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Fliers and movement ONLY 18" or ONLY 36"


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Our national FAQ team have just ruled that fliers can move ONLY 18" or ONLY 36".


Nowhere in between.


The reasoning for this is because:

" What made us look at this was the immobilise rule. If you are immobilised at cruise speed well then just go 19", doesn't make sense. Some people have said then you are locked at your speed so if you moved 24" then that's your move. Rules don't say that, but they do say the speeds are OF and not UP TO, hence our ruling"



Thoughts and counter evidence?

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Then how have those two pieces of evidence not swayed against such a silly ruling?


Anything else? We've noted this too. We've also noted page 10's "movement is up to distance noted"

This says it all. If a flyer was meant to only move 18" or 36" then it wouldn't have to make a point that one can't move less than 18"...

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Then how have those two pieces of evidence not swayed against such a silly ruling?


Stubbornness of the TOs.


You wanna hear what's worse, theyve decreed that you may charge in your turn after having been shot out of a transport in your enemies previous turn.



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I'd be seriously considering not bothering to attend tournaments with silly changes like that to core gameplay.
You should see the things that groups do to WHFB who don't want to play the current edition!
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I'd be seriously considering not bothering to attend tournaments with silly changes like that to core gameplay.


Its the national tournament though. :cries:

The tourney circuit isnt huge in South Africa. We have 3 or4 regionals a year (which are province specific) and then a national tourney. The nationals alternates each year between Cape Town and Johannesburg - this years its in Joburg - so, it would be a shame to boycott this years nationals just cause of the silly rulings.

It just gives us impetus to make the Cape Town leg next year all that much more tight.

Anyway, im not too concerned about these rules, im more concerned about the rule judge making bad calls on the day, if this is the standard.


anyway- thanks for the input all.

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Its the national tournament though.


Mort I think your local player base needs to have a sit down with the TOs and punch them in the face 'til they see sense.


You say they're silly rulings but it's probably keeping plenty of people away because they're messing with things there is no leeway in; it's not like some rules where there might, might, be one or two interpretations of.

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BOOM. Fixed.


Page 80 – Flyers, Zoom.

Change the fourth sentence to read “If a Flyer Zooms, it has a

Combat Speed of 18" and a Cruising Speed of up to 36".”


Also, BAM.


Q: If a Flyer suffers Locked Velocity and was moving at Cruising

Speed (18"-36"), what speed is its velocity actually locked at? (p81)

A: The same speed in inches that it moved last turn.



Tell your National FAQ team to go stuff it B)

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BOOM. Fixed.


Page 80 – Flyers, Zoom.

Change the fourth sentence to read “If a Flyer Zooms, it has a

Combat Speed of 18" and a Cruising Speed of up to 36".”


Also, BAM.


Q: If a Flyer suffers Locked Velocity and was moving at Cruising

Speed (18"-36"), what speed is its velocity actually locked at? (p81)

A: The same speed in inches that it moved last turn.



Tell your National FAQ team to go stuff it ^_^

1.0a changed it.

At this rate you may need to check for the current interpretation before every match :tu:

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