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What BRB Psychic powers do you use?

Lord Morgrim

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If I take anything it's telepathy. Too many funny things to do there to pass up on! (puppet master, invisibility and hallucination)


...oh and Brother Nihm, since when does the eyes of your avatar glow???

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A non Tzeentch sorcerer with familiar rolling on telepathy is also pretty swell. He gets to roll twice and can't get two of the powers (because of they are warp charge 2 powers) so you have a fairly good chance of getting dominate/puppet master.
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I have only tried out Telepathy and Pyromancy, but sadly I wasn't very impressed. Though that would mainly be because of facing Eldar (Runes of Warding are broken, it's at the point of me simply not bringing any psychers if I know I will be facing Eldar). I really, really, really hate that you can use Deny the Witch against Witchfire type spells. They are already much harder to use than maledictions, and especially blessings who you can't protect against at all, and you need to hit, wound and go through saves. Deny the Witch just made shooty powers inferior to buff powers in every way, and because of that Telepathy seems to be the most useful school of powers. As Lepaca said, you have a fairly good chance of getting what you want on the Telepathy table with a lvl 1 Sorc with a familiar, as there are two lvl 2 powers there.


But anyway, I was thinking of trying out Telekinesis. I know the initial impression of Telekinesis is a resounding 'meh', but the Primaris Power has an 18" range, can snipe and will cause the hit unit to move as in terrain with some I reductions too. It can also kill stuff.

Crush is actually quite powerful, having that nice 18" range, limited snipe ability and can be used as an ok anti-tank power too.

Gate of Infinity is a really powerful ability, I'm toying with the idea of having a unit of havocs with 2 meltas and 2 flamers, and a lvl 1 sorc with 2 powers. If I get Gate, they can deep strike behind enemy vehicles and blow them up all game long, and if there are no vehicles in any good spots, two flamers will put any infantry in a world of hurt.


Objuration Mechanicum is actually a nice debuff, cast them on stuff with rending or that wants to use Directed attacks, or that wants to attack something with high T and they become useless. Really, Snipers with that power cast on them might as well have lasguns. It also has some limited anti-tank ability. It is good against enemies with either low BS or low S. Hehe, casting that on a unit and then assaulting them with daemons would be fun, especially if they fail their fear test. hitting on 5+ in cc and then having to reroll 6s would suck for anyone. ^^


Shockwave seems to suck, as it can't be cast in close combat.

Telekine Dome is a useful buff, too bad it doesn't work in close combat. Fire Shield from Pyro seems to be better, but still it's ok. I don't tend to use our lvl 2 psychers, they cost so much, but Vortex of Doom seems to suck unless you are in terminator armour. Heavy 1 range 12" small blast, are you kidding me? Getting that power is like rolling a '1' on the old random tables. "The psycher has great teeth or beautiful hair, but no power that is of use on the battlefield". :/


Still, I think Telekinesis can be of more use than initial impressions would suggest, at a minimum on par with Pyromancy.

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How does deny the witch make shooty powers so inferior you don't wanna take them, it's just a 6 it's still more likely to go through then when hoods were able to protect half an army.


I like Pyro, especially Combustion, roll for psych test, pass cause of ld 10 smile like a boss and take out that plasma cannon/gun then drop a frag missile on them, it's pretty sweet even if you roll a 6 or more then your still removing a model then placing a blast on them.

Besides four of the seven powers always hit, 2 of which ignore all armour saves, the two blessings can make a cheapy sorc pretty mean in a fight and help to boost his attached squads.


telekinesis is meh but still useful for fun bigger games were you might run two or three sorcs and a Prince.

It's primaris is sick since it's a beam just aim it through two squads, preferably something that takes Dangerous Terrain tests in difficult and watch two fast squads become two slow squads that may lose a couple models to armour saves and dangerous terrain.


Telepathy is just full of :) and giggles powers. It's all lulz and good times, nothing wrong with those powers when you actually get to use them, especially with typhus, swap out Nurgls rot for Psychic shriek.

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...oh and Brother Nihm, since when does the eyes of your avatar glow???
For quite some time now, sometimes. As the Warp flows.. gallery_11038_675_1828.gif

I do agree that some of the goodies in Telepathy can be great fun, I only wish I could select them instead of having to roll.

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How does deny the witch make shooty powers so inferior you don't wanna take them, it's just a 6 it's still more likely to go through then when hoods were able to protect half an army.


I often face Eldar, so I need to pass a Ld test on 3D6, in case of 12+ I suffer a perils, most often he has two higher lvl psychers meaning a 4+ DtW, unless he has those lvl 0 Warlocks who are still psychers so that is a 5+ DtW. If I'm using a shooty power, I still need to hit (not that hard on a 2+, but still) and to wound, and he needs to fail his saves.


Lets say an ordinary Sorc targets Psychic Shriek (a power everyone thinks is good), at something I commonly face, a unit of Dire Avengers lead by a Farseer. First I have about a 50% chance of even casting, and an almost a 40% chance of getting wounded in the first place (Because of Runes of Warding). Then I need to hit, so I'm down at 42%, then he can Deny the Witch, so I'm down at 21% chance of even getting to the 3D6-Ld roll. Then it's about 50/50 of rolling high on 3D6, so I'm at maybe 10% chance of even doing any wounds to the unit.


If I had access to Divination, I could cast Precience on a nearby squad, which would have about a 50% chance of going off, and that's that. It would most likely cause more damage too. So to me offensive powers are much to weak in comparison with buffs.

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Thats more a problem with your meta.


