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Disembarking and transports

Brother Krux

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I have been pouring over this section over and over. I still can not wrap my head around it.

As I read it appears you can move the transport, then disembark and then make a standard move with your troops. Is this correct? If this topic is explained somewhere already please point me in the right direction.

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You can move the vehicle a maximum of 6" if you wish to disembark. When you disembark you then make a 6" move from the access point. And then that's it. Alternatively, you can disembark before moving the vehicle, again 6", and then move the vehicle normally.
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A good tactic for Blood Angels that I am adopting is that I drive a Rhino full of Death Company up first turn. Second trun move 6 inches and then turn side ways and deploy the 10 man squad. Then I will rapid fire bolters into the enemy and then Flat Out my rhino around the squad to block line of sight for my opponents next turn. If they happen to survive this then they will get something in the assault on turn 3 till the end of game.
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A good tactic for Blood Angels that I am adopting is that I drive a Rhino full of Death Company up first turn. Second trun move 6 inches and then turn side ways and deploy the 10 man squad. Then I will rapid fire bolters into the enemy and then Flat Out my rhino around the squad to block line of sight for my opponents next turn. If they happen to survive this then they will get something in the assault on turn 3 till the end of game.


Actually you can't do this. Page 79 under Disembarking. "If the vehicle had already moved before the unit disembarked, the vehicle cannot move further that turn."


So not a legal tactic, sorry.

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