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Hellbrute Conversions


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can do


I have included all modified parts to date in the pic. The flamer/mele arm might stay about how it is right now. I like the claws on the end, so I'll sharpen them up a bit once the green stuff sets completely, and though I've been back and forth about modifying the plate armor at the "shoulder", I don't think I will, as most of my current army has a crisp look, which I like. The other arm is a reaper autocannon grafted onto the plate armor more or less. After cutting away the purity seal (yuck) and the multimelta parts, it's actually fairly simple to just place whatever in. From what I could see of the Forgeworld business, this seems pretty close to what a butcher cannon should look like. It would have been even better if I could have gotten 4 barrels in, but I don't have an extra termie box around.


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Yes, let's see pics of that arm!


I've been inspired by this thread to start converting my own dread into a proper hellbrute, and I may steal your daemon prince hand ideal.


Feel free to do it.... that0s why forums like this exist... to share ideas ;)

I'm still waiting for the tentacles to dry... I know green stuff require some time to completely dry.

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Plain Tentacles


, though I think Totgenboren's look better (and would look better still if you put some dimples in the suckers with a pencil or something).


tentacles w/ wire support. note that, unlike greenstuff tentacles without wire support, you can make ribbed tentacles by pressing notches around these with a hobby knife. It's a pain in the butt, though, so I don't really recommend it.


. at around us$20, it's only worth it if you're going to use it a lot. Here's a review. Also good for power cables, though pewter cables can be purchased here, and are easier to work with than guitar strings or greenstuff, even with a tool like this.


Good tutorials, and I agree that the ones I suggested will look better if the suckers are attached with a round pen or similar, to give it a more realistic look. It also looks much better when painting it you use washes, as they will naturally recede into the sucker. The pic I showed was of one of my first tries at making tentacles, so it's a minimum of 8+ years old. ^^


When I was making my Great Cthulhu, I made a bunch of very small tentacles using the above mentioned technique.




And here with proper suckers.



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That Cthulhu head looks amazing. Do you have a thread somewhere with in progress & completed pics of the full model?


Thanks! Yeah, the link in my sig has all the WIP and PIP of him. It starts at page 2, and has some updates for a few pages, then I got stuck on that project, so there is nothing for a few pages, then he turns up on page 12 and 13 again, which contains pics of the finished model.

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That Cthulhu head looks amazing. Do you have a thread somewhere with in progress & completed pics of the full model?


Thanks! Yeah, the link in my sig has all the WIP and PIP of him. It starts at page 2, and has some updates for a few pages, then I got stuck on that project, so there is nothing for a few pages, then he turns up on page 12 and 13 again, which contains pics of the finished model.


It's a truly amazing work!

You are a very capable green stuff sculptor. Congratulations!

I made the "simplest version" of tentacles... I'm not skilled as you are so I decided to start from the simple stuff.


You should join some "army competition" (army on parade style) with your models. They will receive high praise. :yes:

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I like the use of the daemon prince arm. It's coming along pretty well, I think.


Thanks :P


I'm unsure on the next stage. I was thinking about adding some tentacles and one or two horrors' arms. I coud glue additional spikes but it seems they are already present in fair number. :)


Any suggestion?

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I'd definitely add some tentacles or other mutated bits to it. At the moment, the Daemon Prince arm looks a little out of place.


Actually the arm is emerging from the Dread's body :lol:

Anyway I'll add some horror's arm, I'll put some liquid green stuff when the orginal DCCW was in order to create a less smooth surface and the add the tentacles. They are still drying.

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Well I recall from a quote from the blog that HellBrutes are on their way to becoming some form of Demon. So the arm in a way marks some progress.


That's what I thought :wub:

I also read some are less mutated then others. This could exaplain the "Dread-like aspect" of our conversions.... just a thought...

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nice work guys. im aiming to get 2 hell brutes on sat so one will see alot of conversion to mak it fit better with the iron warriors. probably something along the lines of my scratch build...


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did you green stuff a mustache onto your dread....?



This could quite possibly be the best idea ever. An army devoted to the mustache... I'm not sure that I would personally be comfortable putting a handlebar mustache on all my marines, though. Maybe top hats would make it better.


Awesome use of bitz, brother nathan

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I had a buddy about a year ago make a possesed dread a lot like Shepards, I would attempt to rip up the are around the daemon arm, maybe even make a nice jagged hole and stick the arm inside there. That's what he did, though it was a right arm w/out shoulder plate, but it looked awesome.
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