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I'm dealing out some Night Lord love/Fear...



Talos anyone?



Talking to the ghost of Ruven whilst chained to the bridge-throne of the Echo of Damnation...



And a close-up of Talos himself and a widescreenversion can be found in the blog:



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I.. I don't.. I can't even...


I'm speachless. Thats absolutly incredible! Seriously, tha captures the scene and setting perfectly. Its gorgeous! :huh:

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Cheers guys,


Yeah Nihm, actually the corpse would hang behind US (the viewer) but I made some creative alterations to fit both the mood and th wishes of the client for this one... ;)


Glad you guys like. There is too little Night Lords love going around anyway :huh:

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Which book it that from? I've read up to blood reaver (the one where they get an apothocary from the red corsairs)


I believe the scene occurs in the third book. :devil:

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Wow, incredibly impressive! Hope you get your fair share of teh monies for it! ;)

It was a commission, though one I REALLY wanted t paint for ages before I got the actual commission. One of those rare occasions where a commission almost fit word-by-word what I have wanted to paint for myself.


Very nice indeed. Great work as usual. :)



Which book it that from? I've read up to blood reaver (the one where they get an apothocary from the red corsairs)
I believe the scene occurs in the third book. ;)
That is correct. The scene is from Void Stalker - a seriously good book btw!
Need to get that then, ADB has become one of those authors who I try to get the books of as soon as they are out.

Indeed, in the beginning of Void Stalker.

And yes, you need to get that book ;)


Very impressive! Hope ADB sees this


I actually sent it to him before posting anywhere else. As described in my blogpost, I waited a long time to paint this (with permission of the commissioner) because I really wanted to do the characters and the Author justice with this, so it obviously becomes important to me that the author get to see it (and like it).

Nobody was happier then me with his reaction.




That's a beautiful piece of artwork dude. It took me a little while to figure out that it wasn't a book cover or some similar piece of art.

Well, I DO covers for a living, so I would hope it shows when I do private commissions also ;)


Stunning. Atmosphere is absolutely captured.

I got nuthin' else to say.

Amazing work!!


Cheers guys!


I think I love you.



No need to exaggerate, I'm married and got kids :P

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