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Bolster Defences Differences in FAQs


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In the 6th ed FAQs for Blood Angels & grey knights, the Bolster Defences rule now allows you to bolster a non-ruin terrain piece.


...I can't find this in the space marine FAQ ...is this right? can vanilla marines not bolster anything but ruins while other armies can bolster most stuff?

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It's an error.


Follow the instructions in the FAQ to the letter, and you will see that it replaces the restriction on bolstering multiple times, and fails to replace the example sentence that it was intended to replace. It's all jacked up. I fully expect that the error will be corrected in the next round of updates.

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It's alright, Blood Angels Techmarines aren't Independent Characters like Codex ones.


If you look at the back of the BRB Techmarines fall under general Space Marines now making them ICs.

Elaborate, because I dont believe you.

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It's alright, Blood Angels Techmarines aren't Independent Characters like Codex ones.


If you look at the back of the BRB Techmarines fall under general Space Marines now making them ICs.

Elaborate, because I dont believe you.



Has this got to do with the reference at the back of the BRB pg 411 inregards to techmarine not having (ch) in there type.

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