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You guys so sure it replaces the standard dread? I know it's a twisted parody of the imperial dreadnought, but it could that's just another walker type. Surely Traitors must have had dreads - even if they are twisted versions of the Imperial ones... It could be the Hellbrute is a one-off construct... or a rare walker-type vehicle... I'm too sentimentally attached to the Chaos Dread - I don't want to let go! :tu:
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Has anyone looked at the Hellbrute's backside? Just saw it on the 360 degree thing on GW's website. It's really disappointing considering how great the front is detailed. It's really bland in the rear.


Yes that's true. :(


How to improve it though? I was thinking about doing a GS cape or maybe some extra tentacles. Anyone got any ideas?

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My problem isn't even that the back is bland, I just don't like how the front looks like a fair symbiosis of machine and daemonic organism, but his back just looks hulking and gorilla-ish and I feel like the back lends itself to a different aesthetic, almost like they put two different sculpts together. Though I do love the spine
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You guys so sure it replaces the standard dread? I know it's a twisted parody of the imperial dreadnought, but it could that's just another walker type. Surely Traitors must have had dreads - even if they are twisted versions of the Imperial ones... It could be the Hellbrute is a one-off construct... or a rare walker-type vehicle... I'm too sentimentally attached to the Chaos Dread - I don't want to let go! <_<


It states that some Helbrutes aren't as mutated, and look like the Dreadnoughts they once were, or something to that effect. In other words, no, they haven't replaced Dreadnoughts. It's simply a rename, and a refocus of the imagery to focus more on the mutated side of Chaos, rather than Loyalists with Spikes On.

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You guys so sure it replaces the standard dread? I know it's a twisted parody of the imperial dreadnought, but it could that's just another walker type. Surely Traitors must have had dreads - even if they are twisted versions of the Imperial ones... It could be the Hellbrute is a one-off construct... or a rare walker-type vehicle... I'm too sentimentally attached to the Chaos Dread - I don't want to let go! <_<


This source, which so far has been frightingly accurate (its a damn good blog, and I really reccomend it!), claims it is indeed "The Dread": http://natfka.blogspot.no/2012/08/the-hell...nformation.html




" Hellbrute (background/fluff) paraphrased

They were mighty and honorable warriors interred in the powerful and venerable dreadnought chasis during their former slavery to the Imperium. A side effect of insanity was a known feature of Dreadnoughts. To counter this, standard operating procedures on Dreadnoughts is to keep them in stasis between service, so that they see life as one constant battle, only awake in times of great need and focus, but Hell brutes get no such reprieve.


Without the cold embrace of nothingness that makes the years and decades between war pass in the blink of an eye, they are driven mad. The rage of a mind essentially trapped within his walking sarcophagus, simultaneously his freedom and prison tears at the very fabric of his sanity and it is expressed through monstrous transformation and mutation.


Some believe that when enough service has been rendered and enough blood has been shed and victories won in the name of the Dark Gods, these once mighty warriors will be elevated to Greater Daemons and once again walk the earth of dead worlds with their own two feet.


Further down on that blog (read it to see the actual rumoured rules for the dread) is says: The fluff entry also mentions that some Hell Brutes are not as mutated as others, and more closely resemble their dreadnought kin, but to make no mistake they are just as insane.


(So you can still use your old models if you have them. The hellbrute is just the evolution of the whole "style" for the new CSM, which is a lot less "space marine with spikes" and a lot more something unique).



So yes, I do really think it is very likely that this is our one and only Dreadnought, for good or ill :)

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I've got no problem with it being the new dread, I'm just hoping the leaked rules are incomplete, at least by way of options. While plasma cannons might not be a smart choice on our dreadies in 6th, I'm sure there are quite a few people out there who have their's set up that way and don't particually want to go ripping them off (for those of us who don't use magnets), just as I'm sure there are people have their's armed with twin heavy bolters. We also haven't seen anything about a launcher arm or if you can still have twin-bolters on the fist arm.


If the ability for people to still field their dreadies the way they're already built remains, then I'm more than happy for a name change instead of just "Chaos Dreadnought". I always felt that just reusing the loyalist terms and adding Chaos was a bit of a cop out, makes me glad we got Raptors and Havocs rather than Chaos Devestators and Chaos Assualt Marines. We're a bit stuck with Chaos Terminators though, since it's describing the armour and not so much the guys wearing it.

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So yes, I do really think it is very likely that this is our one and only Dreadnought, for good or ill ;)


I see... Well that might mean that other Helbrutes will be available by GW with the one in Dark Vengeance being a "Special Character" so to speak... Truth being said I m not huge fan of the model. It's probably the only model in the Dark Vengeance kit that I feel it was a miss. It seems to me they tried too much to make it over the top - but instead of giving it character in made it a bit all ove the place... It's like you tick all the boxes and still the final result looks disjointed some how.


The Chosen are too chaotic for my taste but damn good minis - no mistake! The Helbrute... not so much - just look at the feet. :lol:

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I highly doubt the dubiously named 'hellbrute' is a heroic character. There is not much precedent for heroic named characters in boxed sets, especially recently; also for some reason I just don't think GW would give us Chaos Bjorn™ right out of the gate.
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The Chosen are too chaotic



I think my brain just crashed, caught fire, exploded and took several innocent bystanders with it, just from those five words. :huh:




We had a discussion in another thread... That was a follow up! :D

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Well, I for one will be having two of those(since I'm trading my DA for more chaos), and I will be converting both of them very hard! I don't like the face, I don't like the toes, I don't like the melta, I don't like the back. Those things I will try to improve...
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I highly doubt the dubiously named 'hellbrute' is a heroic character. There is not much precedent for heroic named characters in boxed sets, especially recently; also for some reason I just don't think GW would give us Chaos Bjorn™ right out of the gate.

