The Shadow Guard Posted September 1, 2012 Share Posted September 1, 2012 PATH TO REDEMPTION ]PATH TO REDEMPTION SEP 2012 - MAR 2013 The PATH TO REDEMPTION is a six month long event set up in six separate segment each a month long. You can join in at any time!Background: We all have that half complete army, the squad you always wanted to expand, the Land Raider you wished you had built, the Deathwing command squad that was left half done because the next new release came on the shelves and so on and so forth. The Librarium Painting Competition has long sought to stimulate you to complete your models and the E Tenebrae Lux built on that with competitive incentives by challenging the other forums.There are many who did not participate, other’s who failed their vows and even more did not vow as much as they had hoped to. The Path to Redemption will provide our brethren with a gentle incentive to complete your half done projects.This is simple, low level, insidious and hopefully alluring event that I hope will allow our brothers to complete their old projects and start new ones at a time when the Unforgiven are flexing their collective strength as a legion and await the Lion to awaken!The event timeline is expected to cover the release of the Dark Vengeance starter set, the first of the FW Horus Heresy Series and hopefully the release of our much awaited Codex and finally slot neatly in to the beginning of the 2013 LPC!!RULES:a. This is a modeling and painting competition.b. There are 6 segments each commencing on the 1st of each month and finishing on the last day of the month.c. Each segment is completely separate from the other so you can choose which of the six months you wish to enter.d. There is an incentive to complete each of the six months as explained below in the "What you get for your troubles" section.WHO MAY ENTER:1. This is an in house Dark Angels Only competition that anyone can enter2. Anyone can enter but the models should be Dark Angels or their unforgiven successors.HOW DO YOU ENTER:1. Make an oath on this thread at any time between the 1st of the month and the last day of the month with an image of your starting models (in whatever state they are in).2. List the points value of your oath in order to ensure it is codex legal.3. Make sure they comply with the above rules4. When complete modify your original post with the completed project.5. Your oath must be complete by the last day of the month.6. You make a separate oath for each of the months you wish to enter.7. You may make as many oaths as you wish within each of the months but only once you finish the previous oath. However, regardless of the number of oaths you have completed within any given month, they all count as one achievement for the purposes of receiving the pearl on your banner. You must complete all oaths within each month to receive the pearl.WHAT MODELS CAN YOU ENTER:You may enter models from any of the following as long as the final completed unit/character/vehicle/terrain/army is Codex Legala. Warhammer 40K Dark Angels Codex including all successor chapters. (When the new codex appears your may use the units and characters from that)b. Forge World Models eligible for dark Angelsc. Battle Fleet Gothic models eligible for dark Angelsd. EPIC 40K/EPIC Armageddon models eligible for Dark Angele. Terrain pieces for 40K that have an identifiable Dark Angel affiliationWHAT STATE CAN YOU ENTER YOUR MODELS:This is where this event differs greatly form all others. There is no restriction on what degree of work has been already done on your models. For clarity the various possibilities are listed below1. Start from scratch: Brand new models, ie Dark vengeance starter set.2. Start from base coat / primer level3. Partially painted models which require detailing are very much acceptable4. Fully painted squads/units which you wish to expand are also fine. Eg: You have a five man tactical squad fully painted but wish to expand it to a ten man squad that is entirely fine, post an image of the five man squad and the new squad pieces and then show an image of the ten man squad at the end.5. A fully painted squad or character that needs basing.6. Add detail to a fully painted squad/character7. Add a dedicated transport to a previously completed squad.So, it really is an event to mainly get you to complete any model, squad, vehicle or