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The Long Wait...

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After seeing the new stuff that is coming out, I was really stoked about how cool the models looked. Now I am close to throwing a tantrum at having top wait as long as October to get my hands on them. :blink:


Anyone else getting stroppy at having to wait for what looks like amazing stuff?


One thing I will add, the rules better well be as awesome as the models look!

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i ordered two boxed sets with a mate, spiltting both for two lots of chaos.. hopefully they will arrive by the weekend.

i am a little annoyed at having to wait so long for a new dex, with nothing but unsubstantiated rumours to feed from...

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Bet the new models are 2 pieces with zero posability.

For the starter set, it's totally true. But, as it's been said, they still look great and will stand on their own.


But, the way I look at it, if these are the starter models, just wait until the proper Cultists, Chosen, and Hellbrute kits get released. Not every model in a starter set gets a proper kit, but most do. Cultists and Chosen seem like sure things, along with new Obliterators and a update of lots of the current line, I'm sure. Oh, and the new Land Raider. Can't wait to see what the new Land Raider looks like, there has to be a kit or sprew of some sort for it. And I think that's just scratching the surface.


Seeing the new starter set, and some of the kits that have been released over the last while, I'm very optimistic about what's up GWs sleeve for Chaos. I'm still worried about the 'dragon-flyer', but I reserve judgement. Worst case, I need to build a Counts-As replacement. :D

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Bet the new models are 2 pieces with zero posability.

Gentlemen, there is an easy remedy- the holy xacto knife. Don't let limited options out of the box stop you!

That limited edition chaplain's backpack is going to look nice on a Nurgle Lord.

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Seeing the new starter set, and some of the kits that have been released over the last while, I'm very optimistic about what's up GWs sleeve for Chaos. I'm still worried about the 'dragon-flyer', but I reserve judgement. Worst case, I need to build a Counts-As replacement. :yes:


I'm going to be using a Hellblade, unless the model just makes me say "wow" in a serious way.


Bet the new models are 2 pieces with zero posability.

Gentlemen, there is an easy remedy- the holy xacto knife. Don't let limited options out of the box stop you!

That limited edition chaplain's backpack is going to look nice on a Nurgle Lord.


Don't forget the consecrated razor-saw!


I'm hoping that at least the cultists have some pose. I'm splitting up a set three ways with some buddies and, sadly, the Hellbrute is spoken for. I get all the cultists, and we get to quibble over the Chosen. One more week!

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The miniatures are super-great sculpts. No question about it... The Lord is one of the finest minis of the Chaos range hitsorically, and the Chosen can each become a leader of a Warband in their own right without any compromise. But...


They look so Chaosy, so warped! So what? I hear you say. They are supposed to, no? Well after reading the Talos trilogy by ADB I came to appreciate the more... realistic Chaos Marines. The ones that are not completely warped, that they have not made dark pacts with the Chaos gods each and everyone of them and they still have to scavange for their armour and weapons (not to mention spaceships) instead of being bestowed them by Chaos deities.


What I'm getting at is that the boxed set Chaos warband is a very specific kind of Chaos Marine, whereas I would have hoped for something more generic... Like say Iron Warrios or World Eaters that look less stereotypical and more "realistic". Mixed armour types, overpronounced Legion marks and badges, maybe some archaic weapons (although the ones in the box look pretty archaic to be sure) and yes the odd Chaos mark here and there. These guys are like they just came out from the very core of the Eye of Terror... Since I was (and still am) flirting with the idea of building a small Chaos Marine army, I have to say, these minis will be not as usuable as I would have hoped.


Again I dont want to detract anything from the sculpting quality or the poses or the detail of the minis. They are just not the type of Chaos I was hoping for... Still I'm gonna paint them even if only for display purposes... Oh who am I kidding, the Chaos Lord will be leading my Warband until/unless the new releases put even more astounding minis on the table! :)

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The miniatures are super-great sculpts. No question about it... The Lord is one of the finest minis of the Chaos range hitsorically, and the Chosen can each become a leader of a Warband in their own right without any compromise. But...


