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At first I figured it was just a named dreadnought and that they listed it as having a powerfist in the leaked starter box stuff for the sake of simplicity, rather than including a statline for a DCCW as well which might confuse new players.


I've since heard the one in the boxed set is named Mortis Metalikus so I'm going to wait and see what the new codex brings. It's either a Chaos Dread or now all Chaos Dreads are called Hellbrutes for no real discernible reason. It's unlikely they'd have both as they both seem to fill the same role.


This is probably part of a bigger reboot for Chaos.

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It is indeed the complete replacement for the Dreadnought. It's fluff says it's a twisted parody of the loyalist version, it has AV 12 F/S, AV10 R, 3 HP...yea, it's quite clearly a Chaos Dreadnought.
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From everything I have read, the Hellbrute is indeed just another name for a dreadnought.

However,the fluff bit that was posted on the faeit 121 blog speaks of many variants that are NOT mutated, thus resembling loyalist dreadnoughts, so its not a problem. Anyway, rumoured rule change on crazed makes it very unlikely to shoot your own troops, and with rampage, it can actually theoretically do stuff in HtH as well ;)


As for weapon options, they seem to rock compared to the old Chaos dread. I can see some grief for some people though, since the rumoured (note rumoured) weapon options include Multi melta, twin linked reapers (4 twinlinked auto cannon shots, LOL!!!!), butcher cannon and heavy flamers, but NOT plasma cannon (which I think was included on the old nasty metal dreads back in the days?) and not heavy bolters I think.However, as for efficiency, no one in their right mind would use plasma cannons in 6ed on that thing anyway, as it would both be clearly inferior to the Butcher and the juicy yummmy twin linked Reaper and in 6ed I believe (unless I am wrong, then I apologice, I dont have plasma on my own vehicles) that walkers would suffer from "Gets Hot" (as well as tanks I think). I dont have the Big Book here, but I am pretty certain on the plasma stuff, and Butcher 4 shots at S 8 AP 4 (not sure about the AP, but I think it was 4 for the decimator guns?) and the Re-Roll wonder weapon which we are supposed to get in the twin linked reaper.


Actually, while the Hellbrute is rumoured to be at 120 points and thus more expensive than our current crappy walker, with those weapon options, the abillity to take divine marks as well as the rather nice special rule called "Rampage"and finally the much needed change to "Crazed", I think we now get an actual cost effective Dreadnought!!!


Well, as you can tell, I am excited anyway, and cant wait to get my D V box and pick up this new cute dread ;)


As for now, I just need some sort of fluff reason (for myself) to justify the inclusion of an obviously insane metal boxn which happens to be full of mutations, into my own Iron Warrior force.

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Shucks, I was hoping for Chaos version of the Venerable Dread.


Meh, not sure we need two types of dreads. Let the loyalists keep the variants, and let us get cool horrific and most destructive engines of doom instead :D


At least this dread seems to actually work according to the rumours at least. And if you want it venerable, all you have to do is add some stuff to the model to make it look more important etc. The actual venerable rules, the loyalists can keep. I like it that ours is going to play differently :)

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I'd like a stable version of a Chaos Dreadnought to compliment different flavors of armies.


Also, if I get my hands on a Hellbrute, I'm welding a patch over that gaping structural weakness.


Lol, was thinking about the same. The crazed head looks cool of course, but makes little sense from a warfare perspective :D


As for crazed, I know what you mean...But at least the various marks are going to give it variety, and more so than the difference between the loyalist dreads I suspect.

Of course, for all I know the marks may bee too expensive. But we can only give our prayers to the Dark Gods like good Bearers of the Word would do, and pray that this time the dread will be some what functional.

As for now, i am pretty positive about those leaked Hellbrute rules!

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Yeah, because Icons on Bikers and Raptors made a huge difference.




Have you cheacked out the rumoured marks at all? Says nothing of icons as far as I know, but actual marks. Nurgle supposedly repairs on a 5+, tzeentch gives +1 strenght to flame weapons and 1 less AP, supposedly making the dread heavy flamers S 6 AP 3, which I believe is pretty decent, or would you not agree?

Dont really understand why you mentioned icons on bikes and raptors, as that is hardly comparable to what I was speaking about at least.


For your pleasure and leasure, this is what I am speaking about: http://natfka.blogspot.com.es/2012/08/meet...nd-options.html


Maybe your slightly more positive now? ;)

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No, but that is much better than my preconceptions.


Meh, guess we just have to wait and see what the final product will be like. Sincerly doubt that it will be worse than the current at the very least.


The big question for me though, is Chosen. The rumours on faeit must be missing something on that unit, or at least I sincerly hope so orI fear they will be the new spawns

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No, but that is much better than my preconceptions.


Meh, guess we just have to wait and see what the final product will be like. Sincerly doubt that it will be worse than the current at the very least.


The big question for me though, is Chosen. The rumours on faeit must be missing something on that unit, or at least I sincerly hope so orI fear they will be the new spawns


They're going out of their way for the Sculpts. I sincerely believe the new Chosen will have something.

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Who keeps naming these new units? Hellbrute, Dreadknight etc.. are the game designers 12 or something?

No, but as with noise marines versus beat marines/fratboy marines of slaanesh. GW thinks it's designing for 12 year olds, nevermind most players are adults, usually older adults at that excepting us military nerd crowd making up the majority of younger adult players(at least everywhere I've been). The name's kinda growing on me though...

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I think most of us can agree on that point...


And IMO not only is the Hellbrute a clichè,but its a rather stupid one at that. I mean, who would call their dreadnoughts, even if insane, for "brutes". Sounds rather underwhelming to be honest...

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Who keeps naming these new units? Hellbrute, Dreadknight etc.. are the game designers 12 or something?

No, but as with noise marines versus beat marines/fratboy marines of slaanesh. W thinks it's designing for 12 year olds, nevermind most players are adults, usually older adults at that excepting us military nerd crowd making up the majority of younger adult players(at least everywhere I've been). The name's kinda growing on me though...


picture removed, remember this is a family friendly board.

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Has anyone looked at the Hellbrute's backside? Just saw it on the 360 degree thing on GW's website. It's really disappointing considering how great the front is detailed. It's really bland in the rear.


Just like GW, giving all the Junk in the trunk to the Loyalists

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