army that has been waiting for your love! But, with the release of the new Dark Vengeance starter set and the possible release of the FW Horus heresy series in October and our own dark Angels Codex sometime new projects are also most welcome.WHAT DO YOU GET FOR COMPLETING YOUR OATHS:1. You begin on the Path to Redemption in the eyes of our primarch.2. Banners to show off your achievements3. Surprise badges to go along with the banners at the end of the six months.4. Earn a single white pearl for the completion of your oath for each month.5. Earn a single coveted Black Pearl by earning a total of six white pearls.LATE ARRIVALS:If you were unfortunate enough to miss one or more of the earlier months, you still have a chance of earning all six pearls and therefore the much coveted Black Pearl. However this will entail some additional surprise tasks as well which will be revealed as we go along. HOW TO WIN EXTRA WHITE PEARLS COMPLETE ALL OATHS & A SPECIAL TASK:Complete an additional oath for each of your empty monthly slots in the standard fashion (DA Codex/FW legal units) and when complete you will be given a specific special task to complete in order to ratify those as being accepted.Award: You will be awarded a single white pearl for each of your monthly oaths once the special task in completed.COMPLETE TEN ADDITIONAL OATHS:This option recognizes the efforts of some of our battle brothers who have completed oath after oath within each month for no particular reward other than their love of our legion.Award: If you have completed a total of ten additional oath during the whole duration of the event (The initial oath for each month does not count) then you are eligible to be awarded a SINGLE White Pearl to be used to fill up any slot in your banner, past or future. You can only earn a maximum of a single white pearl for this category regardless of the number of additional oaths you make.Example: If you had vowed 3 additional vows in after completing your September oath and did so again in October and December and then in January made a single additional vow, you will receive one white pearl each for the months of September through January for a total of five white pearls. You will also in addition receive a sixth white pearl as you had made a total of 10 additional vows leaving you free in February.CHAPTER FLEET ASSETS: (Battle Fleet Gothic):This is an incentive to those admirals who wish to participate in this event. You may make an oath of any BFG legal Dark Angel fleet assets as a normal oath.Award: If you complete a sum total of 1000 points worth of Fleet Assets (BFG) during the duration of the event, then you will be eligible for an additional White Pearl. You can only earn a maximum of a single white pearl for this category regardless of the points size of the fleet assets..Example: If you pledge a Battlebarge for December and a Battlebarge and Strike Cruiser for January, you will received one white pearl each for the months of December and January and a third white pearl for reaching 1000 points.STRATEGIC WARFARE: (EPIC Armageddon) :This is an incentive to those Lord Commander with the love of Strategic Warfare who wish to participate in this event. You may make an oath of any EPIC Armageddon legal Dark Angel units/assets as a normal oath.Award: If you complete a sum total of 1000 points worth of Strategic Units (EPIC Armageddon) during the duration of the event, then you will be eligible for an additional White Pearl. You can only earn a maximum of a single white pearl for this category regardless of the points size of the strategic assets.Example: If you pledge a command detachment for December up to 500 points with transports and attachments and a tactical detachment and a terminator detachment for January, you will received one white pearl each for the months of December and January and a third white pearl for reaching 1000 points.THE GREAT CRUSADE (FW Betrayal Crusade Army List):This is your chance to delve in to the realms of the 30th millennium and the Dark Angels Legion. You may make an oath consisting of any legal unit in the Space Marine Legion Crusade Army List described in FW’s Betrayal Book. Models must be painted in legion colours and period equipment.Award: Recognizing the cost and accessibility of FW’s heresy Era models, this will reward the participant with an additional White Pearl