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Baal Pred Rip-Off?

Nomus Sardauk

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Greetings my brothers, as some of you may know, Forge World recently released this: link As I'm sure you can tell this is an attempt by the Priesthood of Mars to re-create our revered Baal Predators.

Needless to say, I feel rather annoyed by this as this is essentially the flamestorm-equipped Baal but with a MAGNA-MELTA (that's right, the gun used by a Caestus Assault Ram to melt through STARSHIP HULLS ) instead of the Assault Cannons, can take Lascannon sponsons and it lacks the Fast and Scout special rules.


Does anyone else here feel like we've had another unit that was originally, uniquely ours pawned off to another army? To me it feels like the fiasco with the Stormraven and the Grey Knights all over again, except this time they're actually bothered to try and disguse it as something different. :)

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Here's hoping it will be made available to us via the first Horus Heresy book. If we could use it, I would buy one in a heartbeat.


Maybe, but I doubt it. Also I forgot to mention, according to it's rules the Infernus is only availible to Codex: Space Marines, Codex: Dark Angels, Codex: Space Wolves and Codex: Black Templars.

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I don't really mind the flamestorm predator, But the Magna melta irks me somewhat.


The flamestorm variant is 25 points cheaper at the loss of scout and fast. For a tank that needs to get close this is a huge loss.


The Magna melta is destruction on the level of a vindicator. again, the vindicator is fast, but not scout. Our variant is 25 points more expensive than the melta variant.


What bothers me most of all is the sheer amount of stuff coming out for non-BA chapters. We've got our own variant of the contemptor dread, and now we've apparently got access to the caestus ram, but everything else is non-BA. :cuss

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The magna-melta has 6'' less range than a vindicator, and the vindi deals more dmg anyways. A flamestorm-deimos can only move 6'' if it wants to shoot its template.


Without being fast, this thing is fun and gimmicky, but never really good. Try playing your flamestorm-baals or vindis without the fast-rule and you'll see how tedious and useless it is.


Now, it surely steals our style and looks great, but you can still play it as counts as with way better rules :cuss

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Meh...ours are better. We still get access to the original Baal which nobody else has. Flamestorm cannons were available to other marines first on the LRR, and it sometimes seems like our flamestorm turret was a bit of an afterthought - as far as I'm concerned we still keep our unique spot. We definitely don't have anything along the lines of the Dark Angels who lost their Mortis pattern dread (a pair of t-l autocannons, sometimes twin ML or twin las), and to add insult to injury they don't get it now. What did annoy me was when marines got the Ironclad, described by a Sons of Medusa playing friend as "a furioso on crack", but we've got ours re-done and they're better than ironclads. Re: the storm raven point, I still feel that it was never intended to be uniquely ours and was to be farmed out to other marine books as and when they got new ones, it just so happens that they've only done one power armour book since us. The reason why it's not been White-Dwarfed or anything similar is probably because every army is going to have slight tweaks on it (e.g Grey Knights ones cost more, have the psychic pilot, skies of blood is slightly different from shadow skies, bloodstrike and mindstrike missiles are different). Just wait and see...my money is that this particular predator will get battered down before it gets to shoot its flamer almost every time. Its not fast, its got no scout move, it can't outflank...any canny player will bring it down before it gets close enough.
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The scout and fast rules are what's so good about flamestorm baals. Let others have slow tanks trying to get into close combat and see them get melted down to scrap.


But I agree on poster which stated many chapters get ALOT of new toys and we don't. I don't really know what that would be to be fair, we are a very good chapter we can basically do anything marines as a whole can do. But new toys are always new toys.

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it is an awfull awfull tank. it has a 14 inch melta death range, including movement. gosh that's terribad. you could get what, almost 2 double multimelta speeders for the same price?. cripes a fast vindicater is soo much better than this it's amazing:P
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We have the best troops in the game, weve never had the SW counterattack acute senses stuff from 2nd ed. or some of the other rules from other armies, but we've never needed them!.


We now not only have the best CC units as DC and SG, but fast tanks that can decimate units, fast transport, CC focused lists that have great transports, IMO the best IC choices around (even captains!!) and thats not to even nmention how much universal RedThirst roles can change a game and add that bit of extra deadly to our lists.


Keep the new tanks and wolf riders, we have fast rhino's and RaS troop choices - we rock!! :tu:

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doesn't the fluff for the tank specifically state that it was an attempt to rip off the baal pred?


Thats right. Its the mechanicum trying to get one over on the Sons of Sanguinius. Funny thing is that in the fluff it says they've improved on the baal template........... my arse they have :) Our Baals are far better than that thing and although the melta is nice thats the sort of thing that wants to be a sponson weapon on a LR. Now that would nasty. The only thing it has going for it is the melta weapon and that, as has been pointed out earlier, useless because you have to get into range of the enemies melta to use your melta. The kit looks great, and i reckon i might use one as a Baal. But i would never use this as an ally or in a vanilla list.

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