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I had a squad of five scouts deployed behind an Aegis defence line between 12 and 18 inches away from my opponent.


They were positioned behind the large parts of the defence line, so that only gun barrels could be seen.


By what i can tell from the LoS rules, they count as not being able to be seen.





My opponent argued that since i could draw line of sight through the gun-slits in the defence line to his units, he could also see me, and i could not infiltrate. Is this true?


On another note, since i could not be seen, could i fire through these gun slits without fear of retaliation?




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From the PoV of each of his units, everything but the gun barrels were hidden from sight. The barricades were placed in one of the corners of the board, so there was noone behind them.
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The gun barrels hsould not have counted for LOS purposes, but there is no physical way you could have LOS through the gun slits, without those same models having LOS to you unless you spend 15 minutes with a laser pointer adjusting each and every model.
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In that case you couldn't because he could see you, unless every part of the model was hidden from sight.

LOS must be to the body of a model, not wings, gun barrels, massive giant ear lobes....


The gun barrels hsould not have counted for LOS purposes, but there is no physical way you could have LOS through the gun slits, without those same models having LOS to you unless you spend 15 minutes with a laser pointer adjusting each and every model.



and yeah, GC8 has it about right here.

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