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Even though I plan to kitbash anyway, telling people to buy from the generic lineup is like telling people to who don't like the current Chaos codex to use Space Wolves.


The extreme polarity is insulting.


So . . . you are feeling insulted by being told to do what you already decided to do?

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I myself can't get enough of the new stuff. I have to wonder how much of my old collection I'll still be using a year from now, and how much will have been replaced. I've longed for a line of chaos marines with a coherent visual aesthetic that marked them as a unique faction distinct from regular marines. A codex and a model range that acknowledged ten thousand years of divergence from their pre-heresy roots. It looks like for the first time in ages we're getting the chaos marines of the 41st millennium. Not the 31st millennium's chaos marines, not the 41st millenniums non-chaos renegade marines, but the deranged, warped and immortal warrior kings of the dark gods, disgorged from the eye of terror after ten thousand years in the realm of madness, driving ramshackle hordes of mutants and cultists before them and screaming cries of hatred to tear the galaxy asunder.


The codex may still disappoint me with poor implementation, but the ideas behind this new launch are, imo, the best thing to happen to chaos in 40k since basically ever.

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I myself can't get enough of the new stuff. I have to wonder how much of my old collection I'll still be using a year from now, and how much will have been replaced. I've longed for a line of chaos marines with a coherent visual aesthetic that marked them as a unique faction distinct from regular marines. A codex and a model range that acknowledged ten thousand years of divergence from their pre-heresy roots. It looks like for the first time in ages we're getting the chaos marines of the 41st millennium. Not the 31st millennium's chaos marines, not the 41st millenniums non-chaos renegade marines, but the deranged, warped and immortal warrior kings of the dark gods, disgorged from the eye of terror after ten thousand years in the realm of madness, driving ramshackle hordes of mutants and cultists before them and screaming cries of hatred to tear the galaxy asunder.


The codex may still disappoint me with poor implementation, but the ideas behind this new launch are, imo, the best thing to happen to chaos in 40k since basically ever.


True enough.

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I just hope that the dark vengeance version of the hell brute isn't going to be the only one they make. Maybe the standalone kit will be a little more customisable, especially having seen the component photos on the gw blog there's very little way I can see modifying that beast bar just adding spikes or bits of spawn or something, which seems a little naff. Even if they keep the basic pose and component makeup the same but with options, different heads, sarcophagus fronts etc. I'm also hoping for some chosen that would actually combine with any other marine kit, they are nice models but useless to kitbash in the conventional marine style. I have a nasty feeling that while chaos armies are going to look very distinct and warp touched when compared to loyalists they are going to look very similar to each other...
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Even though I plan to kitbash anyway, telling people to buy from the generic lineup is like telling people to who don't like the current Chaos codex to use Space Wolves.


The extreme polarity is insulting.


So . . . you are feeling insulted by being told to do what you already decided to do?


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I just hope that the dark vengeance version of the hell brute isn't going to be the only one they make. Maybe the standalone kit will be a little more customisable, especially having seen the component photos on the gw blog there's very little way I can see modifying that beast


A new dread/helbrute was among the rumored releases. The starter box model is just that, and as such is designed to minimize components & construction hassle. I'm sure the separate model, if indeed one is released, will have more options and more discrete pieces to work with, though it may lose some of the dynamism in the process.


It probably won't be any less mutated & monstrous, though.

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I just hope that the dark vengeance version of the hell brute isn't going to be the only one they make. Maybe the standalone kit will be a little more customisable, especially having seen the component photos on the gw blog there's very little way I can see modifying that beast


A new dread/helbrute was among the rumored releases. The starter box model is just that, and as such is designed to minimize components & construction hassle. I'm sure the separate model, if indeed one is released, will have more options and more discrete pieces to work with, though it may lose some of the dynamism in the process.


It probably won't be any less mutated & monstrous, though.


Fingers crossed...

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