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Dark Vengeance Chaos Miniatures as Tzeentch?

Dark Scipio

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Waht do you think, would the new miniatures look good in Thousand Sons/Tzeentch Colours?


I think the Choosen and the General could make very fine Tzeentch Choosen, I am unsure about the Hellbrut Dread espaccally with the exposed head and the cultists.









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The lord, with a head, backpack and possibly weapon swap could make a good sorcerer, the chosen with boltgun I want to convert to an aspiring sorcerer, but the other seem a bit too warped to be thousand sons, but would want to see them painted differently before making a decision.
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I think they could be painted up Tzeentchian but to really do the job properly you'd need to do some conversions and a bit of GS work. Some kind of avian-style head peeking out vulture-like from within the Helbrute would be one option. Add some Tzeentch iconography to the Lord and Chosen and they'd be fine. Perhaps replace the odd limb with a tentacle.


The cultists would be harder, I must admit. Again a bit of GS work and added iconography I guess.




I think the whole lot is ripe for Tzeentchification with a couple of books. All those wadjet eyes!!

An excellent point!

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some parts look like they would work really well for possessed marines.. i really want those cultists though.. my army could use some scouts better themed for the world they live in..
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The more I look at it, the more I think that with a helmet and swapping the hand holding the goofy skull helmet for an open palm of some kind, that the guy with the mace could be used to convert a nice aspiring sorcerer like the one in the third edition codex. Anyone else find the dark angel chaplain ruined by the ridiculous skull shoulder pad?

Personally I think the Dark angel models may be easier to convert to tzeentch :D

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...Why do I feel like they look so... bland? With the exception of the Hell Brute I don't like a single one of the models.


They look amazing for chosen/Readily converted Possessed, but I would hate to see these as line-and-rank. Cultists...I'll take Nihms quote, hello Spiky Necrogangers.

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I recon the Chosen and Hellbrute would look awesome as Tzeentch alined traitors. The Oracles of Change would be perfect. I can't see any of the minis (apart from the lord) being suitable for TS though...
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I recon the Chosen and Hellbrute would look awesome as Tzeentch alined traitors. The Oracles of Change would be perfect. I can't see any of the minis (apart from the lord) being suitable for TS though...

Well, possibly the bolter Chosen, but that may be pushing it a bit. Also, the Dark Angels Librarian would make a great pre-heresy Son, and I'm sure I could find a use for the Captain and a few of the Tactical Marines as well...

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Well I know my buddy(and I might too) intends to convert the DA into Tzeetch aligned fallen, we were both discussing the merits of putting tzeentchy/tropical plumage colors to all the wings and feathers to give them a tzeentch feel, seeing as feathers are a favorite of the lord of change too.
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The more I look at it, the more I think that with a helmet and swapping the hand holding the goofy skull helmet for an open palm of some kind, that the guy with the mace could be used to convert a nice aspiring sorcerer like the one in the third edition codex. Anyone else find the dark angel chaplain ruined by the ridiculous skull shoulder pad?

Personally I think the Dark angel models may be easier to convert to tzeentch :)


The skull helmet (with the hand) is a separate part, so it shouldn't be too hard to pull off.

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If we just follow the fluff for the Thousand Sons we would only have HQ Sorcerers and Rubric squads (and some vehicles). Every other kind of unit would just be Tzeentch- followers (and these are the Chaos Marines that are the most likely to be mutated) fighting alongside the Thousand Sons.
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Idk, I think painted right, most of the chosen just look heavily ornamented rather than mutated, and in the rare cases where it it necessary(tongue-chosen and bolter carrying tentacles I look at thee) some basic hobby-knifin' and greenstuff-ing would provide a simple fix
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