They look so Chaosy, so warped! So what? I hear you say. They are supposed to, no? Well after reading the Talos trilogy by ADB I came to appreciate the more... realistic Chaos Marines. The ones that are not completely warped, that they have not made dark pacts with the Chaos gods each and everyone of them and they still have to scavange for their armour and weapons (not to mention spaceships) instead of being bestowed them by Chaos deities.


What I'm getting at is that the boxed set Chaos warband is a very specific kind of Chaos Marine, whereas I would have hoped for something more generic... Like say Iron Warrios or World Eaters that look less stereotypical and more "realistic". Mixed armour types, overpronounced Legion marks and badges, maybe some archaic weapons (although the ones in the box look pretty archaic to be sure) and yes the odd Chaos mark here and there. These guys are like they just came out from the very core of the Eye of Terror... Since I was (and still am) flirting with the idea of building a small Chaos Marine army, I have to say, these minis will be not as usuable as I would have hoped.


Again I dont want to detract anything from the sculpting quality or the poses or the detail of the minis. They are just not the type of Chaos I was hoping for... Still I'm gonna paint them even if only for display purposes... Oh who am I kidding, the Chaos Lord will be leading my Warband until/unless the new releases put even more astounding minis on the table! <_<


Glad I am not the only one who feels the same way. I agree with you especially on the Iron Warrior and World Eaters part. I have an Iron Warrior descendants army and they all use the khorne berserkers kit with the helmets chop/shaved off. They look so much more of what I envision chaos marines should be... in my army ^_^. No mutations among the ranks (unless they were captured Loyalists who were "experimented" on), very similar to som of the traitor legions were during the Horus Heresy before they became all warped up.

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Hmm, how peculiar! I have lurked on this site for what feels like aeons (in reality only since 2008, but still), never actually created a profile before this day...


Before I say anything more, let me first give a huge thank you to "the Jeske", who is so, and far too often, reviled by some of the obviously sensitive and insecure youngsters here, thinking him rude and brutal and so forth (lack of cultural understanding on some peoples part I suspect, mistaking arrogance for something foul, which young people often tend do). The reason I write that at all, is that I promised myself a year ago or so, that if I ever actually created a profile and actually posted here, I would thank that guy and tell him that I, and I am sure many others, have learned a lot from reading his sometimes admittingly short and too the point replies. Thanks, Jeske. I would never ever want to play one fo your min maxed (which you tend to advice) lists myself, but as I said, I have learned a lot of very interesting and useful theory from you, even though i myself continued to field obsolete tri-las predators, knowing they sucked in the Gav dex and 5th (center piece model and one of my better models, and I like to use that which I have painted the best in my strictly friendly games). So thanks to you!


Now that I have fulfilled my own promise to thank that siberian tournament player, over to the matter at hand! I have scanned the net for ages, longing so for a new chaos codex which would make my own army more fun to play (Iron Warriors, now recently with daemonic allies as its suddenly legal for me to field my beloved Bloodthirster as an ACTUAL bloodthirster and not just a large winged daemon prince!). I have of course read everything on blood of kittens and faeit 212 so I have a general idea now I guess, as to how the next codex will turn out ;though GW has managed to put a lid on it as there are obvious large segments in the comming codex that someone has not been leaked (sighs) ).

However, as we know, the Dark Vengeance LT is out for pre-order now (ordered mine yesterday, and going to hand thar sexy chaplain and the rest of those angels to my friend who plays imp guard, as I suspect him getting some marine allies will be interesting for both of us, despite hom being my "enemy" :(.

And yeah, by the Dark Gods, those models look completly gorgeous! Never seen anything like it. I mean, they arefixed models, and black reach had very ordinary models in comparison. Very interesting to see even such "lesser" fixed sculpts like we get in starter sets get this kind of love as it bodes well for the future i think.


