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Dark Vengeance and you....

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Hi all,


Long time lurker and new poster. So I have a 3,000ish point Thousand Sons army, fully painted..and I just bought a DV Box...now I this issue. I have always played my Sons pretty strictly: Sorcerers/Daemon Princes, TS squads in or out of Rhinos, Defilers, Termis, raptors and Oblits..that's it...nothing that is mutated (aside from the oblits...a necessary evil with our currrent book) all my stuff is clean and un chaos for the most part. However with the DV box coming out I was wondering your thoughts as fellow Followers of Change what you might use from the box?...or if I should look at expanding out and just leave my Sons as they are.


I have 20 Noise Marines with sonic weapons as well...(just FYI)

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I'm splitting the box with a mate who plays Black legion, he takes the chaos stuff (except for the bolter marine and possibly mace marine or lord (all three could be good aspiring sorcerers) and I take the Dark angel stuff, as the tacitical squad can go to my pre heresy salamanders with a bit of work whilst the terminators and bikers can easily be converted to rubrics (I will post pictures og my ravenwing to rubric bikers conversions.)
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Hmm...I agree with the lack of visual cohesion with TS from the DV box. I think I might finally dive into a Word Bearers allies force or something...


Interesting idea of adding the Loyalist stuff over to your Sallies there Rune, I was just planning on pawning off that stuff to someone who wanted to trade.

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I think I might go ahead and paint them up with the blue armour, I love the hellbrute model but I can't figure that one out....hell the defiler gave me fits for a while, but I love the model too much to leave it out.


Plus, we'll have to see how good the rules are...if they are amazing I guess we'll have to include the Brute

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