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Scratch-built/Kitbashed Decimator.


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I just finished my scratch-built/kitbashed Decimator, made from bits of plasticard, green/greystuff and some Defiler & Sentinel parts I had on my desk. I'm quite happy with how it turned out, hope you like it!












I think he got a rather menacing look, though I could probably have beefed up the legs even more.


Tremble puny mortals!




The WIP starts about half-way down this page, for those interested.


I'm testing it out for the first time today, I'm sure it will go *poof* turn one. ;)

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Dead turn one.

That's how fantastic I think it is! ;)

Excellent work, Totgeboren. Love the eyes and tentacles poking through the cracked armour, and your scribblescript is extremely fine and well done.


Tell us how it fares in battle!

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Thanks alot guys! I agree that source lightning would be awesome on the eyes, sadly I still havn't mastered that skill, so no source lightning until I am confindent that I'll not just ruin the face of the model.


Awesome. I think I'll steal part of your butcher cannon idea for my hellbrute conversion.


You do that. Actually, when the rules for the Chaos Contemptor first showed up, I made some argument over at Warseer that I bet that the 'Reaper Autocannon' in the Defiler kit would get new rules, seeing as how it is twice the length and much more bulky than a normal reaper autocannon. Lo and behold when the Butcher Cannon was actually released, it matched the Defiler Reaper more or less perfectly (only having the barrels a bit closer together) size-wise. So I personally think that the 'Reaper Autocannon' in the Defiler kit will officially be a 'Butcher Cannon' when the new codex hits.


I made some comment about the rules probably being in the new codex, but all the replies I got was "GW doesn't use stuff from FW anymore, so no", though I think it's the other way around, that FW got to use the rules for the Butcher Cannon prior to GW releasing official rules for it. I always feels nice to be vindicated. ;D


Pure awesomeness. Got any wip??


At the bottom of the first post. ;)


Dead turn one.

That's how fantastic I think it is! :rolleyes:

Excellent work, Totgeboren. Love the eyes and tentacles poking through the cracked armour, and your scribblescript is extremely fine and well done.


Tell us how it fares in battle!


Thanks, and I played a game last night, sadly I totally forgot to take pics. :(

I used a CSM army with two csm squads, one rhino, an autocannon havoc squad, a Defiler and the Decimator. Supporting them was my Cthulhu daemons (count-as Lord of Change with the small ones counting as Plague Bearers), and some Flamers and Horrors.


I was going up against a mainly mechanised Eldrad plus bike-Farseer Eldar army with some DE allies (he used the small DE fliers, so it was my first time facing a flyer). Damn the DE models are pretty. ^^


Anyway, highlights and lowlight. He got Misfortune and the primaris power on his regular farseer, so that combined with Eldrad made my Dark Apostle and the squad he was with go down faster than I have ever seen! He actually managed to cast Doom and Misfortune on my marines, whilst shooting them with guided Dire Avengers and some snipers. He rerolled failed to-hit and to-wound rolls, and I had to reroll successful saves!


Still, my Great Cthulhu made a vector strike on his new flyer, and with the aid of my autocannon havocs brought it down in one turn. Cthulhu also turned a pathfinder into a Shoggoth, which was fun. :o


The Decimator was so-so I must say. It survived the entire battle, which was impressive as it was fighting it out around the middle of the board. One butcher autocannon at BS3 is not all that I must say, the only things he killed was by using his heavy flamer. Other than that, he was locked up in close combat with Eldrad and some Defend Dire Avengers half the battle, meaning he killed a single Dire Avenger every turn basically. Highlight was when he assaulted the Decimator with three Fire Dragons through terrain, so I naturally attacked them instead of the Dire Avengers. Three attacks, three hits, and three wounds! After that Eldrad and friends broke and ran, though I didn't catch them.


Oh, and never forget the 'Fear' rule that Daemons have! It made a huge difference, is this battle at least, having him hit me on 5+ instead of 3+ and me hitting on 3+ instead of 4+ made a big difference in quite a few close combats.


Having a 5++ save and ignoring weapon destroyed and immoblized on a 5+ was really powerful. The Decimator only lost a single hull point, and that was from a penetrating hit which caused a weapon destroyed, which I ignored.


All in all, I think the 'Best' Decimator is most likely one taken as an ally from the Daemon Codex. That way you get to deploy it via Deep Strike. As a CSM unit, it deploys as normal. It feels a bit cheesy to do it like that, when it obviously belongs to my CSM force, but I'm just saying. Having a hostile Decimator arriving by Deep Strike turn one in your deployment zone means you are in a whole world of trouble. A Decimator over on the other side of the board isn't much to fear.

