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Hi, unsure if this posted else were on the thread.


But with new rules on (T) and the bikes being true (T) 6. Has any one seen increased use for them?


Being a BA player I never leave home with out 4 AB with mm. Never use normal bikes.


But having a fast moving T6 unit could prove very usefull.


They can soak up a lot of fire power T6 and Fnp can boost and turbo boost for increase save.

Hopefully in new dex still keep options for sgt (maybe even get a lance) oh and blight grends.


As for now there not to pricy but who knows what the new dex will bring for mon cost.


IMO they could add for interesting mix to DG armies. As of now there not much for fast attack but with new allies daemons scremer taking the fast attack spot.

Bikes and scremers could make a nasty combo.


What do you guys think?

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Screamers are Tzeentchian. Nurgle doesn't like Tzeentch. Bogone, foul blasphemer.


I have some bikes set aside, in case the rules don't change too terribly. They may make an appearance from time to time in some friendly games, if I can throw some melta on them. I like the idea of nurgle bikers. It's old school nurgle.

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They don't get FNP in the current codex, but they are a rather silly unit on the table, able to soak up tons of damage and rapid fire plasma guns immediately before assaulting which is dandy. Unfortunately they are a HUGE point's sink so a squad of 5 with upgrades can easily run you 300 points... 300 points that's very, very vulnerable to plasma and missile fire. They're pretty cool in big games when you have the points to throw around, but under 3k most death guard armies already have a pretty low body count.

That said, if the rumors are true and the new codex will let you give them FNP and you can buy cheap cultist bodies then go for it.

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Bikes have always been useful, but I certainly think as an outriding or flanking unit they can be worth their weight in gold. Their higher individual cost is offset against their toughness and maneouvrability. A good choice for certain.
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Took a unit of 5 in a apoc game and was not disappointed. They are such a point sink that I agree about not taking them in anything below 3000.

that being said put a cheap sorc with them and watch the fun.

Let them sit on an objective & challenge your opponant to remove them (tarpit of Nurgle)

5 loyalist biker marines and 5 ork bikers were sacrifised in the building of 5 nurgle bikers, PRAISE NURGLE.

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Yeah I am exploring option for my army. They look like fun but playing at 1850-2250. Who knows maybe the new dex will bring there cost down.


But I really like he fact that they can take and hold obj and draw a huge amount of fire.


Weapons will be magnetize cause who knows what changes lie a head.


Not to wish build off rumors, but zombies will be a stable in my list. Pair with that daemon that boost all mon units. But hey it's fun wish build for until our dex comes out and hurts a few people's feelings.


But going to proxy some bikes in a game tonight.

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