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Cultists anyone?


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I will definatelly take at least two squads of cultists to bolster my numbers. Maybe use them as a screen, maybe use them to capture objectives, maybe let them keep other units busy and not firing in my zerkers as soon as they leave combat.
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This is exactly what I'm planning to do :blink: Cultists are rumoured to be 4pts each, so I could see a 20-man squad with a couple of minor weapons upgrades being little more than 100pts, so it shouldn't eat into your "killy potential" too much. My plan, once the new codex hits, is to take three squads of those and three squads of Berzerkers in Rhinos as my core choices, and then fill out the rest of my points with killy elites choices (probably Daemon Engines and/or Hellbrutes, depending on points costs, etc.).
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Well seems we are all in the same mind on this one.

I'm looking to blag a second set from a buddy of mine as he's a SM player.


Just hope the new box set gives the codex entry? i.e. points and options for the new models and they don't make us wait another month for the new dex.

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Just hope the new box set gives the codex entry? i.e. points and options for the new models and they don't make us wait another month for the new dex.


I asked this question several times in the rumors topic but we didn't reach consensus on the matter.

I suppose will get at least the point cost of the units in the box. Some players said it will be unlikely we'll get all the points cost for any option; just for the ones on the box minis.

For example the Hellbrute's entry should give us the point cost of the base unit but not of any possible upgrade.


Since cultists and Hellbrute are new units I think it would be logical to give us the list of every option so we can add those units to our armies before the new Codex is released.

Otherwise we would be able to play only the "base" units with no upgrade.

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The hellrute is hardly a new unit, it's just a renamed dreadnought...


It has new rules, so it's a new unit. Maybe an evolution of a previous unit but not the very same unit.

Half-n-Half, it takes the place of the previous unit, including its role and its loadouts. Its an upgrade no doubt, it in reality its just a cliche named demon dreadnought. Can't even justify the name for less mutated versions of Chaos Dreadnoughts.

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The hellrute is hardly a new unit, it's just a renamed dreadnought...


It has new rules, so it's a new unit. Maybe an evolution of a previuos unit but not the very same unit.

With that logic almost every single unit are new units when a new codex is released. Oh look, regular CSM have hatred(loyalists) in the new codex, they are a completely new unit! :)


The only new rule it got is rampage. It still has crazed just like before(only changed in this codex too just like in the rest of the codexes), it got a few different equipment options, but that's it...

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However, this topic is about cultists!


I will not use rhinos because in 6th you cannot assault out of them. I will rather make a cultist shield, working just as a rhino plating but with more guns and slower :-)


I like the idea of cc guys with flamers clearing way for my zerkers and guys with heavy stubber on objective.


However, I don't think there will be much of an upgrade to them. I believe there will be Autorifle/shotgun or autopistol+ccw option and one stubber/flamer per 10 models. Why more for a meatshield... these guys are not soldiers, they are cultists, remember?

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The hellrute is hardly a new unit, it's just a renamed dreadnought...


It has new rules, so it's a new unit. Maybe an evolution of a previuos unit but not the very same unit.

With that logic almost every single unit are new units when a new codex is released. Oh look, regular CSM have hatred(loyalists) in the new codex, they are a completely new unit! :wub:


The only new rule it got is rampage. It still has crazed just like before(only changed in this codex too just like in the rest of the codexes), it got a few different equipment options, but that's it...


The point is Hellbrutes and Cultists are not present in the current Codex so we need a "points cost booklet" with the starter if we want play them

Otherwise they can be used only as "count as" models.

Count as Dreads, Count as IG allies.

The point was, once more, to play thos unit not use them as surrogates for other units. In order to do it we need points cost and option.

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The hellbrute can be used as a dreadnought in the current codex, MM+DCCW isn't really unique equipment. A namechange is just that, a change of name, nothing more. You can't really look at previous models either as the last one is one of the oldest current models in the chaos range from 2nd ed and is generally disliked(though it captured the baroque archaic feel they had back then pretty well)...


Cultists have to be used as IG allies though, until the next codex is released.

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I want them to convert into scouts for my Fallout themed army (loyalists) but if need be, they can always be used as cultists..


.. space marine scouts suck both as models, and rule wise right now >.>

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I still hope that FW will make a Blood Pact sprue one time so we can simply buy that and a box of Cadian's mix it with Catachan and call it a Blood Pact.


Still some very cool art:



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Yeah, they just have stat lines atm. The sculpts are fantastic though. And I am in agreement about the objectives and meat shield idea. Rhinos are currently terrible and playing low point games makes it nearly impossible to field my Land Raiders... I can sometimes sneak one in here and there with Zhufor and some termies. I have a hard time playing small games as you can guess. Cultists will be great for me. I intend to field plenty of CCW and Autopistol ones when the time comes. I'm curious what the Squad Leaders are capable of honestly. I'm curious what their transport options will be. Perhaps Rhinos will be a good option for the Cultists. Drive on ahead to harass foes in the distance while Zerkers clamor forth to finish off the prey trapped in my cultist stranglehold. :)
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If you play with Fearless Cult troops long enough suddenly having to take break tests or panic tests or whatever they are called now a days can come as a shock. You think 20 cultists or goblins will take a beating, but with magic, rapid firing weapons, blast markers etc, killing 5 isn't so hard. It also takes a long time to paint the big mobs...


I'm not saying I won't try it. I've got ideas. But one of my ideas is a 5 man plaguemarine squad with say two plasma guns and rhino with a havoc launcher. Drive to the objective. Get out, hide behind the rhino, fire the havoc launcher and/or plasmas. 5 plaguemarines should be about 120 plus toys, comparable in cost to the big cultists mobs. Even if the rhino gets obliterated, it should leave a crater to hide in. I'm thinking 5 plaguemarines might be harder to kill and will never run away.


I'm thinking of using the cultists more as an offensive wave, if they are BS 3 that is better than in IA7 rabble so they should hit half the time or whatever. ;-) But there weapons are so puny, I think I'd rather have the second attack in H2H and just try and tarpit whatever gets in there way. I'm also thinking of putting one of the new minor HQ choices in there to lead and attack sooner... Putting an independent character in the squad and then sitting at the back seems flawed unless there is a long ranger sorcerer power and/or something like the Thunderfire/conversion beamer things that the Tech Marine can have.

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