for every full strength squad, squadron or single vehicle completed in legion colours and period wargear. This will be in addition to the white pearl received for the month for completing the same squad. A maximum of three additional white pearls may be earned in this manner all of which can be awarded in the same month or in different months depending on when the participant completed them.Example: If you complete a 10 man assault squad in December using FW miniatures and a 5 man Cataphract Terminator Squad also in December, both in legion colours and markings you will receive one white pearl for the December oath of two units but also receive two white pearls one for each HH era unit. If you do the same in January you will receive another white pearl for January but only one more white pearl for completing a HH era unit as you can only ever earn a maximum of three additional white pearls in this manner.BROTHERHOOD OF ANGELS:This is an opportunity to develop and display your own unforgiven chapter. You must make an oath consisting of a single squad or character in your DIY chapter coours which will earn you a single white pearl. However if you submit a fully developed chapter history similar to the standards displayed in the Brotherhood of Angels thread to an acceptable standard (by the Inner Circle) then that effort will net you TWO EXTRA White Pearls to use as you wish! If you accomplish this you will in addition earn the right to wear the Chaptermaster banner.PARTICIPATION IN THE LIBRARIUM PAINTING CHALLENGE 2013:The simple expediency of making your oaths in the LPC2013 at the same time you make your oaths for the PtR will earn you an additional White Pearl. This is in particular important especially for any new recruits who have a few empty sockets to fill We have just two months in which to earn all your six White pearls.NOVO CODICIUM ANGELES TENEBRAE:Completing an oath that consists of one of the new units listed in the Codex Dark Angels will earn you an additional White Pearl. To receive this the unit must be a full strength unit (Not a combat squad etc). The units that would earn you such an additional white pearls are as follows:Deathwing Command Squad; Deathwing Knights Squad; Ravenwing Command Squadron Ravenwing Black Knights Squadron; Ravenwing landspeeder vengeance; Ravenwing Landspeeder Dark Shroud; Ravenwing dark talon; Ravenwing Nephilim Jet Fighter. You will receive one White pearl for making the oath and one additional white pearl for each of the above units you complete. + + + BY SUCH STRATEGEMS SHALL OUR BATTLE BROTHERS WALK THE PATH TO GLORY + + + Pathways to Redemption Completion Banners and MedallionsBy now the majority of you have received quite a few White Pearls with some even gaining the coveted number of six already. As there are now many ways to receive more than one white pearl and in order to simplify matters, listed below are six banners depicting the total numbers of white pearls received. wear them with pride as appropriate to your achievement. PEARL BANNERS AND SPECIAL AWARDSThese will only be awarded at the culmination of the Path to Redemption at the end of February 2013. At this time the Black pearl banners will be awarded. In addition there will be recognition of certain achievements all of which will be depicted by banners and awards. Black Pearl Veteran Banner & Badge Black Pearl Banner & Badge IMPORTANT LINKS September Oaths of Moment October Oaths of Moment November Oaths of Moment December Oaths of Moment January Oaths of Moment February Oaths of Moment Path to Redemption Final Summary Path to Redemption - Brotherhood of Angels Submissions Beyond the Black Pearl Path to Retribution Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Shadow Guard Posted September 1, 2012 Author Share Posted September 1, 2012 + + + SUMMARY & CURRENT STATUS OF THE PATH TO REDEMPTION + + + Path to Redemption Current Status OATHS OF MOMENTThe FaithfulNeophytesRedemptorsTotal OathsOath BreakersCompletionsSEPTEMBERN/AN/AN/A8229 (35.3%)53 (64.6%)OCTOBER48120464 14(21.9%)50 (78.1%) NOVEMBER46120462 10(16.1%)52 (83.9%) DECEMBER49150266 13(19.7%)53 (80.3%) JANUARY52050461 09(14.8%)52 (85.2%) FEBRUARY49000150 04(08%)46 (92%) Overall Participants = 126 Eligible for the Black Pearl = 49 (38.9%) Congratulations to the 48 battle brothers whose stocism earned them the right to wear the Black