I don't know. The AoBR novel featured Cato Sicarius and it would not be that big of a move to add the novel's characters to the box. Just because they have not done it before does not mean they wont now. After all, there is not much precidence for having 2 power armored forces in the starter set, either.


Maybe Morty Metalhead is a special character, maybe he is little more than a "unit upgrade" or maybe he is just another dreadnought that happens to have a name in a book. They don't make special characters out of every grunt with a name in a book after all. My point being, I don't think there is enough evidence to say either way at the moment. I'll just wait and see.

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Well, I for one will be having two of those(since I'm trading my DA for more chaos), and I will be converting both of them very hard! I don't like the face, I don't like the toes, I don't like the melta, I don't like the back. Those things I will try to improve...



I can live with those things things (though I'll be replacing the melta), might consider some modifications once the model is in my hand. The one bit that I'll be removing for sure is those wierd horns on his left side, they look like they'd get in the way when he's trying to reduce his enemies to a fine paste.

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I'll be attempting to improve the back. And the multimelta will at the very least have auto cannon barrels unceremoniously shoved and glued into/onto the MM barrels for the butcher/double reaper option. I like the toes though, they gross me out so much that they just feel right
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I don't know. The AoBR novel featured Cato Sicarius and it would not be that big of a move to add the novel's characters to the box. Just because they have not done it before does not mean they wont now. After all, there is not much precidence for having 2 power armored forces in the starter set, either.


Maybe Morty Metalhead is a special character, maybe he is little more than a "unit upgrade" or maybe he is just another dreadnought that happens to have a name in a book. They don't make special characters out of every grunt with a name in a book after all. My point being, I don't think there is enough evidence to say either way at the moment. I'll just wait and see.


Except every silly unit in that boxed set has a name. The hellbrute is not special, unless Krannon 'the Relentless' Chaos Lord is too; heck, even the Chosen Champ has a name- 'Draznicht.' It is like the Dread that was used in the WD issues when Battle for Macragge came out- he was called Ancient Ferrox, but there were never any special rules for him. I will bet you 1000 slaves that the hellbrute is merely a renamed chaos dreadnaught.

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I don't know. The AoBR novel featured Cato Sicarius and it would not be that big of a move to add the novel's characters to the box. Just because they have not done it before does not mean they wont now. After all, there is not much precidence for having 2 power armored forces in the starter set, either.


Maybe Morty Metalhead is a special character, maybe he is little more than a "unit upgrade" or maybe he is just another dreadnought that happens to have a name in a book. They don't make special characters out of every grunt with a name in a book after all. My point being, I don't think there is enough evidence to say either way at the moment. I'll just wait and see.


Except every silly unit in that boxed set has a name. The hellbrute is not special, unless Krannon 'the Relentless' Chaos Lord is too; heck, even the Chosen Champ has a name- 'Draznicht.' It is like the Dread that was used in the WD issues when Battle for Macragge came out- he was called Ancient Ferrox, but there were never any special rules for him. I will bet you 1000 slaves that the hellbrute is merely a renamed chaos dreadnaught.


Only a thousand slaves? phh, I would easilly risk 10 000 :D

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The Chosen are too chaotic



I think my brain just crashed, caught fire, exploded and took several innocent bystanders with it, just from those five words. :ph34r:




We had a discussion in another thread... That was a follow up! :D


I actually get what Semper is saying - not all Chaos Marines have embraced Chaos to that degree. On the flip side, they do represent "Chosen", so they have had plenty of time to earn the gift of Chaos. They also technically represent a particular warband which we could assume by the mutations does indeed fancy being gifted. I could see veterens of other bands - perhaps made up of Iron Warriors or Alpha Legionnaires - not being so inclined. But I'm certainly no expert on Chaos - do they even have a choice?

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a GW vid about the helbrute. It's described as a 'dreadnought' and directly compared to the loyalist dreadnought. Also a bit about the chaos aesthetic in general, and a pic of a helbrute painted as what I'd assume to be Alpha Legion (dark navy w/ green edging).


As for those who want chaos marine models that don't look chaosy, just buy loyalist models, shave off the emblems, and maybe put chaos backpacks on.

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As for those who want chaos marine models that don't look chaosy, just buy loyalist models, shave off the emblems, and maybe put chaos backpacks on.


My thoughts exactly. There are already so many 'regular' marines already available, and there is no reason for these new releases to match that aesthetic. I know 'chaos but not chaos-chaos' is fun(yay Alpha legion!), but shoot, you try spending 10,000 years in hell- you will not look like anything like loyalist.

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I reckon the hell brute looks awesome except for the bare head which is silly so have to remove that, should be easy enough to convert to Nurgle. I know hellbrutes are what our Dreadnoughts are now but I reckon it would of been cool if it was a monstrous creature I mean it looks kind of more organic daemon creature than dreadnought.
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a GW vid about the helbrute. It's described as a 'dreadnought' and directly compared to the loyalist dreadnought. Also a bit about the chaos aesthetic in general, and a pic of a helbrute painted as what I'd assume to be Alpha Legion (dark navy w/ green edging).


As for those who want chaos marine models that don't look chaosy, just buy loyalist models, shave off the emblems, and maybe put chaos backpacks on.


Even though I plan to kitbash anyway, telling people to buy from the generic lineup is like telling people to who don't like the current Chaos codex to use Space Wolves.


The extreme polarity is insulting.

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