour?


who needs power armour when you can get a good cover save and with a 36 inch range stay away from everything. Kill Teams is not about assaults its all about the shooting and what is better then a sniper that can rend? and to comment back on the sterngaurd that is the other way i would go but i like to be able to take that landspeeder with all of those high power shots coming out

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1) I would go for scouts as Black Marshal adviced, just because I like scouts really much and kill-team is very stylish for scouts.

2) Do you want to be brutal? Take Death Company or Sanguinary Guard. With SG you will have very little models but all are 2+ with awesome weaponry (angelic boltgun). DC would be hard-hitting!


Also you can combine these two points and set out 5 scouts with sniper rifles and missile launcher/heavy bolter and 3 Death Company with jump packs to kill up close!

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