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Vehicle explodes, disembarkation question.


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One of my gaming buddies posted a question on our group's site that I'm working on. I'm reposting a bit of it here to see what the B&C crowd think:


when a vehicle explodes, its occupants are placed where the vehicle is according to page 80 (very poorly written btw) but on page 426 in the game summary it states that they "disembark, but are limited to a 3" move". So, how do they disembark if there is no vehicle left to disembark from. Do you take a model and move it 3" from the hull then remove the vehicle and then place the other models around said model so long as they do not exceed 3" from where the vehicle use to be? Lots of ways to interpret this but another way could be to place the models in base contact with each other in the center of where the vehicle use to be and give them a 3" consolidation move. What you guys think?


I've looked over the rule book and it seems to me the rules on page 80 conflict with the table on page 426 of the core book. What say you brothers?

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