Pearl. Path to Redemption Overall Status Eligible for Black PearlsFive White PearlsFour White PearlsThree White PearlsTwo White PearlsOne White PearlsThe Unredeemed No Pearls490105050817 41 + + + THE LION'S CHAMPIONS + + + Walkers of the Path to Redemption Wearer's of the Black Pearl PATH TO REDEMPTION SUMMARY (PDF - NOT UP TO DATE) Alys Dwr (6) AngelVeto (6) Aradiel (6) Arkley (9) Artemid (9) Avon Rekaes (8) Balthamal (8) Brother Captain Lucien (8) Brother Moridius (6) Brother Sergeant Bohemond (7) Brother Tancred (6) Bryan Blaire (8) Captain Semper (7) Captain Sox (6) Cerroneth (12) cielaq (6) Cypher102 (8) cypherthefallenangel (6) Dark Master (7) djgoldsmith (6) Elmo9141 (6) elphilo (7) facmanpob (6) farfromsam (6) GlauG (6) Grand Master Belial (9) Grotsmasha (6) Haranin (10) Hidicul (6) Izzuan (9) Khalaek (7) March 10K (7) Master Gabriel Macleod (7) Master Matthius (7) Midnight Angel (6) Mithrilforge (8) NCSUWolf (7) OliverRaffle (8) Pueriexdeus (6) Raven of the Wing (7) Razblood (6) recon0321 (7) Sarducci (6) Skink (7) (8) Stobz (6) Sviar (6) Windfang (6) Wraithwing (6) + + + PATH TO REDEMPTION IS NOW ENDED + + + Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Shadow Guard Posted September 1, 2012 Author Share Posted September 1, 2012 THE HONOURED OATH MAKERS: SEPTEMBER Total participants = 82 Oathkeepers = 53 (64.7%) Oathbreakers = 29 (35.3%) Up to date as of the 1st of October 2012. SEPTEMBERPathways to Redemption September Completion Banner and MedallionAnyone who has completed their oath/vow made in September may display the following banner or medallion. The single white pearl denotes the completion of your vow for September. If you have completed one vow and have made a second oath you are still entitled to wear this banner/medallion but if you fail to keep any of the subsequent vows by the end of the month you must give it up. names of the honoured oath makers are linked to their original post with their vows in this thread. I ask that all oath makers add their pre and post images in the same post by using the edit button rather than posting anew.11th Company Dark Master: Angels of Shadow 1 Dark Master Kronos Nightshade of the 3rd Company wielding a power sword, combi-plasma gun (125 pts), 1 Librarian Xaphan with a plasma pistol (115 Pts) and 1 Tactical Squad Azael numbering 10 Astartes, including Sergeant Azael with a plasma pistol, one battle brother with a plasma gun and one with a plasma cannon (210 pts).Alys Dwr: One 5 man deathwing terminator squad with assault cannon and chain fist from codex DA. Aquilanus: 2x Raven Wing Bikes plus 1x Sergeant (135pts) of the Angels of Salvation.Archangel: pre-Deathwing Dark Angel Terminator Squad (250 pts) Artemid: one squad of Deathwing Terminators with Cyclone Launcher (235 pts).Azeikel: 1 Company Master Belail (PS/SB), and his Deathwing Command Squad of 5 Terminators (1 PW/SW, 1 SB/PF w/ standard, 1 Apocathery w/ SB/PF, 1 SB/PF w/ CML & 1 SB/PF).Brother_Bethor: Land Raider (250 pts).Brother Chaplain Kage: One five-strong tactical marine squad of the Angels of Vengeance. Brother Dean: Something from the DV box probably the tac squad.Brother Hostower: One Storm Eagle in the month of September weighing in at 290 points. Brother Kovash: One Interrogator-Chaplain equipped with plasma pistol (125 points)Brother Kovash 2nd Vow: One Company Master with power sword. Brother Moridius: Complete 1 Venerable Dreadnaught wielding a plasma cannon (145 pt).Brother-Sergeant Bohemond: Expand one Tactical Squad, currently numbering 4 Brothers to10 Brothers (190 pts) + 1 Terminator Squad (250 pts)Brother-Sergeant Bohemond 2nd Vow: 1 Company-Master Balthazar (125 pts), 1 Librarian Turmiel (100 pts) and 1 Interrogator-Chaplain Serapichus (135 pts).Brother Tancred: One Dark Angels Librarian.Bryan Blair: Complete a Venerable Dread, Gathrael (170 pts)Burias Drak'shal: vow to do a deathwing unit (approx 250 pts)Burn the Heretic: Interrogator Chaplain from Dark Vengeance Cactus: One Deathwing Squad. Cactus 2nd Vow: A Dark Angels librarian in terminator armour (145pts). Caietan: To clean up and paint a combat squad of Tactical Marines (90 points) from the Dark Vengeance.Captain Semper: Expand five man tactical squad to ten men.Captain Sox: A 10 Man Tactical Squad from the Dark Vengeance Box 1 Sergeant with Plasma Pistol and Chainsword, 1 Plasma Cannon, 1 Plasma Gun