Having said the above hovever, I too, sadly, feel that the Chosen might look a bit TOO ornamental. A bit too baroque. And especially, a bit too warp....touched. Like others here said, I play a marine army with silvery steel, gold and spikes (Iron warriors :o , and apart from the odd foul symbol here and there, and the odd warp infestation on individual models, I dont think it feels "fluff correct" to field an entire squad of "hellish" Chosen. I like individuality, meaning that IMO, those Chosen would be AWESOME for Champions, individual named marines, and even chaos lords and sorcerers (chaos lord surely legit without even altering the models a bit, and probably sorcerer with minor conversions).

But yes, for many Legions who do not openly seek the blessings (and curses) of the fickle Runious powers, I too sincerly feel like that Chosen squad is a bit "too much" B) Not that it really matters, as I am 100% sure that having such models available and painted, would make for easy customization of lords and champions in various squads.

And yeah..Have anyone read anything about the ACTUAL Chosen unit? I mean, rumoured to be 19 point, but losing "Infiltrate" and regaining W. Options. Surely we must be missing something vital about these guys, or what do you guys think?

What do you guys think about the cultists and how they can perform? I truly love the sinister sculpts (much better fluff-wise for my Iron warriors to field such renegades than warp touched chosen) Rumoured to be 4 points per "soon-to-be-dead-carcass", so they would in theory have some interesting strategic depth (in bodies :blink:) , and having fought imp guards several times, I think I can see some interesting fields of use for them. What do you guys expect of them?


Heh, find myself so excited about Dark vengeance and the comming codex that I actually posted here instead of lurking, and I am sure Lord Tzeentch will punish me for this at a much later stage ;)


Anyway. Hello to you all ;)

*waves* and may our future codex actually give us joy this time, and not the grief that mr. Thorpe inflicted us all with (that Gav dex was very interesting for....3 weeks...and then less and less so, and at times very rapidly less so).


Best regards from Magnus; whom now regrets choosing the pretentious nickname of "iron Sage" (but meh, done is done)

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What I'm getting at is that the boxed set Chaos warband is a very specific kind of Chaos Marine, whereas I would have hoped for something more generic... Like say Iron Warrios or World Eaters that look less stereotypical and more "realistic". Mixed armour types, overpronounced Legion marks and badges, maybe some archaic weapons (although the ones in the box look pretty archaic to be sure) and yes the odd Chaos mark here and there. These guys are like they just came out from the very core of the Eye of Terror... Since I was (and still am) flirting with the idea of building a small Chaos Marine army, I have to say, these minis will be not as usuable as I would have hoped.



I agree that they are a very specific look for Chaos Marines. I can't look at them and not think they look like Word Bearers. It's the spikey, mutated, obviously evil look to them. It's the very reason why I doubt I'll ever pick any of them up, because my warband is a little more on the normal side than all that. I just can't use most of them. The Hellbrute? Forget about it. Beautiful execution. Totally useless to me.




I think it's great for a starter set. You have two factions that are visually distinct, one of them looks like they're good guys and one of them looks like they're bad guys. Now, you and I both now that isn't really how things work in 40k, but if you're a kid or a parent looking at a game in a store that's the sort of thing you will look for and will make sense to you. Even if the minis aren't painted, or are painted horribly, then you'll still be able to tell who is who.


From a collector's point of view, they're pretty sculpts.


From a gamer's point of view, they'll either fit your army's theme or they won't.


From a DIYer's point of view, there's some interesting potential in this box.


I believe this is a lot better than having two space marine factions that look too similar for starters, and too tame for bits raiding.

