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Death Guard Squad


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I built up a Death Guard Squad using the Forge World kit and tried a few different techniques on these, overall I'm quite pleased with them. One thing that's not shown well is the green tint to the armour it seems to have washed out almost completely in the photos so I'll need to see if I can capture that better at some point. Anyway here you go...





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i dig the contrast between the pustules/blood and the pale blue-green of the armour. do you have any close ups? i suspect the black of the weapons is supremely well done but it's difficult to tell from way back here!


Does this help any?




Thanks for the kind comments, I had quite a difficult time with these as I tried several new techniques and I did not realise quite how tricky painting 'messy' can be without it looking rubbish ;)


Edit I think I may need to tweak my camera settings as the red is a bit too bright on screen compared to in the flesh...

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I don't know what it is, but I really dig the way you bring your armies to life. They always have that same realistic undertone and you hit the nail on the head with it.


Is this the beginning of a DG force or is this a one-off?


;) thanks for the kind words Darth it helps motivation to know I'm on the right track, I'm not planning a full DG army but this is unit one of my slowly building Chaos army.


Will see what the chaos codex reveals - if it ever arrives :( - before deciding fully on a direction for this. I do have the FW Death Guard termie kit though so maybe my DG will expand...

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Im curious as to how you did the armour. I too am waiting on the new chaos dex to finally build a death guard army myself and this is exactly the scheme I want.


Under coated chaos black, airbrushed Vallejo model air US grey light - which is close to GW rotting flesh, zenithal highlight with vallejo model air white. Top down and 45 degree front only for this. Then airbrushed with pledge klear to give a gloss finish, mig dark wash is then used around all details and shadow areas and as an enamel it can be cleaned up with white spirit from areas you don't want it, it can also be used to add dirt streaks too. Matt varnish, then pick out highlights in thinned ivory Vallejo. A wash was made by thinning green oil paint to the point it was 90% thinners and this was used to give a green tint but it is easier to fade into the white than acrylic for me at least. Then a mix thinned burnt umber oil paint and various rust colour weathering powders was used in a couple of stages to add rust. The red is the usual tamiya clear red over various purple, pale blues and reds, mainly red gore, with some bits of blood red - still using old GW range here :lol:


Hope this helps Nards08


Thanks Mr M <_<

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