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Hellbrute Conversions


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I'm not sure that all of us are following the rumor threads or putting great stock in what they have to say currently, but it does seem that some pieces of information are coming through as true. One such thing being hellbrutes, which are in the new box set, which has pictures leaked at this point.


Now it is yet (as of this posting) speculation as to whether or not the hellbrute will be replacing our dreadnaughts entirely, but it is not speculation that they are going to look similar. So it's time to do what we do best and convert some old models to new ones.


So I propose we shock the world and use the internets for something useful, helpful, and creative (to our community) and share some ideas on the new models that we undoubtedly will be making. Most especially if the dreadnaughts are going to all become hellbrutes, perhaps there will be a few easy steps to sort of go from A to B. Since I've already seen a few people saying they are off to the workbench on this matter, I hope we can get some great ideas and pictures moving through so our fellow chaos players can see what they like, don't like, and post their own work.


In the spirit of starting it off, I've already started to make a conversion that's not terribly far along, but heading that way. I took the dreadnaught from the Assault on Black Reach kit and began modification.


So far I've cut away the loyalist symbols and fit some of the armor plates from the chaos sprues over or into place as the case may be. Spikes and skulls greenstuff'd onto the shins. It's a humble start, but it has to start somewhere.

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Very nice. Keep up the good work! :unsure:


Not to be too much of a wet blanket or anything, but "Hellbrute" just seems to be another name for Chaos Dreadnought, and mutation's not a necessary part of the package. See here, specifically this excerpt -


The fluff entry also mentions that some Hell Brutes are not as mutated as others, and more closely resemble their dreadnought kin, but to make no mistake they are just as insane.


(So you can still use your old models if you have them. The hellbrute is just the evolution of the whole "style" for the new CSM, which is a lot less "space marine with spikes" and a lot more something unique).

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To agree with Lex, I'll also add that we've seen the rumoured rules for the Helbrute, and they're essentially the same as an updated Dreadnought. Same armour, a walker, powerfist on one side, gun on the other, options to swap those around. Unless they're going to have two near-identical units in the list, they're not in addition to Dreadnoughts, and they're too similar to be "replacing" them.
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I do realize that all of what has been said is true, or at least as close as we can get to the truth without the proof that the codex will bring upon release. I'm just a little more interested to see what we the [creative] players do with the new ideas we have to work with. Keeping your old dreadnaught exactly how it's been since 3rd Edition is a completely valid way to deal with the expected change, but disappointingly bland B)
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Very nice. Keep up the good work! :)


Not to be too much of a wet blanket or anything, but "Hellbrute" just seems to be another name for Chaos Dreadnought, and mutation's not a necessary part of the package. See here, specifically this excerpt -


The fluff entry also mentions that some Hell Brutes are not as mutated as others, and more closely resemble their dreadnought kin, but to make no mistake they are just as insane.


(So you can still use your old models if you have them. The hellbrute is just the evolution of the whole "style" for the new CSM, which is a lot less "space marine with spikes" and a lot more something unique).


So its Space Marines with more mutations and complete evil dogma rivaling the old Rogue Trader Berserkers with baby feet on their helmets?


As if we need another generalization like the "everyone's a Warband", a dying breed and a figment of what they once were cobbled together in the 4th.

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Very nice. Keep up the good work! ;)


Not to be too much of a wet blanket or anything, but "Hellbrute" just seems to be another name for Chaos Dreadnought, and mutation's not a necessary part of the package. See here, specifically this excerpt -


The fluff entry also mentions that some Hell Brutes are not as mutated as others, and more closely resemble their dreadnought kin, but to make no mistake they are just as insane.


(So you can still use your old models if you have them. The hellbrute is just the evolution of the whole "style" for the new CSM, which is a lot less "space marine with spikes" and a lot more something unique).


So its Space Marines with more mutations and complete evil dogma rivaling the old Rogue Trader Berserkers with baby feet on their helmets?


As if we need another generalization like the "everyone's a Warband", a dying breed and a figment of what they once were cobbled together in the 4th.



That's exactly what they're not aiming for, whether they pull it off or not? Time will tell. I'm stoked to be getting renamed and new units rather than Chaos *insert Imperial vehicle here *


- Dallas

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I'm glad to see a stronger unified identity for chaos, less distinction from one chaos group to another is a small price to pay in my mind to see more distinction of chaos from imperials, and better definition of chaos as a faction of its own rather than an arbitrary conglomerate of largely unrelated groups.


This project has inspired me to take apart my own FW dread in preparation of some conversion work to make it bigger & more mutated. Along the way I'll also be giving it a magnetized banner pole & main gun arm, allowing me to swap between Tzeentch dual flamers, Khornate or slaaneshi dual melee weapons, and undivided or nurgle bucher or reaper cannon.

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Anyone thinking maybe the Hellbrute is the equivalent of a Venerable Dread for Loyalists?

