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Plague Marines - Black Crusade 2012 Charity Models


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Hi folks as you no doubt know if you are a regular follower the 16 Plague Marines are finally completed and ready to ship out for the Black Crusade Charity Draw (here: http://blackcrusade2012.blogspot.co.uk/ ) and yesterday I promised your more pictures of the models so here they are.


The 16 Plague Marines were created by Michael from The Resurected Hobbyist (here: http://40kressurected.blogspot.co.uk/ ) and were very "battle scared" I only hope my painting has done them justice. Michael envisaged these marines to be battle scared and to look like they have scavenged bits and peices from the battle field. Personally I think with the modelling and parts used he has really pulled this off.


When painting these models I took a couple of tracks and have manged I think to combine them quite well. Firstly I wanted to keep the green and rotten colours that we associate with Plague Marines of all stripes, I combined this with the corroded and weathered silvers that give the models a dirty look. Second I wanted the battle damage to stand out and show how ruined the armour is, so then I went with a nice contrasting rust colour to show the damage more clearly and to get some more colour in to them. My final plan was I wanted these to be Plague Marines, not Death Gaurd but good old honest Plague Marines. More importantly I wanted to tie them in with the the Black Crusade and the Black Legion, so as a result the vast majority are sporting black shoulder pads in homage to that shared legion. One or two models have Imperial Markings, theres a Wolf, Blood Angel and Ultramarine in there, to show Marines that have fallen from grace and have joined the band as roving Plague worshippers. Hopefully all this combines to give the units a coherent but uniquie look for the winner.


so on with the pictures and please feel free to comment on the first Squad:











so on with more pictures and please feel free to comment on them, here is the second Squad:











so there you have it, the second squad and hope the pics give you a good idea of what the models are like, any questions or comments please feel free to leave comment on any of the posts. Alternatively please check out my blog for these and more at http://millests.blogspot.co.uk/


thanks guys

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