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Malal Alpha legion

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Ahoy hoy.


Obviously we are all excited because dark vengeance is landing soon and we are getting an influx of gorgeous new models. This inevitably leads to people starting new armies or rebooting their current ones such as I am.

I'm currently building a heresy era alpha legion force , which is lovely fun, but lacks a properly chaotic element to it. However, with the new models on the way, it would seem silly not to get a 40k era force up and running. Of course, the dark vengeance models have spikes and eyes coming out of everywhere, which is awesome, but means I'd look a bit silly if I tried to do a "we're not corrupted honest" warband.


Which brings me to my point: I feel like this force should be aligned to a god, but was having a hell of a time picking one. Khorne is a bit blunt for my purposes, Nurgle isn't a good option for infiltrating as I imagine the stench may give you away. Slaanesh seems a bit of a distraction and tzeentch was the only one that seemed to make sense with his tricky ways.


Then I remembered Malal!


That weird fifth chaos god of Erm....chaos! The guy that's all about chaos within chaos and grows stronger whenever followers of other gods kill each other.


He seems like a good fit, I like him. Its almost as if the cabals mission was a ploy by this chap :tu:

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I feel like this force should be aligned to a god, but was having a hell of a time picking one.

Why not Chaos Undecided?


I am unsure what you want here:


You are making a 30k era Alpha Legion force?

You want a 40k era Chaos warband.

Does the 40k one have to be alpha legion?

If they do, why do they need to worship a chaos god?

You want a warband that worships Malal/Malice? Go for it?!

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I apologise, I wrote the post in a bit of a rush and appeared to have missed out the entire point of it.


I'm doing a 40k era warband aligned to Malal. The point was me to ask Ye folks if you had any ideas of how I could represent Malals influence within my force.


Of course I'm an idiot and didn't ask that first :)

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One thing, Malal is no longer the Renegade God that feeds off of the self-destruction of Chaos due to GW being weary of copyright issues that I am sure the creator would be more than willing to hand over. He has been regulated to a "Warp entity" status which I guess means he's not aligned to one of the Gods, is stronger than a daemon prince but weaker than a God and is able to act as a patron.


So, you can still use him as a patron. Just not a God. And to be honest, sounds like a good idea you should go for.

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One thing, Malal is no longer the Renegade God that feeds off of the self-destruction of Chaos due to GW being weary of copyright issues that I am sure the creator would be more than willing to hand over. He has been regulated to a "Warp entity" status which I guess means he's not aligned to one of the Gods, is stronger than a daemon prince but weaker than a God and is able to act as a patron.


So, you can still use him as a patron. Just not a God. And to be honest, sounds like a good idea you should go for.


Yeah I saw he got knocked down a peg. I was just using him as a patron of my warband. In all fairness, high ranking daemons ofteb set themselves up as rulers of certain groups so this is no different. He just won't be another god in the fluff for the warband.

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To be honest, it would either be Alpha Legion or the Night Lords out of the Traitor Legions who would try to gain him as a patron. He already has the Sons of Malice as a Traitor Chapter to work with, so if you would like you can take the AL's colors, but use the Sons of Malice quartered style for their own. That could be difficult to get right, though, as they are very close to each other on the color wheel.


I believe the WD has the Starter Kit in AL colors, so you may want to see how how much you like that style.

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One thing, Malal is no longer the Renegade God that feeds off of the self-destruction of Chaos due to GW being weary of copyright issues that I am sure the creator would be more than willing to hand over. He has been regulated to a "Warp entity" status which I guess means he's not aligned to one of the Gods, is stronger than a daemon prince but weaker than a God and is able to act as a patron.


So, you can still use him as a patron. Just not a God. And to be honest, sounds like a good idea you should go for.

Pretty sure GW doesn't care if they are given the rights or not, they'll skirt the system so they don't have to spend additional money to get what they want. Like when they hacked Vassal.


Anyway, there's nothing saying you can't worship him. At worst he's a Warp Entity, at best he's roughly the equivalent of something stronger than a Greater Demon.

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One thing, Malal is no longer the Renegade God that feeds off of the self-destruction of Chaos due to GW being weary of copyright issues that I am sure the creator would be more than willing to hand over. He has been regulated to a "Warp entity" status which I guess means he's not aligned to one of the Gods, is stronger than a daemon prince but weaker than a God and is able to act as a patron.