That way it keeps the regular Chaos Dreads ( I can't see GW forcing people to change Dreads they own already etc) and gains a unique unit for the Chaos ranks.



*edit* lol never mind :/ guess I should actually read that linky from further up where it gives the stats etc before speaking ;)

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It looks pretty neat!


When i saw the leaked pic I started thinking of using bits from the Chaos Spawn kit as I recall it having some pretty nice heads, sprouts and tentacles.

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I'm glad to see a stronger unified identity for chaos, less distinction from one chaos group to another is a small price to pay in my mind to see more distinction of chaos from imperials, and better definition of chaos as a faction of its own rather than an arbitrary conglomerate of largely unrelated groups.


This project has inspired me to take apart my own FW dread in preparation of some conversion work to make it bigger & more mutated. Along the way I'll also be giving it a magnetized banner pole & main gun arm, allowing me to swap between Tzeentch dual flamers, Khornate or slaaneshi dual melee weapons, and undivided or nurgle bucher or reaper cannon.


It makes me want to convert a Defiler or Dreadnought/Hellbrute into a AA Gun.

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This project has inspired me to take apart my own FW dread in preparation of some conversion work to make it bigger & more mutated. Along the way I'll also be giving it a magnetized banner pole & main gun arm, allowing me to swap between Tzeentch dual flamers, Khornate or slaaneshi dual melee weapons, and undivided or nurgle bucher or reaper cannon.


Sounds like a pretty big task. I hope you bring us pictures :lol: Speaking of which, I should post some up soon as well. Progress has been made.




I started to build in the soul cage on front just because i actually think that's a little more metal than the mutated head. There is some greenstuff yet to go in there to make all the surfaces nice and even, but so far so good (as long as i can work around that trim). Also, you can see the flamer I made to fit. It was the combi flamer attachment from a rhino, but with a little cut-and-flip, it was almost the perfect size to fit in the bolter slot.

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^^^ Nice Progress you have there! Definately cant go wrong with the Defiler face plate.


As for the Hell Brute I really do hope its a MC. Also I really hate it how they make all Chaos Dreads insane. I will just wait and see till the new dex arrives before I nerd rage, haha!

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I think you can definitely go wrong with the defiler face plate. I personally think it's looks way to big. A smaller head makes the rest of the mode look more bulky, also, big heads in relation to the body give models a somewhat baby-like appearance. But each to their own I guess. Still, I advice anyone converting their dreads to take a look at both the FW and GW dreads, and notice that the heads they use are only slightly larger than normal heads. Actually they are the same size as Terminator heads.


I really wonder if we still get to use our Plasmacannons, twin-heavy bolters and missile launchers on our Drea.... Hellbrutes I mean?


I don't like my plasma cannon dread anymore, with the get hot rule and no snap fire because of blast. I'm seriously considering a twin-reaper instead. That's alot of shots, and the twin-linked makes it quite dangerous when snap firing and when targeting flyers too. I can't wait for the new codex! ;)

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Yeah, if you aren't bulking it out in general, the defiler plate might be a bit large.


Totgenboren's kitbash decimator thread may be good for some inspiration, particularly his butcher cannon. Looking at the FW model, it's basically a reaper cannon with a drum feed, and Tot's done basically exactly what I plan to do for the gun - just stick the two parts of the defiler reaper cannon together (I was so stoked when I found I still had one of those guns lying around!), and slap some ammo drums on it in place of the ammo belts.

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I have a unassembled Dread from one of the Assault on Black Reach boxes I bought. I'll start to convert it into a hellbrute. I'll begin with the Chaos Lord/Sorcerer spare bits I have.

There are books, horns/spikes, etc... maybe I could make a decent model.


Do you have any suggestion for making some tentacles with green stuff? Just "rolling it up" until it acquire a tentacle-like appearance? It seems too easy...


Anyway I think I'll buy at least 3 Dark Vengeance boxes (It has been some month since the last time I made a huge 40k purchase, now the time has finally come ;) ) and if I succeed in converting the AoBR Dread I'll have 4 Hellbrutes (maybe I'll need them for 2 FOC 2000pts matches)

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Do you have any suggestion for making some tentacles with green stuff? Just "rolling it up" until it acquire a tentacle-like appearance? It seems too easy...


I'm a fan of octopus-like tentacles, and they are fairly easy to do. Just take some metal wire and shape it into the form you want your tentacle to have. Then take a thin string of greenstuff and press it to the side you want to be the 'inside' of the tentacle. When that is dry, you take a bigger roll of greenstuff and wrap around the outside and sides of the tentacle, so that you can see your first roll of greenstuff on the inside, but the outside is covered with greenstuff. Make this smooth and nice looking, preferably thicker at the base and progressivly thinner as you reach the end. When this is dry, make small balls of greenstuff and attach along the inside of the tentacle, on the first roll you made.


