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Blood Wraith Contemptor & Stormraven

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Blood Wraith (BA successor) Contemptor - I used magnets for the arms to be able to switch weapons. The basing material is sand from the Ogenden desert in eastern Eithopia / western Somalia. Picked up a batch while I was over there working. All 3 of my armies will be based with it... boring maybe but it's a better story than "I bought it at the store". :lol:










Storm Raven with extention kit (Chapterhouse) and a Forgeworld turret - did not like the original, so it went to a GK razorback.







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Here you go!

You will note the different red's.. the lighter colour is the first coat (mephiston red), the other's have the second layer of Khorne red on them. I still have a ton of painting to go but it's getting there. I'm still one rhino short, only have 5 and I have 6 TAC squads. Other than that, 2nd company is complete.



















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would it be inappropriate to say i'm literally drooling with jealousy? :D seriously dude, you have an insane amount of models and i am hoping to one day have that many. awesome looking force pal. how on earth can you transport all that stuff to a game? :lol: not that you play one game with all it, but that would be a ton of points and you'd need a small armored convoy to transport all that space marine awesomeness! haha all those land raiders :woot: goodness, thanks again for the pics pal, GREAT WORK!!
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I guess I better not post pic's of my GK force that is built and waiting in line to be painted or my IG army then. :woot:


Actually I was going to post pic's of the GK's in the WIP forum... the IG, well can't do that here but if you look at my sig it will give you an idea of size. Fortunately when I tell my wife that I have everything now, it's basicly true. ;) ... except for the commisioned Fellblade I have ordered and the warhound I have yet to get. :lol: Really want a warhound.


As for playing, that's kind of rare these days. The gaming group has kind of driffed apart do to life. I work out of town 8 months of the year, so I'm not around much my self. Hell, I've yet to get a game in with 6th edition yet.

Fortunately I like collecting & painting, and having a space marine company has been a goal for me. Mu IG force I built up to be a battalion strength unit, but was a bit much... ended up selling 2 full companies (55 men) and a couple of squadrons of vehicles. now it's a managable size that looks good size wise.


My Grey Knights I started back 6 years ago. Picked up a couple sets to round out the force. It's more for show than play since GK hate is pretty strong in my group as well. :D

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