So, you can still use him as a patron. Just not a God. And to be honest, sounds like a good idea you should go for.

Pretty sure GW doesn't care if they are given the rights or not, they'll skirt the system so they don't have to spend additional money to get what they want. Like when they hacked Vassal.


Anyway, there's nothing saying you can't worship him. At worst he's a Warp Entity, at best he's roughly the equivalent of something stronger than a Greater Demon.

Maybe, but after the author left, they did spend money to try and create two new Gods to take his place but they both bombshelled.

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I think an Alpha Legionnaire (or two or three) would be quite an interesting follower of Malal. With some imagination, grounded with good fluff, almost anything Human can worship him if you think about it. I think an AL would be a bit curious about the Renegade & Outcast and all His blasphemous glories. Perhaps a cell came across information regarding this destructive entity and became obsessed with discovering more. All in the hopes of bringing about the end of the Imperium and a violent self-consumption of chaos upon itself.


From bits of fluff hanging out there I always liked how Malal is self-destructive. A malicious power that consumes and destroys all around it and causes damage even to itself. It's like a black hole that would devour itself when nothing is left (I do not know if that is astrophysical possibly). Malal is Chaotic and against Chaos as well. If you worship an swear fealty to the emperor then you are his enemy as well. With Malal, it is either him or nothing. Even if you worship him...it can lead to your own demise. So if there is a god that is the incarnation and personification of utter ruin that more than most likely wishes for the demise of everything else...it's Malal. And you want him on your team if you want the following circumstances to come to fruition.


In this case, like I said earlier, an AL Cell could have come across such info and seek to bring this Renegade & Outcast back into the game. This would serve the presumed agenda of the Alpha Legion (if we could ever really know that REALLY is :P). So I say this is an interesting idea and if you like it run with it. Who knows...maybe the SoM got a few helpful hints about Malal from somewhere, perhaps from the prying of a multi-headed beast ;).


As for what Malal/Malice is...that's up in the air. It's left up to what you think in the end. Personally I say God because Malal/Malice is left is a hazy place currently with a semi-decent story behind him (and I am a big fan of Him if you cannot tell). He could just be a greater deamon/prince or he could actually be a 'weak' god rebuilding his power (the latter is my personal favorite idea). His classification is sketchy as best. And honestly, we may never know and I myself like the state of mystery he is in as of now.


*Just my ideas and interpretation :)

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Just remember to actually call it Malice and not Malal.

Once you go Malal you'll never go back at all! :)


@Kristoff: Perhaps, there are plenty of reasons and different personalities that could be swayed to His worship. I remember reading on Mabrothrax's site something about Cypher having an unknown patron...who could be the Renegade and Outcast God. I think it was in a former codex that the entry was cited.

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I'm looking for some help on a Malal/Malice army. I got DV and I'm painting the Dark Angels in the Sons of Malice colors, but I'm going to make them the Angels of Malice, making them fallen as well as useing the DA codex. I didn't want to start a thread here since even though they are fallen, I won't be using the chaos rules, but I didn't figure anyone would have the info in the DA forum. My question is this, without trying to swap heads from an apothacary, what would be the best way to represent the fact that its an apothacary?
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I'm looking for some help on a Malal/Malice army. I got DV and I'm painting the Dark Angels in the Sons of Malice colors, but I'm going to make them the Angels of Malice, making them fallen as well as useing the DA codex. I didn't want to start a thread here since even though they are fallen, I won't be using the chaos rules, but I didn't figure anyone would have the info in the DA forum. My question is this, without trying to swap heads from an apothacary, what would be the best way to represent the fact that its an apothacary?


You mean apart from having the narthecium on the model? As long as you have that, you can rock him anyway you want. Though it doesn't have to be the traditional type of narthecium (using fabius biles chirurgeon is a good alternative.), i think you should still have something on the model to represent that equipment.


After that, go nuts.

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What is an apothecary? I think you need to restructure your post so that we can understand what model(s?) you want to convert.


But yeah, Fabulous Bills backpack works wonders for any models trying to pose as a doctor, and the bits pack from GW also comes with 5 Fallen Backpacks. Bonus for you!

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