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Traitor Guard/Cultists/slaves for Khorne

Lord Kallozar

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Hi all,


Going by the fluff given about the followers of the Blood God, the warriors are raging madmen who slaughter their way across the galaxy purely to collect skulls. So with this in mind would it be fluffy for Khorne aligned warbands to have the sense enough to enslave Imperial Guardsmen and turn them traitor guard? Or would Khorne warbands also have sense enough to utilise and convert populations into Khorne cultists? Finally, would Khorne warbands utilise and capture slaves, or would they just butcher any mortal they see? If they did capture slaves, what would they use the slaves for?



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Yes, they use slaves. Those ships and landers don't crew themselves (well, some do, but not all). Besides, you need a few sacrifices around when times get rough and there aren't enemies around and you have to appease your messy angry god.


Followers of the blood god, even Khorne Berzerkers, are not "KILLMAIMBURNKILLMAIMBURN" all the time. That is pretty much just Khârn, who, as we have seen in the short story in the chaos dex, kinda freaks out the other 'zerkers.

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I see it differently than whythre.

I do think there can be some khornate brotherhoods, Space marines and humans bound by the will to spill blood in the name Khorne, and I'd say that's a pretty common thing. Tribes from feral worlds or highly trained soldiers like the Blood Pact, everyone of them is a servant of Khorne, just like Berzerkers.

So yes, a Khorne aligned warband makes perfect sense will traitor guard and cultists.

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I see it differently than whythre.

I do think there can be some khornate brotherhoods, Space marines and humans bound by the will to spill blood in the name Khorne, and I'd say that's a pretty common thing. Tribes from feral worlds or highly trained soldiers like the Blood Pact, everyone of them is a servant of Khorne, just like Berzerkers.

So yes, a Khorne aligned warband makes perfect sense will traitor guard and cultists.

I didn't mean that they only use the slaves for crewing ships and sacrifices . . . sorry if it came off that way. The galaxy is a big place! I am sure many warbands use Vesper's methods- they'd make a good recruitment pool too.

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