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While I agree that these models are a bit too busy for my tastes, and wouldn't particularly fit with my army without serious modifications (outside of being used as Sorcerers or Champs), I think there are quite enough 'generic' (chaos) space marines already. Besides that, wasn't there mention of a new direction for CSM? I'm thinking we're getting just a taste of what is to come with these beauties.
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What I'm getting at is that the boxed set Chaos warband is a very specific kind of Chaos Marine, whereas I would have hoped for something more generic... Like say Iron Warrios or World Eaters that look less stereotypical and more "realistic". Mixed armour types, overpronounced Legion marks and badges, maybe some archaic weapons (although the ones in the box look pretty archaic to be sure) and yes the odd Chaos mark here and there. These guys are like they just came out from the very core of the Eye of Terror... Since I was (and still am) flirting with the idea of building a small Chaos Marine army, I have to say, these minis will be not as usuable as I would have hoped.



I agree that they are a very specific look for Chaos Marines. I can't look at them and not think they look like Word Bearers. It's the spikey, mutated, obviously evil look to them. It's the very reason why I doubt I'll ever pick any of them up, because my warband is a little more on the normal side than all that. I just can't use most of them. The Hellbrute? Forget about it. Beautiful execution. Totally useless to me.




I think it's great for a starter set. You have two factions that are visually distinct, one of them looks like they're good guys and one of them looks like they're bad guys. Now, you and I both now that isn't really how things work in 40k, but if you're a kid or a parent looking at a game in a store that's the sort of thing you will look for and will make sense to you. Even if the minis aren't painted, or are painted horribly, then you'll still be able to tell who is who.


From a collector's point of view, they're pretty sculpts.


From a gamer's point of view, they'll either fit your army's theme or they won't.


From a DIYer's point of view, there's some interesting potential in this box.


I believe this is a lot better than having two space marine factions that look too similar for starters, and too tame for bits raiding.



Hello Max, and yes! That was my point exactly in my long winded rant-like post.

Whatever else, those sculpts (though I sadly noted some impurities on the loyalist termies, but meh) and the little R-Book alone makes buying that set a good deal :o


Apart from worrying about Chosen, I also confess (I am not a very good painter, but I am worse with converting more than basic arms and legs and such) that I worry abit about the Hellbrute though. Sure, I can immagine many battles where a multimelta will be nice (just what we lacked in 5th ed, lol, so this is typical!), but the rumoured rules concerning the twin-reaper and the Butcher,as well as the astonishing rumoured Tzeentchian flamers, makes me truly hope that the Multimelta arm does not come grafted on the actual model itself (as I said, I am not that good at converting and I would never risk destroying such a nie model with my knife skills :blink:

What do you guys think? You reckon the Dread will come in one single piece, or will it have lose weapon arms (like I hope for) ?

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Hmm, how peculiar! I have lurked on this site for what feels like aeons (in reality only since 2008, but still), never actually created a profile before this day...


Before I say anything more, let me first give a huge thank you to "the Jeske", who is so, and far too often, reviled by some of the obviously sensitive and insecure youngsters here, thinking him rude and brutal and so forth (lack of cultural understanding on some peoples part I suspect, mistaking arrogance for something foul, which young people often tend do). The reason I write that at all, is that I promised myself a year ago or so, that if I ever actually created a profile and actually posted here, I would thank that guy and tell him that I, and I am sure many others, have learned a lot from reading his sometimes admittingly short and too the point replies. Thanks, Jeske. I would never ever want to play one fo your min maxed (which you tend to advice) lists myself, but as I said, I have learned a lot of very interesting and useful theory from you, even though i myself continued to field obsolete tri-las predators, knowing they sucked in the Gav dex and 5th (center piece model and one of my better models, and I like to use that which I have painted the best in my strictly friendly games). So thanks to you!


Yes, the Jeske is a pretty decent guy. Bro fist to him, if he reads me.

Because yeah, he has been banned.

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Hmm, how peculiar! I have lurked on this site for what feels like aeons (in reality only since 2008, but still), never actually created a profile before this day...


