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Blood Angels Combat Squad


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Hi Guys,


Thought i'd post some pics of a squad i finished recently.


The Veteran Sergeant;




The marines;








A heavy bolter marine, who goes by the name Frank;




And finally, the whole team together;




Comment and criticism is welcome!


Cheers! :D

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Good job finishing these guys man. The red is definitely the strongest part. Nice and flat, and the transition between the shading and base color is pretty smooth.


If you want to improve them, I would suggest thinning the paint on their "decorations" (i.e. skulls, ropes, etc.). You can't tell in the last pic at all, but in the closer shots, the paint looks thick, and sometime a bit out of the lines. This is usually a result of trying to cover a small spot with thick paint, because you kind of have to stab your brush at the piece to get paint on it to cover the whole thing.


Also, nuln oil on some of the small bits and sepia/earthshade on the ropes might help give them some more definition. The latter wash would help on the purity seal parchment as well.


If you're using GW paints, an easy way to thin them is to dip the hard end of your brush in the paint, slop it down on your palette, wipe off the brush, then dip it in water and let a drop fall off into the paint. Then mix thoroughly. This amount of water is often enough, except perhaps for the base paints (formerly foudnation paints) which might need some more water. Note though, that you may need to use a couple more coats of paint to get a consistent color.


Anyway, sorry if I prattled. I think your models look good, definitely nice table top. Just consider some of those ideas if you're looking to make them even better.



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Certainly, don't apologise. I'm not so much looking to improve these models, but my painting skills in general! Any advice is great, and i thank you for it.


I must say i've never heard the tip about using the opposite end of the brush. That should be extremely useful. Thanks.

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Thought i would add my Sanguinary Priest conversion here, too. A bit more technique went into this guy.








The narthecium is an oldschool Apothecary arm, but i think it worked quite well. He was converted before the GK release with their lovely TDA apothecary bits...

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