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Jeezum freakin' Crow, tote, you need to stop being so good at this stuff. Every time I look at the scattered pieces meant to assemble my Word Bearers force, I remember you and Raz and Tzen's stuff, and am just boggled by how to measure up. Your scatchbuilding skills are something else, man, and I love how this thing's legs echo the ancient, Space Crusade-era Dreadnoughts. Amazing work.
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I'm going to be the drizzle on this parade and say that it does look a bit top heavy. However, for something made of plasticard, greenstuff and odd bitz this is pretty amazing :D


Yeah, I acually agree, and as I said in the first post, "I could probably have beefed up the legs even more." I added lots of armour and more mechanical stuff to the sentinel legs, but I'm not sure it was enough. Still, it's not a disaster, but certainly not perfect either. Maybe I'll redo the legs some if I get some good ideas for how to beef them up.

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First, this is simply awesome. I want to start a Guard element for my Chaos Marines force, and it's had me looking at the Sentinel legs, wondering if they would work well for a build like this. I have my answer.


I wouldn't worry too much about the top heavy feel. The Decimator really does have a top heave silhouette, so I think it helps make it no question that this is a counts-as. There's no mistaking what it is, that's for sure.

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Seriously impressive Totegeboren!


Always love seeing your work you have done... Definitely gonna borrow your Butcher Cannon idea for my Hellbrute and may even do a scratchbuilt Deciumator myself....



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Thanks yet again, and for those asking for advice, the main one I have is... be patient. I know it sounds corny, but really, make things take time. Not just 'take your time', but actively don't do a lot of work each evening.

Secondly is to buy greenstuff, and thirdly buy plasticard.


Like, lets say I'm making a leg. First I make the basic leg, lets say that takes an evening or two. Then I attach the armour. That's one more evening. Then I do the edges of the armour. When that is done, I do the small 'spikes' that make it look chaosy. After that, I go over it and add small details, like rivets and such. So that would be something like four evenings just to do the legs. If you only work on your project an hour or two each evening, you will have a lot of time to think about how to best proceed, and that way you minimize the urge to 'just get it done for playing' and taking shortcuts.


Also, lots of small simple details look much better than a few really detailed ones (even if I did do the eyes and the horns on the shoulders of this model, which are definitely complex details. Note however that it would still look good and interesting even without the deamon stuff bursting through the armour). An easy example is rivets, one of the easiest details you can do (you just need thin plasticard rod), a row of well placed rivets can break up a smooth surface and make it look surprisingly realistic, even if you don't add anything else except rivets along the edge. Taking say the engine from a chainsword and putting it on that surface is more detailed, but it will most likely not look as interesting as the rivets.


So advice is, take your time, get some greenstuff and plasticard, and do many simple details instead of a few advanced ones. Only do advanced ones if you have made the model interesting to look at using lots of simple details first.

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very cool

do you have any prepainted shots to see how you constructed this badboy


Yeah, at the bottom of the first post I have a link to the WIP (though it's not much of a WIP, as I had built it all when I started taking pics. At least it's a look at it without the paint).

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I'm going to be the drizzle on this parade and say that it does look a bit top heavy. However, for something made of plasticard, greenstuff and odd bitz this is pretty amazing :tu:


Yeah, I acually agree, and as I said in the first post, "I could probably have beefed up the legs even more." I added lots of armour and more mechanical stuff to the sentinel legs, but I'm not sure it was enough. Still, it's not a disaster, but certainly not perfect either. Maybe I'll redo the legs some if I get some good ideas for how to beef them up.

I know you said that, and I should have clarified - the legs really aren't the problem, there's just too much top, not too little legs :blink:

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I know you said that, and I should have clarified - the legs really aren't the problem, there's just too much top, not too little legs :)


Ah, I think I understand. However, the FW model has got a lot of top, and I tried to mimic the style and general outline of that model so it's obvious what it is supposed to be. :)

Anyway, I personally wasn't really happy with the legs, at least not with the hip joints. They looked a bit too weak to really support the massive torso, so I beefed them up.


(Oh, and here is a tip for anyone who wants to make pistons. You can of course take a thin rod and a find another bigger rod that you can insert your thin rod into, like a real piston. However, what is much easier is to just take your thin rod, and then carefully glue a stripe of paper to the thin rod whilst rolling the paper around the rod. If you cut your paper really straight, you will get a a perfect piston from a single rod and some paper. Maybe not the best explanation, but I hope you get what I mean? The thicker upper part of the piston is paper rolled onto the plasticard rod.






And with some paint on, it looks like this.






I actually fixed the upper connection points of the pistons too, so they are not just hanging there like in the unpainted pics. That is however on the underside of the model, so no one will ever see that anyway.


It looks much more stable imo. Compare with the first pic in the first post, and I think it looks a lot better. What do you think?

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Great model, congrats and I agree the legs could do with some more beef but it would such a shame to lose the great job you've done on them as is that you should probably just leave it alone. Whenever I try and "convert a conversion" post painting it always goes horribly wrong.
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