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Stormraven rules question

IK Viper

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Saying otherwise seems to me you're denying the word immediately is there, as an addition to referring to normal disembarkation.


And doing it this way is denying the words "as normal" are there. What exactly is the difference? As I said earlier, the codex is telling us to do two mutually exclusive things. They cannot both be correct as written.

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So if I give you the task : paint me this wall any colour you like, as long it's blue or purple, is an impossible task for you? Because you read the part 'any colour' (so you decide you want yellow) which contradicts with 'it has to be blue or purple'?


If you break the sentence up in two parts, yes these two parts don't let you do the same thing. But words in sentences are meant to be combined. ;) Normal disembarkment, with the addition of 'but do it immediately' doesn't mean you should ignore the normal aspects (you still need it to know you're only allowed to disembark 6" for example), just that you should just do it immediately.


If you still disagree, well then I honestly can't explain this any other way. Just don't get it how you can possibly read this any other way.


So agree to disagree seems the most suited way to handle this I guess. ;)





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Transporting a Dread is enough. Terminators are good too since they get a 3+ against the S10 if shot down Zooming.


- Dallas


Cant disembark from a flyer that is zooming, period. It must be in hover mode, there is nothing anywhere in any rulebook that lets you do otherwise, the BRB is clear in this and the rules in codex BA or otherwise doesn't contradict it. Meaning you have to be in hover mode.


So you have to be moving as a skimmer and moving flat out to get them out using shadow skies, or grav chutes for guard, or even for BA to effectively make use of skies of blood.


If anyone can show me otherwise I would be much appreciative though, as disembarking a 5 man jump pack (with melta) unit from a zooming SR would be awesome.

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Transporting a Dread is enough. Terminators are good too since they get a 3+ against the S10 if shot down Zooming.


- Dallas


Cant disembark from a flyer that is zooming, period. It must be in hover mode, there is nothing anywhere in any rulebook that lets you do otherwise, the BRB is clear in this and the rules in codex BA or otherwise doesn't contradict it. Meaning you have to be in hover mode.


So you have to be moving as a skimmer and moving flat out to get them out using shadow skies, or grav chutes for guard, or even for BA to effectively make use of skies of blood.


If anyone can show me otherwise I would be much appreciative though, as disembarking a 5 man jump pack (with melta) unit from a zooming SR would be awesome.


Not sure about the quote you're quoting and its relevance to what you posted, but re: Skies of Blood.


Our FAQ allows us to disembark using skies of blood if we move over 6". It's also a blanket rule, meaning it over-rides what's in the BRB- so, zooming or not, we can use it.

Unlike the grav shoot guard that got a bit of a nerf.

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its a blanket rule for moving over six inches and disembarking, sure, but I'm still a bit dubious in regards to zooming vs hovering and that rule, since you cant disembark from a zooming transport, but you could with said rule from one that is moving as a skimmer, since you can disembark from a hovering flyer, and hovering flyers can still move over 6 inches.


Edit* I think you should be able to disembark from a zooming flyer with skies of blood, because honestly that seems what it was pretty much written for. The problem is its a hazy argument and I hate using hazy arguments in friendly or tournament games. I don't want to be that guy, if you catch my drift.

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"Stormraven Gunships, Skies of Blood.

Change the first sentence to read: “If the Stormraven has

moved more than 6", passengers can still disembark, but they

must do so as follows.”"


That's how it is written in the faq, I don't see how that's ambiguous in any way. It clearly overwrites the restriction from the BRB.

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I think the Storm Raven is best when equipped with Lascannons and Missile Launchers and carrying a 5 man Scout Squad for late game objective grabbing.


rate of fire is the way of the future, assault cannon has more shots, more shots means greater chance of more hull points stripped, hull point stripping is the easiest way to wreck that vehicle.


Twin-linked Assault cannon has roughly a 37% chance of getting at least a glancing hit on a land raider, twin-linked lascannon has roughly a 29% chance of doing the same. Lascannon has more range, but way less utility as well.


Typhoon missile launcher is good though, 2 shots vs 1 twin linked one, or three str 5 twin linked ones.

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I think the Storm Raven is best when equipped with Lascannons and Missile Launchers and carrying a 5 man Scout Squad for late game objective grabbing.


rate of fire is the way of the future, assault cannon has more shots, more shots means greater chance of more hull points stripped, hull point stripping is the easiest way to wreck that vehicle.


Assault cannon has roughly a 37% chance of getting at least a glancing hit on a land raider, lascannon has roughly a 29% chance of doing the same. Lascannon has more range, but way less utility as well.


Typhoon missile launcher is good though, 2 shots vs 1 twin linked one, or three str 5 twin linked ones.


Yeah but the AC gets you in 24" range which means you'll be in range of a lot of Nasty Stuff .


The Lascannon synergizes with the Typhoon Launcher and the Blood Strike Missiles, so you can stick around at 48" and snipe armor, then zoom in and drop scouts to grab objectives. If you can snipe 2 AV13 tanks and grab an objective, the unit will have paid for itself in spades.

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Synergy lies in using the armies strengths, BA are in your face, capitalize on it.


I've always disagreed with this. BA are not a Khorne Berserker army they can successfully be played in many ways. They can be a very good shooty army if you build around that premise.

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sure, but they are still better geared for close quarters than most armies, meaning it is a strength that should be taken advantage of.


LC is just so much less bang for your buck, not to mention with PotMS the SR can shoot 5 weapons at full BS when zooming, 2 missiles, turret, secondary, and 1 hurricane bolter with the other firing snap shots with twin linked.


Thats a ton of firepower, its costly, but ouch. 20 shots if using AC

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Ravens deliver units and dakka troops in the open or tear up things by hitting on rear armour and side armour.

Skys of Blood is a great rule for us and it works as explained by Mort and Ushtarador. No-one else except us BA players seem to have questioned it.



"Stormraven Gunships, Skies of Blood.

Change the first sentence to read: “If the Stormraven has

moved more than 6", passengers can still disembark, but they

must do so as follows.”"


That's how it is written in the faq, I don't see how that's ambiguous in any way. It clearly overwrites the restriction from the BRB.


As an aside

Dont predicate the use of a Raven based on what it can do to a LR.

I dont run Stormravens to shoot Land Raiders unless everything else is a slagged pile I will ignore the LR its waste of Dakka. The LR has already made at least 12-18 inches across the board by the time the Raven comes on the table and has likely popped smoke as a precaution or is close to where it wants to be anyway.

If I want a dead LR its got to be early in the game otherwise it is where it wants to be and it is less important to kill it I would rather kill what falls out of it.


Cracking LR's is what multimelta attack bikes and suicide MM squads are for.

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I was using a LR as an example of the effectiveness of the weapon against armor value 14, lascannon vs assault cannon. I was stating that assault cannon is mathematically a much more rounded weapon, with serious advantages in 6th edition that the LC lacks, and only makes up for with a bonus in range and always having ap2 instead of needing a rend.


Stormraven has to be one of the most versatile armored units in the game now.

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