Marine, 7 Bolter Marines CarbonBased: Complete Belial's command squad, Terminator Chaplain, and Terminator Librarian and 2nd THSS squad (655 pts).Cerroneth: One Belial, Master of the Deathwing, in the colors of the Guardians of the CovenantChaplainRobb: A five man Deathwing Squad with an assault cannon and the Lion only knows what squad weapons (likely a mix of THs, LCs, and SB/PFs). cielaq: One Ravenwing command squadron, consisting of sergeant with power fist, standard bearer and apothecary.con-fusion: Complete a close combat dreadnought.Cypher 102: Replace the bases of a terminator squad with a set of Scibor Ruins bases.cypherthefallenangel: 5 gunslinger veteran legionnaires at 175pts. Darkangeldentist: Dark Vengeance Deathwing terminators, librarian, company master and interrogator chaplain (630pts).darnarth lysander: Five tactical marines. djgoldsmith: Master Sammael + Jetbike for a total of 205 pointsDogbreath99: One Dark Angel 10-man tactical squad with dual pistol wielding sergeant, plasma gun and plasma cannon equipped marines.elmo9141: 1 Vindicator with Siege Shield, extra armour and pintle mounted Storm Bolter (150 pts) Eremiel: Company Master Belial, and a unit of five upgraded terminators.farfromsam: An interrogator chaplain with plasma pistol.fearlessgod: I, fearlessgod, tread on the Path to Redemption and vow to build and paint 1 Deathwing Dreadnought with plasma cannon by September 30 2012."FinylCut: One bike mounted Interrogator-Chaplain with power fist (175 pts) Flint&Steel: 1st squad of Guardians of the Covenant.Foxphoenix135: Fully paint (basing optional) this Librarian, armed with a Force Sword and the power of the Warp (120 Pts). furioso-prime: Company Master Zaccheus, for a points total of 110pts.furioso-prime 2nd vow: Malachi, the Death Angel, the saviour of Vraks, the scourge of Cypher (160 points).gilljoy: 5 Deathwing Terminators, 3 Ravenwing Bikers.Grand Master Belial: 3 Guardians of the Covenant, 1 Saint of the Angel 1 Shadow Guard and 2 Angels of the Lion need final completion.Grand Master Springemann: DA side of the DV set including the limit edition chaplain.Grotsmasha: 1 x Ravenwing Librarian (150pts) Haranin: a Mortis AC Dreadnought hermanista: one demi-tactical squad and a captain from the Dark Vengeance set. 6 models in 7 hours and 40 mins.Hidicul: The Dark Vengence Deathwing and RavenwingIndigoJack: Complete one Caestus Assault Ram (275 pts).khalaek: One combat squad of five Dark Angels Tactical Marines.khalaek 2nd vow: One 5-man Tactical Squad of the Dark Angels Third Company, to include a sergeant with plasma pistol as well as a plasma gunner (120 points.) Kobrakei: One Librarian.Kyr Gkikas: Complete one Ravenwing Bike Squad of 2 Astartes and a Sergeant strong and armed with a plasma gun.lhg033: A 5 man tactical squad including sergeant and special weapon.Loken86: The Limited ed chaplin from the DV box set for my angels of vengenace. Lone Scout: 3 AoA bikers.march10k: Complete a well-begun seventh squad of the fifth company of the Dark Angels chapter of the First Legion, six members armed with bolter and chainsword having already been completed. Master Ciaphas: One Supreme Grand Master Azrael, Keeper of the Truth.Master Gabriel Macleod: Complete a 10 man tactical squad.Master Gabriel Macleod: One 5 man assault squad at 175pts. Two razorbacks 230pts Master Matthius: The Tactical Squad from the DV box set. This will include full 10 man squad with Plasma Cannon, Plasma Gun and Sergeant with Plasma Pistol. These will also be placed on decorative bases as I progress. Also I will be converting the Sergeant to having a helm as I agree with others about the ease of command with the helmet (210 pts).Mavius: A 10 man tac squad Mystech1: A 10 man Tactical Squad w/ Plasma Cannon, Plasma Gun, and Vet Sgt w/ Plasma Pistol (210 pts) OliverRaffle: Sammael, Master of the Ravenwing (205 points).Payce: A tactical squad with a Plasma Cannon, a Plasmagun, and a Veteran Sergeant with a power sword for a total of 210 points. Phaeton: Deathwing Terminators Squad with Assault Cannon (245 pts), Deathwing Terminators Squad with Cyclone Missile Launcher (235 pts) and Land Speeder Typhoon (75 pts) (Total amount of points: 555)PhDGamer: Librarian Turmiel from Dark Vengeance. Pistorius: one 10-man tactical squad for my Griffin Lords successors pueriexdeus: Complete seven (7) Land Raiders (1920 