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WIP: Ltd Ed Veteran Sgt


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Howdy y'all, did you miss me?!


Anyhoo, I have been having a bit of a manic time and as such not done a great deal of painting. But when I have found time I have concentrated my efforts on one model. I have SEVERAL projects kind of 1/4 or 1/2 way through and I needed to do something I could FINISH! I got hold of this model off eBay and decided to give the Space Hulk Masterclass a go (just with Vallejo paints over GW).


This is the result so far... Any criticisms? Answers on a postcard please!



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Howdy y'all, did you miss me?!


Anyhoo, I have been having a bit of a manic time and as such not done a great deal of painting. But when I have found time I have concentrated my efforts on one model. I have SEVERAL projects kind of 1/4 or 1/2 way through and I needed to do something I could FINISH! I got hold of this model off eBay and decided to give the Space Hulk Masterclass a go (just with Vallejo paints over GW).


This is the result so far... Any criticisms? Answers on a postcard please!




Incredible work!

But what miniature is that? It seems so thin compared to the Even more so oversized power fist!

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Oh he isn't finished yet. Still details to do like the studs and eagle on his grieves, gold needs another highlight and some glazes, base needs some work, may a glow effect from the power node on the fist. My main point was seeing what folks thought of the red so far :)
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hi just lurking around the forum as usual and came across your post,


looking solid so far but since you asked,


with regards to the red your blending seems smooth from red->orange on the armour plates, I would try to push the contrast more with a brighter very fine edge highlight on top of the orange ones that are visible ( mix in a tiny bit of white and yellow maybe? ), and some glazes of dark flesh ( or even purple ) in the shadows. I think this will make the armour 'pop' more and seem to have more depth.


hope I helped, looking foward to seeing the results in my next lurking session ;)



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  • 1 month later...

Well its SO NEARLY FINISHED! I am at the point of trying to get it matt varnished, just having some problems getting it to work. Using Vallejo Matt Varnish through an airbrush but it is still drying pretty glossy :lol: Anyone got any tips to hand me? I have used it on other models and it was fine.




As you can see, it's still pretty glossy :P

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Thanks Midnight. It has been a while, I have been up the wall lately. But I have been painting and getting a bunch of models ready to paint. This one will be finished soon, just another coat of matt and I'll get some decent pics with a camera rather than my phone... Then I'm going to try an OSL effect on the powerfist :o
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Well, I was planning on adding the last dusting of Matt Varnish today but I had to do other stuff. So I thought I would get some photos with my camera as he is at the moment, since my phone takes terrible photos <_<


Just so y'all know I am terrible with transfers which is why I damn near ruined this model with them. I am currently reading up on ways to get good results with them.











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