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Concept for a legion


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Hi, everyone


So it's looks like a picked a great time to rebuild by chaos army. At first I was inspired by the rumor of zombies and I could finely build a proper siege of varks list.


Than the starter set came out. So than it hit me. I allready have a dislike for DA being a life long BA player 2ed. I always felt the DA were imposter angels. Even when we shared a codex angels of death. So I found a way to expose the DA for what they truly are chaos in disguise.


So useing the new starter set for the base of my new army I came up with concept for useing most of what the box set has to offer.


The plan is simple I allready had my death guard units build and primed. My korn unit are just waiting bitz from FW.

Than I needed to find some fillers. So trying to stick with my varks concept as much as possabile. I going to make the DA marines turn traitor use them for normal csm sq. That Libby will be my sorcerer that Chaplin will use for the dark apostle.

The ally part of my army is bloodthirster model from FW and screamers ( thinking about blight drones but I have a feeling the rule naizs at my club won't let that fly)


So the fluff behind this is that after they(DA) destroy the start port on varks and left, they finley realized they were servering the false god. Once they left they were intercepted by a warp storm. In which is Libby seen the powers of nurgle when the fallen were brought back to life, well some what to life. As for chapter master he will make a great envoy for my bloothirster so his story was he agree to serve him to attempt to reagin trust in marines are start port misson having suffer heavy loses. The integrator Chaplin is busy converting those to chaos by any means.


Now on to modeling points.

Death guard will be painted using greens mixed with browns ink. As far as weapons layout goes that will wait for the codex.

Useing the MK3 armour for them.

Zerker's I am going with a pale look for there armor than glaze in red and brown ink. ( saw that in wfb chaos armies book awhile back)

The dark angles, well to truly infuriate the da players I going to paint them to codex colors. Expect for the robes wich will be painted to one of the gods.

The Chaplin will be in black no chaos on him, as he will be making guest showing in my BA list.

The Libby I think a rotten look will suit him well.

Chapter master he will under go some heavy converting ( started on his base allready) but the robes will painted to mirror skin tone and be dry brushed to look like fresh skin. Got to make the god blood happy.

The zombies I been snatching up bits on eBay built a few concepts using wfb zombie bits and IG jungle fighter's but still looking for something to truly capture the feel. ( any but having this issue) maybe FW will make some.


As for as the ally's like I said the FW bloodthrister. He will be painted in pale undertones with sulttel hints of rot taking hold, after all I favor nurgle over korn.

Screamers painted just like great white sharks ( after all this things rip apart terms with easy)


Specail Ch

Typhus will auto inculde ( unsure if going with fine cast one. Or looking at converting my own.)

Cypher hope rumors are true he will be back.


As for bases going with secret minture bases for there temple bases, would capture the hole fallen angle feel better. IMO


So this is my project to date. Obiv it's to soon to start to taking about weapon lay outs because of the Codex is not out yet.

However it would be welcomed to talk about synergy of the two berzerks and death guard.


So is this concept army off to a good start or a failed attempt to blend in two legions

Yeah with green and red hues it can come off with Xmas feel. That's why I chose to do the zerkers pale colors. ( reaper makes a bloodless skin color) looks great when blending with red inks.

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Some one did say that to me when I asked around at my gaming club, however I wasn't going with a fallen look. I wanted go with a more recent turn to chaos look.


But i never read any of the novels only what's in the brb and codexs so going off outside fluff isn't some thing I have a lot of knowledge in.


Thanks for the imput just gives more to work with.

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I'd do a little rewriting of your fluff, rather than killing off the Supreme Grand Master of the Dark Angels to act as a host of some random Bloodthirster. Sure, having some corrupted Dark Angels should be cool, but at the moment there's no motivation for their corruption. They leave Vraks, and suddenly decide they've all been living a lie? I'd rewrite it to be about something other than Dark Angels leaving Vraks, as you don't want to be killing off main Dark Angels characters, and add some motivation for exactly why they turned. People don't just wake up and decide they've been doing absolutely everything wrong, and run off from their convent to join some Satanists, which is pretty much the equivalent of what's happening here.
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