pts)pueriexdeus: Arm sets for Belial; TH/SS, Power Maul, Sword Of Silence and a Pair of L & R SB’s, repair the damaged/warped Bases on the DW Command Sqd and finish other repairs as needed for the Cqd Sqd (Pts 400)recon0321: One Venerable Dreadnought with plasma cannon for my DIY DA successor chapter The lions blades (145 pts) Raven of the Wing: 5 brethern of the deathwing (215 pts).Reyner: One Dark Angels Librarian from the DV kit.Sarducci: One successor Deathwing Squad (of at least 215 points)Sir Tancrede: Complete the painting of 2 of my old V2/V3 Deathwing squads, the dreadnought and Master Belial of the Deathwing.skink: One of either an Assault Squad and two Dark Vengeance Tactical I vow I will finish the painting of a Land Raider. (250 pts).SPWolf12: Veteran Sergeant Raphael and his Tactical Squad from the DV box.Stobz: RW Interrogator on a new DV bike with Plasma pistol and melta bombs (170 pts) stuk06: Complete my ETL vow and a squad of Assault Marines of 10 Marines with a PF sergeant and 2 Flamers)Sviar: Three bikers in the DV box.TaranRinn: One Ravenwing Land Speeder.Toxichobbit: One Dark Angels Company Master undeadfilth: The Dark Angels half of the Dark Vengence box along with 2 3 man ravenwing squads with 2 plasma guns and a plasma pistol, and my converted Samael, Master of the Ravenwing. uptheiron: The 5 man Termi squad, 10 man tactical squad and 3 bikers from the DV box.Wraithwing: Fully paint the Company Master, armed with Power Sword and Plasma Pistol (130 pts). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
elmo Posted September 1, 2012 Share Posted September 1, 2012 I will be the first then... I Elmo vow to complete 1 Vindicator with Siege Shield, extra armour and pintle mounted Storm Bolter (150 pts.) in the month of September 2012 as redemption for not vowing as much as I had hoped for in the ETL. Or words to this effect.... Now Complete 21/09/12 I Elmo vow to complete 1 Vindicator with Siege Shield, extra armour and pintle mounted Storm Bolter (150 pts.) in the month of October 2012. The last of the Line Breaker Squadron. Now Complete 19/10/12 I Elmo vow to complete a 10 model tactical Squad of Knights of Caliban with Melta and Plasma Cannon (220 pts.) in the month of November 2012. Now Complete 23/11/12 I Elmo vow to complete 20 Terminator models (4 Squads)in the month of December 2012. The plan is that I have 4 Termi squads which I did a long time ago and since then my painting method for DW has changed so they need to be dragged kicking and screaming into the new scheme, Here are a few photos of some of the arms along with extra HW choices which will be magnetised plus the original paint scheme on the Termies. Now Complete 21/12/12 I Elmo vow to complete 1 Librarian model in the month of January 2013. Now Complete 11/01/13 Plan for future months: Feb - one 6 model and one 3 model bike squadron now lets see if I can keep to plan on this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pistorius Posted September 1, 2012 Share Posted September 1, 2012 I, Pistorius, wish to rectify my non-participation with a vow to paint one 10-man tactical squad for my Griffin Lords successors during the month of September. These models have recently been stripped of paint, and some need re-assembly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted September 1, 2012 Share Posted September 1, 2012 @ The Shadow Guard: Are vow additions mid-month acceptable?To make up for procrastinating for the first half of the ETL,"I, Grotsmasha, tread the path of Redemption with a vow to paint 1 x Ravenwing Librarian worth 150pts by September 30, 2012."Literally just finished gluing the last parts on 10 mins ago...DV Ravenwing Librarian Complete!!!EDIT 2 08-09-12: Images replaced, fixed some stuff I'd missed"I, Grotsmasha, tread the path of Redemption with a vow to paint 1 x Ravenwing Chaplain worth 150pts by October 31, 2012."DV Ravenwing Interogator Chaplain Complete!!EDIT: 31-10-12"I, Grotsmasha, vow to paint 1x Scenic base for Interrogator Chaplain (Asmodai) by the 30th Nov, 2012 for the honour of the Sons of the Lion".Asmodai basing complete!!EDIT: 30-11-12"I, Grotsmasha, tread the path of Redemption with a vow to paint 5 x Company Veterans (they're Co Vets because of the Sgts loadout) worth 160pts by December 31, 2012."Squad complete !!!EDIT: 27-12-12 "I, Grotsmasha, tread the path of Redemption with a vow to paint 1x Legion Command Squad by January 31, 2012." Starting pics Finished Pics Cheers,Jono Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Haranin Posted September 1, 2012 Share Posted September 1, 2012 I, Haranin, vow to complete in September a Mortis AC Dreadnought. