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Death Watch Squad


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Pfft. I haven't been on here in AGES, guys. I almost couldn't remember my password. Heh. Just terrible. Alas, I have returned and with art! However, it's nothing controversial this time. (No naked 'elves' on Dreadnoughts.)


So to start, I shall spam you with some space marine portraits I did of a Death Watch squad....
















You can find these pieces and more info about each of the marines here ---> http://echinosnoseimei.deviantart.com/gallery/38589181


So. Favorites? Questions? Cake? I love cake. Mmmmm.....

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Uniquely refreshing, man. I love the little details about these guys, especially the gold-pinned black eyes of the Space Wolf.


My most sincere thanks, Fox. I had a blast designing these Brothers. I tried my best to make them all unique and different from each other. As for the Space Wolf, there was really no other option. I mean, he's a Wolf! Hehe.

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As someone almost totally unable to draw anything but cartoon-y, I quite appreciate the style and dig yours.


Scrolling down at first I was sceptical, but some of the marines I really liked. The Salamander is the only version with coal black skin and glowing red eyes I've seen that I thought looked cool. I was taken aback by the Death Specter at first, but he's quite a character; I have always had difficulty imagining Space Marines (even the weirdo/almost-heretic/creepy loyalist ones) looking wildly different from each other. I always kind of imagined them as big burly dudes, occasionally with long hair or a funky do, so seeing Victus actually quite opened my mind! :P


Do you have any plans of doing them in armour? I'd be very interested to see the armour designs you'd draw to go with the characters.

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A little too... Cartoony? for my tastes, but I respect the skills that produced them :)

Cartoony? That's definately a first. Hehe. I've never heard my style called that before.


Do you have any plans of doing them in armour? I'd be very interested to see the armour designs you'd draw to go with the characters.

I do plan to draw them in armor....as soon as I learn to draw it correctly. I don't want to post any power armor pictures until I'm comfortable with the way it looks. Heh.


As to you previous comments, many thanks. I like designing 'out of the box' characters. Like Victus for example, so little is known about Death Spectres, that who is to really say what they look like? So I took advantage of the fact that they are a mysterious Chapter and went crazy. Hehe. Plus, I made this Death Watch squad for personal reasons and really, for kicks-and-giggles. And my canon doesn't always match up with other's canon. I'm notorious for being an 'open-minded thinker'. ;3

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I think these look awesome, and like what you already said, really gives each chapter it's real "own" feeling.


I would only add that to me, and I may be wrong, that after 2 centuries of service (the double service studs), Valgas would surely be a Grey Hunter by then. I know the codex mentions it can take decades, sometimes centuries but either way. Just thought I would throw that out there...

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helveticus coprus looks like zuko ;)

You guys keep making comparisons that I am unfamiliar with. Heh.


He's the exiled anti-hero from Avatar: The Last Airbender. The dude spent the first two seasons shaven bald with a topknot (kinda like Abaddon) and has a huge burn-scar surrounding one of his eyes.


Oh yeah, i just remember that something was bugging me. I noticed that Valgas's eyes have the sclera completely black, with golden irises and black pupils. I've been looking at some artwork of unhelmed Space Wolves, including the ones on the novels i own, and their eyes still have white scleras, albeit with the iris colored black and the pupils are gold.


Just wanted to say. :P

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Oh yeah, i just remember that something was bugging me. I noticed that Valgas's eyes have the sclera completely black, with golden irises and black pupils. I've been looking at some artwork of unhelmed Space Wolves, including the ones on the novels i own, and their eyes still have white scleras, albeit with the iris colored black and the pupils are gold.

That may be, but I've never been one to really comply. Heh. Besides, it's not like I'm designing the cover to a Black Library book. I'm no where near that good. ;-;

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Awesome stuff, love the characters of these chaps!


I would only add that to me, and I may be wrong, that after 2 centuries of service (the double service studs), Valgas would surely be a Grey Hunter by then. I know the codex mentions it can take decades, sometimes centuries but either way. Just thought I would throw that out there...


Space Wolves don't necessarily adhere to this, in Battle of the Fang (I think) it mentions a Wolf with studs on his face, not due to service time like other chapters use them for but he simply liked studs.

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Have you considered ritual scars for the Salamander? They tend to enjoy carving designs into their flesh. Which brings up an interesting thought . . . What color are the burn scars in a Salamander's skin? Usually in real life when dark complexion people suffer a burn scar the pigment doesn't return when the skin grows back.
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Awesome stuff, love the characters of these chaps!

My sincere thanks, Mikal. ^^


Have you considered ritual scars for the Salamander? They tend to enjoy carving designs into their flesh. Which brings up an interesting thought . . . What color are the burn scars in a Salamander's skin? Usually in real life when dark complexion people suffer a burn scar the pigment doesn't return when the skin grows back.

Well, I made my Salamander's scars a purple-ish/peach flesh tone. So I guess if he had burn marks they would be about the same color?

Also, I did not know that Salamanders did scarification!? Now I must go back and carve up my 'Mander's face! Hehe.


I really like these, but the thing that keeps bugging me is I feel like you switched the Space Wolf and Mortificator quotes - although I don't think that the Mortificator quote belongs to anyone who isn't Chaos either but that's just me :D

Well, the quotes are more to match their individual personalities. And the Mortifactor's quote is actually a Thought for the Day. They all are, except the Ultramarine's. His quote is from a movie. Heh.

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