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Night Lord's Question


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I was hoping you all could provide some information concerning the Night Lords. I was wondering what cultural group pre heresy Night Lord names come from?


I did some research using the names from the Night Lords novel series and I have found a smattering of everything. Names with German, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, Spanish, etc origins. So are Night Lord names just a hodge podge and just go with something that sounds cool or is this just some artistic license on the part of the series author?


I did a bit more research into Nostromo and it turns out it and the Night Lords are all heavily taken from stories written by an author named Conrad (origin of Konrad's name). However all that research netted me was information on where GW got the idea. Which just pushed me more in the direction of the hodge podge of cool sounding names.


Thanks in advance!

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They don't really hail from any one culture but rather from a mixture. Most of the names I use are Slavic in origin, with a frew Greek names thrown in there. Just mix and match the names you like best. The style ADB took I believe is sort of Mafia-eske. Yes alot of the Night Lords' origins is from the guy Conrad. If I were you I'd do some Night Lord searchies here on the B&C and see what you come up with. It would probably be quite a bit of reading but it sounds like that's the best way, without typing a walls of text to aid you.
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Everyone's take on the Night Lords is a little different, and every one of them is possible, considering Nostramo was a whole world of potentially mixed culture at it's inception. I perfer a mixture of every major (and a few minor) crime syndicates in our world's history; Sicilian Mafia, Japanese Yakuza, Irish Mob, Singh gangs, Thuggee, etc. I found a nice blend makes for a great group of psychopaths.
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GW are famous for just taking names they think are cool, often there is no etymological shared origin for their names. Sometimes they'll pick a theme, sometimes they just make it up (often quite randomly).


This might help?


Umbrea Insidior - strike cruiser

Zso Sahaal Talonmaster - chosen chapter master of Konrad Cruz, first and creator of the raptors.

Mordax Tenebrae - Zso's ornate bolter (Dark's bite)

Unguis Raptus - Raptor command company, also Zso's lightning claws.

Vastitas Victris - Night Lords warship

Preysight - Magnification view in marine helmets

Quissax Kergai - Master of the armoury (scoured Launeus Forgeworld crippling the Trigonym sector)

Vyridium Silvadi - Lord of the fleet (bombarded Raven guard for 5 days at Istvaan drop massacre).

Koor Mass - Captain encassed in Dreadnaught armour during the Heresy.

Krieg Acerbus - youngest captain, Axe master (power axe), The head-taker.

Corona Nox Konrad Cruz's crown - Made of adamantium with a bloodstone in a platinum setting at the brow, a crown of thorns with 2 needle straight horns with jagged-edges. Imbued with Night Haunters divine essence.


above is from entries in Lord of the Night by simon spurrier.


Ur Curlon - Night lord veteran infantry squad with bat wing on helm.

Rad Urzon - Night lord veterans purity seals "unique"

Pa Gurbod - Night lord landraider MKII

Kon Drayur - Night lord tactical squad

Ka Permode - Night lord battery squad (heavy bolter and lascannon tarantulas)


above are from the Sabretooth Games Cards


- Dallas

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I was pondering over the naming conventions while reading ADB's books. There seems to be a general trend to names with "ooo" and "aaa" sounds.








Szo Saaahaaal


You get my point.


Example name I'm about to make up: Tarnek Mardroon.

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