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Night Lords


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With the release of those awesome Dark Vengeance chaos models, i was hoping to start a small second army of chaos legionairres. Night Lords in specific.


In the future i woudl like to use daemons, and daemon weapons, maybe even possessed. To make it fit a bit better with Night Lords, i was thinking to have a small warband, that got stuck in the warp for a long time. I have nto fleshed out yet what really happened there, but when they got out, they were all (almost all) addicted to fear. Like that guy from ADBs novels (forgot his name). They are real cowards, they only attack small planets, with small settlements, and tend to take many many slaves. Also a lot of cultists join them. They tend to not attack space marines, if they have the chance, because they cant really replace losses, and are just afraid to die. But they tell themselves it because space marines do not feel fear, and thus they dont get satisfaction from attacking space marines.


TO further enhance they fear instilling capabilities they use daemons, and daemonic powers. Purely as tools, they do not pray, worship or anything like that, they just want the power to instill more fear, so they can get even greater kicks from their addiction. Their Lord is the worst of the bunch, and a real psychopath.


I have not really fleshed the rest out, because im not really good at such things, but i like to have a plausible backstory for my models. So what do you guys think? any improvements /changes that you would suggest? Also any tips on furhter fleshing it out is very welcome.


Thanks in advance

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FINALLY a REAL fellow Night Lord. Welcome to the Legion, brother. I cannot tell you how absolutely sick I am of this 'puritian' bastards who are blinded by their ignorance. They're an embarrassment to the VIIth Legion...


Not a bad start here man. You've got plenty of room to expand but that will come along as you make more models and you grow inspired by the terror. :)

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Well, if the rumors for the new codex are true, you can go quite far. The don't have ATSKNF, and they aren't fearless anymore, unless you give it to them. So I think you're safe. You're off to a pretty good start, if you ask me...
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Thanks for that kind reply.


Now i am just wondering, in how far can you pull the cowardness of such marines (or just common sense to not get shot to pieces) before it gets unreal or just annoying?

I'd play up the "common sense" angle the most I think. I don't believe CSM are any more prone to fear than "regular" marines, as their genetic background is the same (their lack of rules probably have more to do with them being more into self-preservation). It might still be perfectly logical for them to stay the hell away from the straight up fights and last stands that so many silly loyalists are fond of, though.


I think a Night Lord would probably never enter into a fair fight given the choice. Not because he's afraid of Death, but what would his incentive be? Surely it's much more profitable and satisfying to prey on those who cannot stand up to you -especially if you're all about causing fear. After all, fair fights eventually get you killed and a dead Night Lord is a Night Lord who's not causing anyone to wet themselves in terror.


In fact I'd argue that very few marines (on either side) are really into fighting fair, but that's probably another story.

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Yeah, another vote for the "common sense" angle. Just have them going into fights they know they can win, and if they are forced into a fight on equal terms, play dirty. Draw the Marines into caves where there is naturally little light, or have a sorcerer create severe amounts of warp-touched cloud cover that seems to drain the light from everything and shrouds it all in an almost-impenetrable darkness. Make it so tehy take whatever advantage may or may not exist even if it's just, "Blind them for a little bit until their low-light kicks in." Maybe even have backup sniper units whose sole purpose is to shoot out Space Marines' eyes or power packs so they can't function in the dark anymore than a mortal. "Dirty fighter! Dirty fighter!" This is what your Night Lords should hear when they "march to war".
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