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Bombs and aircraft


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So, I was browsing through the 40k rules for bombs, and it says under Bombs and Bombing Runs that they can only be dropped in the Movement Phase, and you can only drop 1 per turn.


That means a Flyer can only drop up to a max of 6 bombs, starting at Turn 2 and on.


Okay, but...what about Flyers with more than 6 bombs? Here are some that can:


- IN Lightning (8)

- Chaos Hall Talon (8)


So, what, are these planes just SOL? You're literally paying points for something you can't use, and in the Chaos flyer's case, it's no even an option...

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Hmmm, interesting. Do either of those units have any special rules pertaining to their bombs that might override the restriction of 1 per turn? Perhaps not the best comparison, but there is a limit on the number of missiles fired as well, yet the Caestus has the Firefury Missile Battery that fires all 4 at once.
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Hmmm, interesting. Do either of those units have any special rules pertaining to their bombs that might override the restriction of 1 per turn?
Unfortunately no. In Apocalypse, then yes they can.


And arent they Apoc only units still???
No. The smaller aircraft I mentioned above are for regular games, but do have Apoc-only upgrades. The bigger warplanes are Apoc-only.


Another thought would be about whether bombs can be a target of a weapon destroyed result?
Yep, the bit on page 74 says the bombs can be taken out by incoming fire. This was something that a club member brought up tonight too, that it means you'll have plenty of bombs to last.


Ah well, weird things.

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