Before I say anything more, let me first give a huge thank you to "the Jeske", who is so, and far too often, reviled by some of the obviously sensitive and insecure youngsters here, thinking him rude and brutal and so forth (lack of cultural understanding on some peoples part I suspect, mistaking arrogance for something foul, which young people often tend do). The reason I write that at all, is that I promised myself a year ago or so, that if I ever actually created a profile and actually posted here, I would thank that guy and tell him that I, and I am sure many others, have learned a lot from reading his sometimes admittingly short and too the point replies. Thanks, Jeske. I would never ever want to play one fo your min maxed (which you tend to advice) lists myself, but as I said, I have learned a lot of very interesting and useful theory from you, even though i myself continued to field obsolete tri-las predators, knowing they sucked in the Gav dex and 5th (center piece model and one of my better models, and I like to use that which I have painted the best in my strictly friendly games). So thanks to you!


Yes, the Jeske is a pretty decent guy. Bro fist to him, if he reads me.

Because yeah, he has been banned.


Huh? Banned?


Very sad to hear that. He was one of the guys I loved to read here, if only to learn how tournament players view lists etc. Learned a lot reading that guys post =(


Edit: Banned you say. I find this peculiar having read some of the bizarre posts he was shelled with over the years, like that time Helios or whats his name started bringning Vladimir Putin and Russian economical corruption into a space marine discussion. Makes me wonder what jeske did to get banned, remembering some of those personal attacks against him here which I read in the past. Dont really ever remember jeske retaliating with such low blows, but maybe this naive Norwegian sees things differently. Anyway, sad to hear he has been banned, as he has been a real resource to me over the years. Him and that other arrogant guy, the dutchman that I dont remember what is called (used to post on the chaos forums), well, I picked up a lot of theory from those two, so very sorry to hear about this!

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Anyway, not really my bussiness I guess, concerning that banning you mentioned.


Any idea concerning how the hellbrute will appear ? Do you reckon it will have weapons you can attach and detach or do you reckon its all one piece ?


Hmm... I must say, I am really wondering about those Chosen. Having lost Infiltrate they surely must have got some sort of boost we dont yet know about. Hmm indeed.


Ps.Grats on that awesome Decimator of yours by the way. Very impressive model. Wont even comment upon the Chtulhu Swede and his decimator, since I cannot for the love of my life understand how the hell he is able to do that with green stuff...

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Hmm, how peculiar! I have lurked on this site for what feels like aeons (in reality only since 2008, but still), never actually created a profile before this day...


Before I say anything more, let me first give a huge thank you to "the Jeske", who is so, and far too often, reviled by some of the obviously sensitive and insecure youngsters here, thinking him rude and brutal and so forth (lack of cultural understanding on some peoples part I suspect, mistaking arrogance for something foul, which young people often tend do). The reason I write that at all, is that I promised myself a year ago or so, that if I ever actually created a profile and actually posted here, I would thank that guy and tell him that I, and I am sure many others, have learned a lot from reading his sometimes admittingly short and too the point replies. Thanks, Jeske. I would never ever want to play one fo your min maxed (which you tend to advice) lists myself, but as I said, I have learned a lot of very interesting and useful theory from you, even though i myself continued to field obsolete tri-las predators, knowing they sucked in the Gav dex and 5th (center piece model and one of my better models, and I like to use that which I have painted the best in my strictly friendly games). So thanks to you!


Yes, the Jeske is a pretty decent guy. Bro fist to him, if he reads me.

Because yeah, he has been banned.




I used to get into it with him at times because i would defend the poor casual player who would take units they thought were "fun" vs "good"...But i always enjoyed our little spats. :*(


Sad to hear he got banned.

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Hmm, how peculiar! I have lurked on this site for what feels like aeons (in reality only since 2008, but still), never actually created a profile before this day...


