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My DIY Chaos Chapter

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Hi everybody,

so I'm working on my CSM army for the new codex, and while I wait for dark vengence to arrive I've decided to write some fluff for my army. There's just one problem: there are two guys I'm considering to lead my army. The one I originally intended is named Tarquis the Chaos Born, he's the son of the demon prince who used to be chapter master, and I fear aside from being chaosy he's sliding towards mary suedoom. The other one is called the Lord Of Sorrow, he's functionally immortal being a gestalt consciousness of the current and all the previous lords of sorrow. When he knows he's going to die he picks a cultist to become the next lord of sorrow, and they wind up mutating into an exact copy of him (or they) when he dies. The reason he grew on me is that his hobbies are trolling his "best friend" an inquisitor with the ordo hereticus (the inquisitor is at this point close to insanity or radicalism or both trying to find out how the man he's executed multiple times keeps coming back to taunt him) I thought he was hilarious and needed a bigger role in my fluff.

The Lord of Sorrow would be my pick in an instant, but Tarquis lets me add a bit of psychological warfare into my list: a catgirl. My opponents at my FLGS can't resist trying to "kill it with fire" with every gun they have, drawing fire away from my marines (she'd be in a disposable cultist unit) so what does the B&C think?

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That's perfect, combine the charicters. Like the lord of sorrow actually being transmitted by genetic memory. Every lord of sorrow creates a cloned son to be the next lord of sorrow, with all their memories locked in the kid's subconscious, waiting to be activated. Then they get hidden away on some backwater planet until they're needed. Now I actally have a reason for the catgirl, she's the mad scientist who works for the lord of sorrow.
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Oh, that's not what you had in mind? It was late when I read this and my brain was running purely on caffeine (makes me a bit loopy sometimes) Anyways I think it's a great idea, and now I have an HQ slot in my army list to be filled with another character: Master Sorcerer Boplemos (seeing as you look like a Star Wars guy, he's basiclly the current Lord of Sorrow's Obi-Wan type figure. Speaking of Star Wars I actually got the title of Lord of Sorrow from Star Wars: the Old Republic (cookie for anyone who knows where in the game it comes from))
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