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Night Lords and Red Corsairs or just Night Lords?

Magnus Thane

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What would be the pro's and contras?


Currently I got 40 or so kitbashed Marines. Their Marine pieces dessecrated and all heavily armed with a dagger on back or leg, bolter on hip frequently etc etc.

I got roughly 5 or so oddly composed Terminators including a loyalist (that can be somewhat 'dessecrated')

1 Night Lord on a pile of skulls on a terminator base. (but no termie armor). Kitbashed, with power fist and axe.

The metal Night Lord Hero.

4 or so Possessed regular marines. A few 'Fallen'ish Marines that could just as well serve as Chosen. (robed Chaos Marines)

A Chaos Dread.

And soon the Dark Vengeance contents.


Now I have 2 routes to go:


1) Pure Night Lords. Everything dark blue with lightning. A heavy mercenary look.

2) A mixture of Red Corsairs led by Huron (i'll get him) backed up by a Night Lord warband. (but what units would go with what. And is this worth doing even?)


Any feedback? I'm unsure. I love Huron and I love the Night Lord novels A LOT. I love Batman on terror crack and I love the idea of Space Pirates.

I prefer NL's over Corsairs though.

I'm wondering if there would be advantages or disadvantages to either approach that are blatant?

And how likely would a NL warlord keep affiliation with the Corsairs longterm?

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From A-D-B's Night Lord trilogy ( which is a great read by the way), NL's are a very fractured "Legion" and some warbands ( of whom the 10th company depicted in the trilogy) struggles to find supplies, slaves, ammunition, and they are used to scavenge armor and weaponry from the battlefield ( without much distinction concerning the previous owner, traitor or loyalist) this couls either explain why they would join the red corsairs, who control vast areas of the eye, and have access to ressources and production sites. The Night lords could very well use the specific gifts of the night lords as a strategic asset.


The scavenging part would / could explain why your chaos marines are wearing chestpieces adorned with the aquila, or why your marines are wearing different types of armour.


Whatever you choose, almost everthing can be explained, it's more a personal taste issue.

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...this couls either explain why they would join the red corsairs, who control vast areas of the eye...


Just have to point out that the Red Corsairs control about 0% of the Eye. They have a strong presence in the Maelstrom though. ;)

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I prefer NL's over Corsairs though.


Looks to me like you already answered your own question...



He also said he loves Huron and Space Pirates. I'd say do both, they have very different colour schemes and histories. It would enable you to develop and interesting background on how they came to ally, and will provide you with a variety of painting and modelling options. You won't get bored of painting blue, you can have Huron and a generic chaos lord/sorcerer in the same force with a different background. You can paint and model you psychopathic murderers, and have a strong futuristic corsair force as well, good fun for all!


And you can decide which is the largest faction entirely upon who you like more at the time. Want your NL to be leading the raid, with Huron's pirate force attached to be "shown how its done" by veterans of the Heresy? Paint more Night Lords! Want them to be a broken warband seeking the protection of Huron's pirate empire? Paint more Red Corsairs!

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It does appeal to me to have Huron be supported by a NL warlord. *rubs chins* Some variation in color too.

I'm also inclined to throw the mutated and more outlandish stuff among the Red Corsairs as i'm a fan of the 'less tainted' NL's theme.

The Cultists seem better as Corsairs. I got the impression Huron uses a lot of fodder guys while the NL do have them but they're more support personnel and slave labor?


How are the Chaos Raptors atm? Do you feel they or bikes are a must-have for the NL part?

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Competitive-wise I'm not one to say. I'm very much a "for fun" gamer, even though everyone here does play for fun in various ways. Though I can pretty much assure you every long time NL player will be screaming "No! No! Jump packs and fast attack don't define Night Lords!" This seems to be very much a trend established in the 3.5 dex, when GW attempted to make every Legion noticeably different gameplay-wise. Everyone agrees that Raptors and Bikers are pretty sucky in our current dex, but I've never used them simply because I hate the models. I've never really liked the idea of Space Marines on bikes (just a personal thing) and while the Raptors look cool, they're just impractical. But they might absolutely rock in the new dex, and get some kickass models to boot.



I'd wait for the new codex, and neither choice is necessary in a NL force.

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Yeah in the fluff the Night Lords are usually 'just Marines'. Just with another doctrine. Thanks for the feedback in any case.

I only have the novels and the 3.5 codex as reference and those 2 contradict each other a lot. ;)

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It's because the 3.5 book had the laziest arsed way to "define" the night lords which was raptors, raptors, raptors.


Seems like you're more on the night lord side of the fence. It may be more sensible what with the horus heresy gettin a lot of love.

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