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Dark Vengeance models and BA


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I've been a huge fan of AOBR models. The marines were perfectly usable in any marine army, even if it meant you needed to file off a tactical arrow - but that was all. The terminators and dreadnought were as vanilla as they come..


But the DV models are DA pretty much as much as the Space Hulk terminators were BA.


Which is not a bad thing in itself, Dark Angels are cool and I wish more people played them. And I hope more people will start playing.


But as a BA player I look at the DV models and can't help thinking, 'Gosh, this will be a pain the neck to convert..' for everything - the captain, marines, terminators, bikes.. Only the Chaplain and Librarian interest me, and the chaplain is already OOP.


So what's your take on this?


I can't help but think it was deliberately done to make sure fewer people with established armies 'cheap out' by grabbing/splitting the box and getting good value..


What's your thoughts/feelings on this? What will you be doing with the DV models?

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I pre-ordered a kit. I plan on painting them up as Dark Angels and Chaos.


I have plenty of Blood Angels and don't need anything in the kit for my army (the bikes are begging to go red though) , and with the new ally rules, why not add in some DA flavor to the party.


The chaos models look so amazing, it's ridiculous.



Maybe the DV kit won't end up being as popular as the AOBR kit just because it is so army specific. It definitely lowers their Ebay chop-shop value.

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That's kinda funny because I'm not really keen on the Chaos models (or the rulebook for that matter) but I realllly want those DA models for my BAs. It's easy enough to turn swords into blooddrops anyways and there are more than enough wings. Although to be honest I have such a hodgepodge mix of marines already some marines with winged swords is not a problem. Have newer loyalist, dc, new chaos, bezerkers without the bunny ears, oooold skool metal legion of the damned, chaos and thousand sons etc.

'tis a thing of beauty seeing them all in the same colour scheme :HQ:

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I just ordered a librarian and plan on turning the sword into a blood drop. It's the best non-TDA libby sculpt, I think, and I am in need of just that model for 6th. The other models (save the chaplain) look as though they have a ton of legion-specific iconography, which in the hands of someone inexperienced with filing and greenstuff (like me) would be a nightmare to convert. But more power to those that want to try! I'd like to see the results.
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Making mine up as DAs, with 6th Ed allies rules this 875 point (according to my Army Builder list - add a 5 man combat squad for a legal round 1000) ally will have some nice benefits:

- the Ravenwing bikes are great hunter-killers of those annoying, hidden at the back heavy units

- the abundance of Plasma weapons, especially when the DAs get the new rumoured Gets Hot rule replacement in their upcoming AB.

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This is something I've been worrying about. It's not a huge stretch for my marines (the working name for my successor is the Sanguine Blades), so I think I can work in some of the iconography, but this will be my first real attempt at using green stuff and filing off things.


Bottom line these are beautiful models, I just hope I don't ruin them by trying to convert them.

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I won't be buying the DV box. The only thing I'd be needing would be the bikes (I need Sanguinary Priests and Librarians on Bikes). Maybe the tactical Marines might make ok Sternguard. But I don't need Tactical Terminators (too bad they don't have TH-SS.... LOL). And I certainly don't need Chaos anything. Even the Tactical Marines don't look 'special' enough to 'count-as' Sternguard. Too bad.


I'll prob try to pick up 2 bikes as singles from a bits-site before the new DA codex drops and makes them triple in price.

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