Before I say anything more, let me first give a huge thank you to "the Jeske", who is so, and far too often, reviled by some of the obviously sensitive and insecure youngsters here, thinking him rude and brutal and so forth (lack of cultural understanding on some peoples part I suspect, mistaking arrogance for something foul, which young people often tend do). The reason I write that at all, is that I promised myself a year ago or so, that if I ever actually created a profile and actually posted here, I would thank that guy and tell him that I, and I am sure many others, have learned a lot from reading his sometimes admittingly short and too the point replies. Thanks, Jeske. I would never ever want to play one fo your min maxed (which you tend to advice) lists myself, but as I said, I have learned a lot of very interesting and useful theory from you, even though i myself continued to field obsolete tri-las predators, knowing they sucked in the Gav dex and 5th (center piece model and one of my better models, and I like to use that which I have painted the best in my strictly friendly games). So thanks to you!


Yes, the Jeske is a pretty decent guy. Bro fist to him, if he reads me.

Because yeah, he has been banned.




I used to get into it with him at times because i would defend the poor casual player who would take units they thought were "fun" vs "good"...But i always enjoyed our little spats. :*(


Sad to hear he got banned.



He was banned? Really? Because according to his member profile, he was on today :)


Don't believe everything you read on the internet... :o



EDIT: You guys can even look at jeske being alive and well here.

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Hmm, how peculiar! I have lurked on this site for what feels like aeons (in reality only since 2008, but still), never actually created a profile before this day...


Before I say anything more, let me first give a huge thank you to "the Jeske", who is so, and far too often, reviled by some of the obviously sensitive and insecure youngsters here, thinking him rude and brutal and so forth (lack of cultural understanding on some peoples part I suspect, mistaking arrogance for something foul, which young people often tend do). The reason I write that at all, is that I promised myself a year ago or so, that if I ever actually created a profile and actually posted here, I would thank that guy and tell him that I, and I am sure many others, have learned a lot from reading his sometimes admittingly short and too the point replies. Thanks, Jeske. I would never ever want to play one fo your min maxed (which you tend to advice) lists myself, but as I said, I have learned a lot of very interesting and useful theory from you, even though i myself continued to field obsolete tri-las predators, knowing they sucked in the Gav dex and 5th (center piece model and one of my better models, and I like to use that which I have painted the best in my strictly friendly games). So thanks to you!


Yes, the Jeske is a pretty decent guy. Bro fist to him, if he reads me.

Because yeah, he has been banned.




I used to get into it with him at times because i would defend the poor casual player who would take units they thought were "fun" vs "good"...But i always enjoyed our little spats. :*(


Sad to hear he got banned.



He was banned? Really? Because according to his member profile, he was on today ;)


Don't believe everything you read on the internet... -_-



EDIT: You guys can even look at jeske being alive and well here.


Well. That's embarassing. I look ridiculous.

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Hmm, how peculiar! I have lurked on this site for what feels like aeons (in reality only since 2008, but still), never actually created a profile before this day...


Before I say anything more, let me first give a huge thank you to "the Jeske", who is so, and far too often, reviled by some of the obviously sensitive and insecure youngsters here, thinking him rude and brutal and so forth (lack of cultural understanding on some peoples part I suspect, mistaking arrogance for something foul, which young people often tend do). The reason I write that at all, is that I promised myself a year ago or so, that if I ever actually created a profile and actually posted here, I would thank that guy and tell him that I, and I am sure many others, have learned a lot from reading his sometimes admittingly short and too the point replies. Thanks, Jeske. I would never ever want to play one fo your min maxed (which you tend to advice) lists myself, but as I said, I have learned a lot of very interesting and useful theory from you, even though i myself continued to field obsolete tri-las predators, knowing they sucked in the Gav dex and 5th (center piece model and one of my better models, and I like to use that which I have painted the best in my strictly friendly games). So thanks to you!


Yes, the Jeske is a pretty decent guy. Bro fist to him, if he reads me.

Because yeah, he has been banned.




I used to get into it with him at times because i would defend the poor casual player who would take units they thought were "fun" vs "good"...But i always enjoyed our little spats. :*(


Sad to hear he got banned.



He was banned? Really? Because according to his member profile, he was on today ;)


Don't believe everything you read on the internet... -_-



EDIT: You guys can even look at jeske being alive and well here.


Well. That's embarassing. I look ridiculous.




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