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flyers/ reserves/limit


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Does a flyer count against the 50% limit for reserving units? because it is compulsory....


Eg, a necrons army with 3 doomscythes and 4-5 nightscythes, all flyers, all reserving...is it legal?


my stormravens tend to force my assault squads to footslog with their JPs and not deepstrike....

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Flyers do not count for the 50% on table/50% reserves, they are removed from the equation before percentages are calculated


In the example you gave (the french breakfast), although the formation is legal, they must take a non-flyer unit as you are not permitted to start the game with 0 units on the table unless you're daemons


and, in the example of storm ravens and assault squads, the stormravens should not prevent the assault squads going in reserve, and if you do run out of reserves space, ram them in the stormravens and take them out of the equation completely

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Only dedicated transports can force a unit into reserve and remove it from the 50/50 pool. Putting a unit in a slot-taking transport doesn't take it out of the equation.



As far as I know you're within you rights to start the game with nothing on the table (drop pod list, for example) but if a turn ends when you have nothing down, you lose. So a drop pod list is ok, since half arrive T1 and most likely something will survive, but pure french breakfast can't arrive from reserves until T2, so you'd lose at the end of T1.

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Haha, good old IG, seemingly the only army properly equipped for 6th.


Its a fragile tactic, but if you can set something on the table as a placeholder for two turns, half a dozen flyers is going to be more than most forces can handle.


Especially if they're all Vendetta's... I agree with IG part. That amount flamers, plasma, melta they can spam with veterans and special weapons teams and sheer amount of autocannons they can spam with heavy weapon teams, squads in platoons, amount of scoring troops, vehicle squadrons. IG is currently only army that is made for 6th edition and can threat flyers without quadguns and other special skyfire weapons and such if they have enough autocannons. If IG gets flakk missiles with their new codex for their missile launchers, it means marines pretty much can retire their storm talons, unless storm talons / stormravens or flyers comming can be squaded like in IG codex...

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