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Nightlords Warband Concept

space wolf

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1000heathens: wow, you're awesome if i haven't said so before. :D


The space wolf: love the background, and the short story. please, write more! :lol:

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Sgt Kador of 1st Company, grinned beneath his helmet. Hidden in the immense duct system of the planetary capital building, he crouched above a grate, as he watched his prey bicker in the room below. Hysteric cries of, "We are doomed!" could be heard from many of the portly, planetary nobles. These were quickly silenced by those that still had the backbone to keep their wits about them. The nobles had congregated in the reception chamber. Used by the planetary governor, for greeting foreign dignitaries. It was a massive, rectangular, hall. Resplendent with marble floors and gold guilded columns, a dais stood opposite the door, upon which a massive marble thrown stood. Upon this dais was a menagerie of carnage. Pools of congealing blood slowly crept from an eight foot pile of naked corpses. Covered in gore and viscera from the shredded bodies, the pile was topped with over thirty severed heads, all belonging to children no older than fourteen.


Kador watched with glee as shrieks of anguish erupted from the group of nobles. It had finally dawned on them, that these were their family members: wives, daughters and sons. It was time to make himself known, ++Sevras, hit the power++ he voxed through his helm. Sevras, was assigned to infiltrate the power hub for the capital city and shut down the power on Kador's signal. With the power off, the rest of 2nd claw would do their work. Strategically placed all over the capital, the true carnage was about to begin.


To the nobles great surprise the room became shrouded in darkness. Silently, Kador slipped through the vent, and landed among the surprised and blind nobles with a stone cracking thud. He grabbed the closest noble, and with his mighty strength ripped his head off. Blood spurted from the dead nobles headless neck, covering the remaining nobles in plasma. Kador could smell the fear rising in the group. Many already terrified beyond rational thought, they just stood their frozen in a puddle of their own urine. To add to the hysteria, Kador let out a maniacal chuckle, then went to work. Ripping each noble apart with his bare hands, one at a time. Taking his time, killing them one by one as they scattered in the dark, he let the terror build in delicious cacophony of screams and ripping flesh. The last one, shivering and blind in the darkness, still managed to maintain some semblance of composure and call out to the darkness. "Why didn't you just kill us. Isn't that what the Emperor sent you to do? Why all this?"Amused by the bravery of the man, Kador answered in a whisper. "Because, you are not important. We are the terror the Emperor sends to keep the rest in line."


The remaining noble sunk to his knees, just at the cusp of insanity. "But why do this, why not just kill us all! Why not just destroy us from orbit?"


Kador chuckled, "because the message we send is not death. It is fear! There are worse things than death, as you will find out." The noble screamed as he was lifted into the air and tossed over a massive pauldron.




Kador awoke. Alert immediately. The skin on his forehead, where the psy-probes had be inserted into his head, ached and itched. He was strapped into a solid iron medical recliner. Mechanicus Adepts monitored machines with complex graphs and moving charts. A lone VIIIth Legion Apothecary stood in the corner monitoring what seemed to be his heart rate and blood pressure. In front of him stood a mortal with ash grey skin. Flaxen hair draped her shoulders in two thick braids. She had a cold countenance. The psychic hood covering the top half of her face in shadow. "I see, so this moment you are particularly proud of...why?" she asked.


Kador smiled, "It was a brilliant piece of strategy. The same thing happened in every major city on the planet. We then launched three survivors to each planet within the system. Through a little brain surgery they were compelled to tell the story, over and over again. It insured that the rest of the system stayed in line. Not a bad for a Sergeant, wouldn't you agree. And I have my Captain to thank for deciding to implement it. Though I don't know what paging through my memories has to do with promoting me to deal with your kind." He said with a sneer.


"You've been promoted to Chaplain. You are supposed to be the epitome of you're legion. And your legion IS terror. But how can one cause true terror, without knowing what that is? We are here to rectify this. And we will start with this."


The woman pushed a button on her datapad, and Kador screamed in surprise and pain as the chair came alive with a strong electrical current...




Well what do we think? Does this work?

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