In that case yeah that sucks, might as well stick with lash and breath if you got the points, but then again when I face Eldar I don't bother with Psykers and just fill in with 5 more zerkers.

I'm always more worried with the strange and sudden proliferation of Wraithlords in my gaming groups, more then a few run Two Lords and Avatar.


Either way, don't fret, play against any other army bar wolves and Pyro is a pretty reliable damage discipline, Telekenisis is Handy for defense and Telepathy is just funny as hell.

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Next to Eldar my other most common enemy is Nids, but they at least have a reasonable range of their anti-psycher debuff aura. But yeah, you are totally right in that it's not a problem with 6ed or psychics in general, just my local meta.

I have a unit of Battle Psychers (more like witches and rouge psychers for my traitor IG), that I have been dying to try out in support of a Telepath Sorcerer. Imagine that -9 LD debuff before going to town on them with your Telepath! :D

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I've seen that combo.


Is moi beuno... when it goes off.


Everyone who sees it once knows it's nasty, so that tends to be on the receiving end of the big nasties. Seen a first turn pummeling from Oblits, or more correctly handed a first turn pummeling to this combo, all had to do was pop the chimera they in, not hard with three Lascannons, then drop the plasma Cannons on them with the other three.


IG and Mech eldar have it easier with Russes and Prisms in the back field.


Against Marines, not much to stop that and you'll have a chuckle when you make that objective holding Tac squad run off the board after dropping there LD to 1.


Nids a surprisingly susciptable to Telepath, remember they already have low leadership as is.


Crons a ok for it if they fail there Morale check after the casuilties otherwise they gonna cut down your wounds to half without taking into account the luck of Cron players.


Daemons are kinda funny when you pin them or cause them to loose a ton of models as they pop in.


and finally the Tau, Fold like a five dollar prozy, You can shatter there gunlines, Railguns ain't scary when theres no pulse rifles on the field.

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Obviously i take Telepathy or Telekinesis as Pyro is pretty blah.


I find Telekinesis to be halfway decent. The teleport is grand and the 5++ you can give a unit is great as well, I have been putting it on a vehicle and the extra save always makes its presense felt. The Mechanicum is great as well, just forceing people to reroll any of the hits is always a good idea. This also removes those pesky Precise hits from characters, this also has an added bonus vs vehicles as they take haywire hits if i remember correctly. Shockwave would be good if you could use it in melee.


WIth Telepathy the obvious has been stated, though all of the powers here seem to be good if not great. Invis is probably the best power in the game (In my opinion of course).


I cant find a reason to ever pick Pyro, it is just so bad.



Whenever i allie with IG i almost always take Biomancy as it has some insanely good buffs and debuffs. To bad you cant cast them on your CSM allies :*(, but you can still buff up your own stuff and debuff the enemies stuff. The one where it lowers target units str and tough by -1 is nutty good, I have been on the receiving end of that and it makes small arms fire so much more potent.

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If there is any fluffy thing I would do to chaos, personally, I would make their psykers superior to any other army by a margin. To me it makes sense that people who LIVE in the warp might have quite a good understanding of how to use it.. and they don't particularly fear it like everyone else. I would compare it to a british lawyer trying a case in american courts. Both guys may have read the books, but the one who lives in the society will probably have quite an advantage. Based on that, I hope our codex gives us more options than what we have now. We'll see I guess.
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Still can't see why we didn't get a slice of that juicy divination pie. To me nothing could be more... tzeentchy.

Our next codex might give us a Tzeench roll table. What could be more Tzeenchy then ? Especially as the Psycher would be lvl2 at the least, meaning powerful lvl2 spells or different lvl1 spells that can both be casted.

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Still can't see why we didn't get a slice of that juicy divination pie. To me nothing could be more... tzeentchy.

The fact Ahriman didn't get access to divination when that was his specialty before the heresy is just eurgh..... The fact it would gone brillianly with our AP3 boltguns would have been nice as well.

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Still can't see why we didn't get a slice of that juicy divination pie. To me nothing could be more... tzeentchy.
Game balance. If Prescience was not the Primaris, then things may have been different.


Also, Champion terminators with claws rerolling to hit and wound. Daemon weapons etc etc.

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Still can't see why we didn't get a slice of that juicy divination pie. To me nothing could be more... tzeentchy.
Game balance. If Prescience was not the Primaris, then things may have been different.


Also, Champion terminators with claws rerolling to hit and wound. Daemon weapons etc etc.


I'm not buying "balancing" .

Grey Knights and Space Wolves got it after all. And quite frankly they benefit from it a lot more than we do (e.g. Psycannons and Missile Fangs). :P [/whine]

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Still can't see why we didn't get a slice of that juicy divination pie. To me nothing could be more... tzeentchy.
Game balance. If Prescience was not the Primaris, then things may have been different.


Also, Champion terminators with claws rerolling to hit and wound. Daemon weapons etc etc.


I'm not buying "balancing" .

Grey Knights and Space Wolves got it after all. And quite frankly they benefit from it a lot more than we do (e.g. Psycannons and Missile Fangs). :P [/whine]

This, the fact that Grey knights were broken before yet get it, means that it would not brake the game if chaos got it.

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To differentiate the armies. While I can see the argument for Ahriman to get it, it can be argued that every single army deserves access to every single power, based off one bit of fluff or another. However, they didn't want to do that, so they had to limit what "lores" people got access to. Chaos is traditionally a very direct, aggressive faction, so we got the direct, aggressive lores, and not the calm, sedate divination. Just remember though, who knows what powers we'll get in the next codex? Perhaps Tzeentch will have a few divination-style abilities, mixed in with some pyromantic ones.
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