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Thousand Sons models


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Hello all,


This post is more an observation really.


With Dark Veangeance on the horizon my eye turns to the Thousand Sons again. With cultists and Chosen to bolster my forces from the box set, I began a search for rank and file Thousand sons again, when I noticed something on the GW website linked for Australia; If you buy Thousand sons, they are expected to despatch in seven or eight weeks. This suggests to me:


1. GW Australia is awaiting shipments of the UK, and have no TS squads in stock; or

2. The TS are being recast into either full plastic or Finecast, so none are available for the time being.


I'm going with option 2. Stands to reason really as the other three cult troops have undergone some change from metal/plastic to either full plastic or Finecast and it was only a matter of time.



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If I remember correctly the metal components are rumored to be re-done in Finecast for the new Codex. And there are also rumors for a new plastic kit to be released sometime during 2013.


However, if you buy the current kit from the UK store it ships within 24hours.... so I'm guessing it might be a combination of 1 and 2.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I think you guys are right, they will probably make a new TSons kit and since the plague marines already have theirs in finecast so obviously they wouldnt just take them away. Hopefully in the next few months we can see some really cool renditions come out. Either way it looks like TSons got more love than the noise marines for right now.
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It's the same as what used to come with the rest of the bits to make them, now you have to buy these and the chaos marine box. The fact they did this to Thousand sons and Noise marines but not the plague marines just comes across as dick move to be honest.

This works for me. I have a ton of extra marines, so now I can buy a few upgrade sets and turn them into true Thousand Sons. rather than just be Marines that act as Thousand Sons.

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It's the same as what used to come with the rest of the bits to make them, now you have to buy these and the chaos marine box. The fact they did this to Thousand sons and Noise marines but not the plague marines just comes across as dick move to be honest.

This works for me. I have a ton of extra marines, so now I can buy a few upgrade sets and turn them into true Thousand Sons. rather than just be Marines that act as Thousand Sons.


I just hope the size disparity between the older Chaos Marines and the Dark Vengeance minis doesn't carry forward itno the new kits. Otherwise, the new kits might not look right bashed with the old kits.

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The one good thing about this finecast pack is that you can use it on terminators/bikers/raptors ect without having a load of regular chaos marine bits hanging around, and as it's finecast it should be easy enough to cut through. Yeah, my attempts to copy the headcrests for my terminators through various greenstuff, plasticard and moulding techniques has failed, with only one out of five being any good and would not need work to be usable, not sure what I am going to do with the sorcerer, depends how finecasted he is. Still would have prefered metal, if just for the weight and consistency.
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Another thing I have now realized about the upgrade packs is that the Thousand sons one should hopefully drive down the prices of the bits stores on ebay, who start bidding on a set of Thousand son heads at £8 plus postage :P.....

Despite vowing not to do another 40k army, the Noise marine pack is calling to me, whipering how they want to be used with the Forge world armour kits for Mk IV noise marines, if I had need of more rubrics a squad of them in MKIII or VI could have been in order....

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Horribly overpriced finecast upgrade pack that forces you to buy a CSM box as well, leaving you with two useless torsos and a :cuss load of useless bits now on pre order guys!

Fixed that for you ;)

That is true, the only way I can see it being good is if you want to convert rubric terminators after months of trying moulding, sculpting and plasticarding to try and do the crests any other way. Fortunatly, I will only need one of these. I admit I was doing a GW order already, of Escorts for my BFG stuff as people want me to do intro games and I like the models.

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I wouldn't be surprised at all if they had a second wave incoming with cults and regular troops and a few special characters. After all, this release took care of all the new units in the codex and released 8 new boxes...there must be some sort of efficiency limit to how many boxes can be released at the same time, so they just went with the most pressing ones, we do have models for the rest...even if they are a bit dated...
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I wouldn't be surprised at all if they had a second wave incoming with cults and regular troops and a few special characters. After all, this release took care of all the new units in the codex and released 8 new boxes...there must be some sort of efficiency limit to how many boxes can be released at the same time, so they just went with the most pressing ones, we do have models for the rest...even if they are a bit dated...

Sadly, the models will no doubt be Finecast, in a box of five, for 25 GBP a pop- GeeDoubleyou always manages to :) over my favourite armies in new and inventive ways every few months. But they definitely need an update- they just don't fit with the army's new aesthetic. Let's pray that wave comes soon!


As you may have noticed, I'm incredibly annoyed by this recent release- and combined with the beautiful new Raptors, I'm this close to starting Night Lords :)


Edit-It's happened. Thousand Sons are Eleites. Congrats, GW, you've exceeded even my expectations.

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