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Remaking a Night Lord army


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Hello B&C. I've started a little night lord warband some time ago, but now, with the fact that a new chaos 'dex seems on the way soon, i'm tempted to update it.

I'm thinking of adding a small troop of rubric marine to my force, as the rumours says they will become cheaper and more viable. However i'd like to make my force as unaligned as possible, so my idea was to use a sorcerer, painted in the color of the night lord, leading a troop of fallen marine held together by dark magic, like if the sorcerer was moving the armor with his power. Kind of like Rubric marine style, but without the traditional egyptian headress. i'd pose them in undead-like poses, slumping, hunched, etc, to show that they are only suit of armour and not living being.

How does that sound? Too Thousans-sons maybe ? Also i'm wondering, should I paint them as fallen night lord, fallen ennemies of various chapter of the imperium, imperial armor but defiled?


Feedback greatly appreciated.

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Totally up to you man.


If your Sorceror is a purist maybe he refuses to use anything other than Night Lords as his troops, or maybe he enjoys the insult to his fallen brothers in using them as puppets after their death.


On the other side, maybe he relishes the thought of using the Imperium's troops against their own allies, or respects his brothers too much to use them in such a way. Or he tries to but the leader of the warband has ordered him not to because they need to recover the geneseed etc.


Either way it's a cool modelling opportunity for some battle damage, where each count-as Rubric has some different fatal wound (cut in half, shot in the head, missing limbs, etc.)

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It could work, but do remember that all of Ahriman's coven were banished with him, after which they went their separate ways, most of them eventually hooking up with other legions and warbands. A mercenary Tzeentch sorcerer formerly of the thousand sons, along with his bodyguard of rubric marines, would not be at all out of place in a Night Lords warband. The sorcerer would provide valuable services (prognostication, psychic interrogation, & mental manipulation) all of which would be quite valuable to the Night Lords in their terror attacks, and the warband would provide the sorcerer safety, a power base, and the opportunity to get close to valuable relics and artifacts protected by the forces the Night Lords target.


Additionally, rubric marines are immortal, or at least what little remains of their spirits are. When their armor is destroyed they don't 'die', their spirt merely floats around suspended in the warp waiting to be called back by name. Thousand Sons sorcerers know the rituals and the names needed to bind these spirits back into empty suits of armor, returning them to 'life' and binding them to the sorcerers' service. It's entirely possible that a Night Lords sorcerer, particularly one willing enter into bargains with Tzeentch's daemons, could learn the spells and some of the names, allowing the creation of a rubric squad by a sorcerer not originally of the Thousand Sons.


Either way, it might be worth considering just having an actual Thousand Sons squad in your Night Lords force if that's what you want, without resorting to a potentially confusing counts as option. Such a unit could be painted in Thousand Sons colors matching their original loyalities, or in night Lords colors matching their current affiliations.



Also, if it's purely game play effect that's inspiring this, it might be worth waiting until the new book is released. Some rumors don't have the Sons getting cheaper at all, just gaining soulfire instead, a largely cosmetic special rule. That could leave them as they are now - rather overpriced and highly situational.

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Also, if it's purely game play effect that's inspiring this, it might be worth waiting until the new book is released. Some rumors don't have the Sons getting cheaper at all, just gaining soulfire instead, a largely cosmetic special rule. That could leave them as they are now - rather overpriced and highly situational.


Which would be too bad as I'm currently thinking about building a TS squad from some old loyalist marines. The idea of a sorcerer buinding the souls of his fallen enemies to make rubrics = win. ;)

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