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Flamestorm Cannon Baal's in 6th


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With 6th edition we are seing more infantry, aegis lines and terminators in general. This does mean flamestorm cannon becomes a more viable option, but does it tip the scale? They already work extremly well against horde armies, they are amazing vs power armor and a really good option for breaking Aegis Defence Lines.


Interested in hearing peoples opinion.

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I'm really not sold in the idea of template weaopons on anything but a redeemer. With combat hits being resolved against rear AV, any unit with Str4 and a reasonable number of attacks can glance out a predator realatively easily. Not to mention driving into melta range of anyone appropriately armed, rather than making them work for it.


Although after watching my Assault Cannon Baals rip through the front of a Leman Russ on several occasions, I may be a little biased in thier favour.

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Yah, tanks are just to vulnerable in CC to be pushing them into enemy units unless they are small and you can severaly damage their combat potential in the previous turn, basically if you get charged after you flame you will die so you better make your points back...


to me in an all comers list the assault cannon just has a much better probability of having viable targets to engage effectively without risking the unit itself.


personnally I like the HS Predator, for less points I can move 6 inches every turn and fire 2 las cannons or move 12 and snap fire everything at flyers with no decrease in combat effectiveness vs making the same shot setting still. plus you can present AV 13 from 36 inches + and never get assulted unless somthing silly happens. with a 24 inch movement potential there really is no excuse for getting assaulted in a predator.


if tanks could overwatch my opinion would certainly change and the Flame Tank would be alot better ... but it can't :-(

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I generally run a Stormraven with TL Multimelta, TL Lascannons and Hurricane bolters that takes care of other flyers as well as the heavier vehicles. Baal Preds fit a very nice slot in my army as an answer to both light vehicles and any infantry (though its Rending can take down heavy vehicles as well!). I agree with the above though, CC with vehicles has made them extremely fragile up close, so I don't run the flame storms anymore. Its a shame because they absolutely destroy marines. Keeping your distance with almost all vehicles (except maybe LandRaiders) is kinda mandatory with 6th edition now.
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Since they are fast I would try and get to your enemies backfield units, flambe those scouts that are enjoying a 2+ cover save or that dev squad occupying an aegis defense line, speed as fast as you can and roast things!!!! Flame storms are awesome people divert a lot of attention to them. Using a combined arms approach they can work try to hit units from the side. use scout and outflank and hope they come on a side where they can get a shot off with that big nasty flame cannon!
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Flamecannon Baals plain out suck for the same reason most Close Combat Walkers suck.


They can reliably be glanced to death in a single round by a 10 man tactical squad with Krak grenades.


Anything with a rear AV of 12 or less, and any walker with a front AV of 12 or less, has nu business being in combat in 6th Edition.


Armor and Walkers have been relegated to mid-long range fire support.


You should use them as thus.


Do not build and paint this, you'll most likely regret it. If you MUST try this, proxy first.

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I've had some success with a flamestorm Baal, and I use it every time I play. Coolness factor is one reason, and now forgeworld have released a flamer pred I have another reason as my BA are heresy era!


It's to do with what to expect from the tank. Use it as a suicide runner that can take out pretty much anything no probs. Outflank it and come on that table flaming those sternguard that are in cover or whatever you like! It's really not that bad. Nine times out of ten, you kill something more useful than the predator itself, just assume you're going to lose it. If it gets a second turn of shooting then that's a bonus!


Pick your targets wisely, but be careful as almost any result on the damage table will leave you unable to fire the flamer as you can't snapshot a template. I've been thinking of using HB sponsons for that very reason. I probably won't though as I love my outflanking shock weapon of flamey death far too much!



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personnally I like the HS Predator, for less points I can move 6 inches every turn and fire 2 las cannons or move 12 and snap fire everything at flyers with no decrease in combat effectiveness vs making the same shot setting still. plus you can present AV 13 from 36 inches + and never get assulted unless somthing silly happens. with a 24 inch movement potential there really is no excuse for getting assaulted in a predator.


if tanks could overwatch my opinion would certainly change and the Flame Tank would be alot better ... but it can't :-(

Pearls of Wisdom. I've playtested Baals and nearly every time I've wished I'd taken AC/LC Pred instead. Moving 12" and firing both LC at full BS is so awesome.


Baals (either pattern) are primarily anti-infantry (can't rely on lucky rending for AT, TLAC can kill light tanks though). I feel that Blood Angels have no lack of Anti-infantry elsewhere in our selections (RAS, DC, etc etc) so really BA are always searching for anti-tank support and the AC/LC pred fits the bill nicely. So not to derail the thread, but I feel the Flamestorm Baal is relatively weak but the Autocannon Baal isn't an optimal choice either.


If only vehicles could overwatch. If only the flamestorm cannon used the Inferno Cannon "ranged template" rules (ala IG Hellhound). Sadly, neither is true so I won't be taking a Flamer-Baal in my lists.

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Flamestorm baal is a forlorn hope, best run totally naked, scout or outflank into the position and used to try and rout units hiding in cover. Its not meant to be a big money unit delivering tons of carnage, but if it is able to take out those 100 points it costs, in the right spot of the enemy force, then it is worth it. If the cannon gets killed its a tank shocker. If they spend anything that costs well over 100 points shooting at it then it also is serving a purpose.


Synergize, BA are a great in your face army, flamestorm baal is designed for that.

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I have played the flamestorm to some great effect. One thing I like to do is always be moving forward. It is a distraction vehicle or a counter assault vehicle. That when your forward vehicles are assaulted or a squad is then this vehicle can come up and just torch the person that just wrecked havoc on you.
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I have used the flamestorm often and like it. Both at outflanker and scouting. Great punch, if only one or two shot.


The dakka Baal is great too. (ac/hb sponson) Great for light vehicles and infantry.


I'm gonna try the flamestorm/heavy bolters as 12" move is two weapons ---) sponson.


In the long run I believe the assault cannon Baal will be the best. Possible with bolters. This I believe is our best tool vs flyers as our 12" move and twinlinked, heavy 4, strength 6, 24" and possibly rending (Ap2) increases our chances for success.

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Do not build and paint this, you'll most likely regret it. If you MUST try this, proxy first.


You could just magnetise weapon options. Increases second hand value too =)


Got a pair of BPs, you don't even have to magnetise them to make the weapons exchangeable:

  • Side sponsons weapons and ammo pack easily stick on and off the nubs.
  • The main weapon just needs you to remove a bit off the guns that otherwise would lock them into the mount.
  • The rear ammo boxes could be magnetised for extra security, but with Chaos Black primer they pretty much stick on with the shallow sockets

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