A somewhat dark pic, but maybe you can see what I mean?



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Plain Tentacles


, though I think Totgenboren's look better (and would look better still if you put some dimples in the suckers with a pencil or something).


tentacles w/ wire support. note that, unlike greenstuff tentacles without wire support, you can make ribbed tentacles by pressing notches around these with a hobby knife. It's a pain in the butt, though, so I don't really recommend it.


. at around us$20, it's only worth it if you're going to use it a lot. Here's a review. Also good for power cables, though pewter cables can be purchased here, and are easier to work with than guitar strings or greenstuff, even with a tool like this.
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Do you have any suggestion for making some tentacles with green stuff? Just "rolling it up" until it acquire a tentacle-like appearance? It seems too easy...


I'm a fan of octopus-like tentacles, and they are fairly easy to do. Just take some metal wire and shape it into the form you want your tentacle to have. Then take a thin string of greenstuff and press it to the side you want to be the 'inside' of the tentacle. When that is dry, you take a bigger roll of greenstuff and wrap around the outside and sides of the tentacle, so that you can see your first roll of greenstuff on the inside, but the outside is covered with greenstuff. Make this smooth and nice looking, preferably thicker at the base and progressivly thinner as you reach the end. When this is dry, make small balls of greenstuff and attach along the inside of the tentacle, on the first roll you made.


A somewhat dark pic, but maybe you can see what I mean?




Thanks for the tutorial :D

I just made an attempt and I completed the first stage. Now I have to await it to dry.

Do you have any particular suggestion for the metal wire or every kind of metal wire is ok?


I don't know if I my first attempt will be very successful but your tentacle seems perfect for a Slaanesh-themed Hellbrute.... nice job, indeed ;)




Plain Tentacles


, though I think Totgenboren's look better (and would look better still if you put some dimples in the suckers with a pencil or something).


tentacles w/ wire support. note that, unlike greenstuff tentacles without wire support, you can make ribbed tentacles by pressing notches around these with a hobby knife. It's a pain in the butt, though, so I don't really recommend it.


. at around us$20, it's only worth it if you're going to use it a lot. Here's a review.. Also good for power cables, though pewter cables can be purchased here, and are easier to work with than guitar strings or greenstuff, even with a tool like this.


Thank you Malisteen, more tutorial... it seems tentacles are somehow popular ;)

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If you're going to be doing a lot of delicate greenstuff work, I recommend finding a non-stick working surface (art stores should have some wax papery stuff for sculptors), and getting some vasaline or hand lotion (works better to prevent sticking on hands/tools than water), along with a box of cheap latex gloves to avoid fingerprinting. Of course, you may get some odd looks at the store when you roll up to the cashier with a jar of vasaline and box of latex gloves....
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If you're going to be doing a lot of delicate greenstuff work, I recommend finding a non-stick working surface (art stores should have some wax papery stuff for sculptors), and getting some vasaline or hand lotion (works better to prevent sticking on hands/tools than water), along with a box of cheap latex gloves to avoid fingerprinting. Of course, you may get some odd looks at the store when you roll up to the cashier with a jar of vasaline and box of latex gloves....


Yes, it could be a little odd...


By the way I suceeded in adding a Daemon Prince hand to the dread's body for a more "bio-mechanical" look. I glued a flamer/heavy flamer (depends on the unit's opinion).

I added some chaos bits and now I'm awaiting for the tentacles to dry.

For my first attempt I opted for the "easier" tentacle type.... I could add more detailed ones in future... :)

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I think you can definitely go wrong with the defiler face plate. I personally think it's looks way to big. A smaller head makes the rest of the mode look more bulky, also, big heads in relation to the body give models a somewhat baby-like appearance. But each to their own I guess. Still, I advice anyone converting their dreads to take a look at both the FW and GW dreads, and notice that the heads they use are only slightly larger than normal heads. Actually they are the same size as Terminator heads.

Well I took a look at Scrambles the Death Dealer and begrudgingly realized that you are right. So I went back to the forges of evil in my kitchen and worked out a way to get a smaller head on.. it wasn't easy, but it does look good to have the smaller head, and it finishes out the sarcophagus more, which was something I sort of wanted to make look good.

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I think you can definitely go wrong with the defiler face plate. I personally think it's looks way to big. A smaller head makes the rest of the mode look more bulky, also, big heads in relation to the body give models a somewhat baby-like appearance. But each to their own I guess. Still, I advice anyone converting their dreads to take a look at both the FW and GW dreads, and notice that the heads they use are only slightly larger than normal heads. Actually they are the same size as Terminator heads.

Well I took a look at Scrambles the Death Dealer and begrudgingly realized that you are right. So I went back to the forges of evil in my kitchen and worked out a way to get a smaller head on.. it wasn't easy, but it does look good to have the smaller head, and it finishes out the sarcophagus more, which was something I sort of wanted to make look good.


Post a pic! :devil:

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