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Knights of Blood....

Lord Kallozar

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Hi all. Not too sure if this is the right place to post this but it is a Blood Angels related question, so i thought i would try here.


Anyway, concerning the origins of the Knights of Blood (Chaos warband), I have heard that they are indeed the same as the Blood Angels Successor Chapter of the same name. Is this correct? If so where is the evidence?



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And that is the only evidence - a name issue, nothing more. The Knights of Blood are still Sons of Sanguinius, and while declared traitors by the High Lords of Terra, they are loyal to the Imperium...not its bureaucracy. ;)


The other Knights of Blood are a Chaos Warband and have no relation to the blood of Sanguinius whatsoever.




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The other Knights of Blood are a Chaos Warband and have no relation to the blood of Sanguinius whatsoever.
Unless you want them to...


It is your hobby.


Which makes asking questions about them obsolete if you've already made up your mind about them. From the fluff we have at hand, which isn't much I admit, the Knights of Blood are still true to their Legion and the Primarch, even though they have been excommunicated. ;)




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Tru dat, for want of a better expression.


While they have the same name, they may be the same faction, entirely different, or somewhere in between. Look to the chaos warbands, all of which have varying levels of corruption.


Some, none or all of the knights may have fallen completely to chaos, and these fallen knights may or may not be the same as the ones in C:CSM. The background is what you interpret it to be.


Don't forget that individuals and squads of marines from imperial chapters have fallen to chaos before without the rest of the chapter being declared excommunicate.

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And that is the only evidence - a name issue, nothing more. The Knights of Blood are still Sons of Sanguinius, and while declared traitors by the High Lords of Terra, they are loyal to the Imperium...not its bureaucracy. ;)


The other Knights of Blood are a Chaos Warband and have no relation to the blood of Sanguinius whatsoever.





As a Knight of Blood I appreciate your distinction ^_^

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Well, Lord Kallozar, I am checking the Blood Angels Codex. They are Blood Angels Successors but they have been deemed renegade at the beginning of M41.

They have, however not turn to Chaos (is written in the codex).

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The Knights of Blood chapter actually are on record as having come to the defense of Baal against the Tyranid fleet, although they avoided contacting any other chapters while deployed.


The Lamenters, while a cool chapter, actually didn't help out (one of the few BA successor not to show up) but you can probably chalk that up to their numbers being so decimated at the moment.


The BA successor Knights of Blood for that reason alone don't really strike me as having anything to do with a Chaos warband. They are just a tad too enthusiastic about killing for the Inquisition's taste.







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If you squint, and hold each book a bit sideways, the paint schemes are strikingly similar. Silver on the bottom running to blood red up top. One is just... more stylized.


I always fancied the Chaos group as how the rest of theImpetium see them, and the Blood Angels group as how they and others scions of Sanguinious see them. Both are valid, yet differing, fluffy interpretations of an excommunicated 'trator' marine chapter.

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