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Need a new army


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I am entering a tournament at work, with guys I manage mostly.

Problem is, i stopped playing 40k a while ago and dont really have a playable army of anyhthing.


I have decided to enter anyway and so I need to put together a force that is


1) fairly cheap - i dont plan on playing except at these twice yearly tournaments

2) as small as possible - model count as i have less than 2 months to paint them.


Not to bothered about being optimised - I dont expect to win the tournament as some of these guys play a lot - and fluffy/interesting would be appreciated i am sure.


Any help would be appreciated.



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Go with a deathwing army giving the realse of the new starter it will give you a soild base.

You can still pick up aobr term on eBay for cheap.

Than to off set your cost sell the bits you don't want I am sure those hellburts and cults will be going on eBay. Plus that limited edition chap will fetch a good price

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Well, if you want a chaos force...I'd go with deathguard. Nothing gets expensive like Nurgle Marines...but they are very easy to play, and really tough to kill... Just take a demon prince of nurgle then spam plague marines with melta/plas in rhinos. Then just add some big guns for Heavy Support and your set.
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Well... chaos marines isn't necessarily the best choice here, since we're about to get a new codex and that will likely change things considerably.


That said, if you're going for interesting & low model count, Thousand Sons is a strong theme with an interesting look and high points cost models that will fill up your army quickly. With the new ally rules you can throw in some supporting Tzeentch daemons for additional visual interest and thematic value.


I'm thinking maybe a couple units of thousand sons in rhinos, some tzeentch marked terminators, a tzentch terminator HQ, a battle tank of some style (predator, defiler, whatever) or maybe a couple oblits, with allies including a lord of change, some flamers, two squads of horrors, some screamers, and a tzeentch daemon prince. You could run it as marines allied with daemons, or daemons allied with marines.



Otherwise, my go to recommendation is Black Legion. Rumor is Abaddon will make Chosen troops, and there's some chosen in the new starter box. Maybe grab a couple starter boxes worth of chaos, and try Abby, termie bodyguard, two units of chosen in rhinos, two largish units of cultists, a couple dreadnoughts and a defiler? Maybe with a bastion or ADL for anti-air?



If you're considering other factions, grey knights can function with a low model count, and necrons are fast and easy, and their flier army is strong right now - most of your army would consist of half a dozen or so vehicles.

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What I like in our board is that everytime someone wants to do something new with Chaos, we always tell him "You know man, we may get a codex pretty soon, so you should wait".

And we're doing that since 2011. Maybe even 2010.

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What I like in our board is that everytime someone wants to do something new with Chaos, we always tell him "You know man, we may get a codex pretty soon, so you should wait".

And we're doing that since 2011. Maybe even 2010.


Not really. 2011, most of us were still saying for competitive play go x2 lash dps, PMs, zerks, oblits etc. Or for fluffy whatever you want. Just 2012 that I've started saying it and that's mostly been in the spring/summer.

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Well, ye olde chaos codex has had something of a crazy shiftaround of usefullness and points value amongst the units. With the new psychic powers even Thousand Sons have a place in the lists! Flyers require a torrent of shots to take down, thus enabling havocs to be more effective.


...and so on and so forth. Yeah, the new codex is coming soon, but there are some things that an army still needs...standard marines...

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1) fairly cheap - i dont plan on playing except at these twice yearly tournaments

2) as small as possible - model count as i have less than 2 months to paint them.


So, a chaos army that matches those criteria? You're probably looking at Abaddon, some termie champions and a land raider. That's half your army right there, and black legion is pretty easy to paint.


Add troops to taste. Plague marines are looking very good for holding objectives, so 1 unit of them with 2xplasma guns. A vindicator will always be fun, then find another troops choice.


Pretty much any of the undivided legions can be run this way. Pick the warband/legion colour scheme you like the most.

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In 2011 I was telling people "don't play chaos - the book is boring as hell with no relief in sight.



Anyway, rumors are plague marines won't be troops in an army including Abaddon, so if you go with Abby I'd stick to generic marines for troops.

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