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Allied Stormraven

Brother Ulkesh

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Hello Brothers,

The wife got me a Stormraven for my birthday, so I'm trying to figure out how best to use in an allied detachment with my Templars.

I've pretty much decided that I'll be used in an anti-mech/flyer role, but I have no idea what troops to transport inside. What do you think? An Assault Squad with Captain & Priest for some CC goodness? A tactical squad to be dropped off on (& hold) an objective?

If it's any help, the rest of the list would most likely consist of MSU Crusader Squads with a plasma gun & either missile launcher or las cannon mounted in Rhinos, terminators, & a couple of typhoon speeders.

If the raven flies empty, I might have an assault squad jumping along behind the rhinos.

Anyway, this allied detachment will be Flesh Tearers. Here is my test mini. Any C&C would be appreciated.


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I'd say a small unit of Death Company. They are Troops, and denial Units, just are not scoring.


I say small because at 20pts each, if the Raven is shot down for some reason then you just lost a lot of pts. But DC are generally just great in small numbers, esp when not getting shot up bc they have a great assault transport.


So don't fill it up to capacity, meh I'd say anywhere from 5 to 8 DC guys, and take some Axes for Strength 6 on the charge. I've had awesome success with them.

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Paint looks good, but given the nature of the Flesh Tearers I'd recomend doing a little converting and giving him a bolt pistol and chainsword, I always think a FT with a boltgun looks... out of place.


As for transport, if it's your only flyer I'd seriously consider flying empty - flyers draw a LOT of firepower in the game at the moment, and S10 AP2 hits are not pleasant for passengers. Especially if the Raven goes down to Interceptor fire.

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Infantry wise I generally run a 5 man squad of th/ss terminators, a 10man assault squad, a 10man squad of tacticals and then a 5man squad of either scouts or more tacticals. I generally put my tacticals in my stormraven because they are more shooty, objective sitters when compared to my assault marines or terminators, they are also less expensive so if it does blow up it won't kill much of my army. I don't put my terminators in stormraven but I DO add a locator beacon to my stormraven and teleport them within 6 inches even when its zooming. I don't remember seeing in the rules where the stormraven has to be in hover mode for those terminators to teleport in right?
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Its the most nails flyer out there.

Own the skies, but given its unreliable reserves roll, I'd be wary of loading it with much.


How about 5 assault marines, SoB out, grab an unoccupied objective, maybe with a PG to try and plink medium armour

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If you want a scoring unit, go with an Assault Squad + priest + Libby.


Correct me if I am wrong, but I think that BT can't ally with any kind of psyker, barring GKs.


Sadly, this is correct - the BT codex forbids us from taking to the field with an army that includes a witch...erm...psychic. If Captains are that bad, I'll have to press my old metal chaplain into service again. At least he just needs his shoulder re-painting.


Thanks for the replies, everyone. I must admit, I hadn't considered DC or a Furioso. Both seem like fun options, so I'll throw a few lists together & see what I can cram in there. Also, I see the wisdom in running it empty. The downside is, of course, that I'd have to either buy another transport, or pay for JPs on the DC (though this isn't a problem if I use an Assault Squad). Decisions, decisions...


The more I think about it, the more I can see my allies growing to full "second army" size.

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The more I think about it, the more I can see my allies growing to full "second army" size.


Be careful that's just what the big G.W. wants! Don't suffer the Unclean! :ermm:


I've had some success with DC and a Furioso in my 'raven, but this doesn't entirely help you since you need a HQ choice as well. I'd go with 5-8 DC and a Reclusiarch. No matter what some Guy( :D ) says about chaplains, in this case, they are the best choice for you if you don't want special characters.


Throw some special weapons in, and you're good to go with a total of about 500 points. It's alot, but then the DC are the most killy unit that a SM army has access to, especially with a Chaplain.




Running it empty is a good choice as well, I've had my flier come into play on turn 4 (even though I've had one turn with that 6th power of Divination...2 ones and 1 one. :) ) and the cargo of DC and Dread came about two turns too late.


Then, it's the fastest way to bring a Dread where you want it along with an assault move, a benefit which isn't granted by the drop pod and generally the main reason for me to field a raven.





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I vote Reclusiarch, 5 Death Company, Death Company Dreadnought, if not empty.


BA Reclusiarchs are quite fun, get an infernus on the chaplain, and one on the DC. What more, is that this option is a legal BA army in its own right.


Adding jump packs to the reclusiarch and DC, a couple of infernuses, 1 fist+1power weapon and youre almost at 750pts...


Also, the extremem low model count means you can lavish time on each one, and painting the allies will not detract from the main army.

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