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Shadow Guard Posted September 1, 2012 Author Share Posted September 1, 2012 Grotsmasha said: @ The Shadow Guard: Are vow additions mid-month acceptable? Absolutely.. I've made that clarification in the rules. :( SG Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Kovash Posted September 1, 2012 Share Posted September 1, 2012 I, Brother Kovash, vow to complete one Interrogator-Chaplain equipped with plasma pistol. This equals 135 points. Vow complete! 9/23/12 Second Vow: I, Brother Kovash, vow to complete one Company Master equipped with power sword. This equals 115 points. Before: In progress: Completion: Updated original points cost to 135, I finally got my codex back. :( Second Vow: I was able to take a few pics with the sun outside before priming. After I primed the Master white, the clouds came in and took away the sky. Completion of second vow! 9/30/12 September is complete, bring on the next challenge! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Interrogator Stobz Posted September 2, 2012 Share Posted September 2, 2012 TSG, can I vow parts of a Thunderhawk, such as this month I plan on completing all the heavy bolters, missiles and undercarriage for it, next month I would do something like the turbolaser and canopy etc.? If not I'll aim at small unfinished units, no worries either way :( Stobz Edit: BTW! Grot, that is a sweet libby conversion :( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Shadow Guard Posted September 2, 2012 Author Share Posted September 2, 2012 Stobz said: TSG, can I vow parts of a Thunderhawk, such as this month I plan on completing all the heavy bolters, missiles and undercarriage for it, next month I would do something like the turbolaser and canopy etc.? If not I'll aim at small unfinished units, no worries either way :D Stobz Edit: BTW! Grot, that is a sweet libby conversion :tu: There's always someone who pushes the boundaries! :P I don't think I can alow a part of a kit to be vowed... as one of the rules states that you must vow a code/FW/BFG/EPIC legal unit... What I wouldd o if I were you would be to vow something else and continue with the Thunderhawk ...and vow that as a half or three quarters complete model to be finished in a later months. :) SG Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Interrogator Stobz Posted September 2, 2012 Share Posted September 2, 2012 Sweet as Brother, I will indeed spend one week on the TH and the remaining three on a 'complete' unit per month. Goes away to look at unfinished pile... Alright, SEPTEMBER OATH: I vow to complete the repaint/rebuild of my RW Interrogator on a new DV bike with Plasma pistol and melta bombs before the end of September, points 170. Failure is not an option- Done. Pics to follow. Howzat? :tu: Stobz Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Sergeant Bohemond Posted September 2, 2012 Share Posted September 2, 2012 I, Brother-Sergeant Bohemond of the Dark Angels Chapter vow to complete one Tactical Squad, currently numbering 4 Brothers. I will expand this to 10 Brothers, in addition I also pledge to paint 1 Terminator Squad. Points: Terminator Squad - 250 Tactical Squad (Missile Launcher and Plasma Gun) - 190 Start of Project Completed! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Shadow Guard Posted September 2, 2012 Author Share Posted September 2, 2012 Stobz said: Howzat?:tu: Stobz You out!!! You're in...couldn't help the cricket talk! :D SG Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sarducci Posted September 2, 2012 Share Posted September 2, 2012 I, the Great and Powerful Sarducci, He Who Makes Mere Mortals Tremble, Lord of the Northern Marches, Warden of the Cinque Ports, and all around humble dude, do hereby vow for the month of September to paint a (Successor) Deathwing Squad of 250 points including a chainfist and assault cannon from the Dark Vengeance set. Please note. I am a computer idiot, and can't get pictures onto posts. Here are links. These are my successor chapter, the Purple Dragoons. This is my goal. Here is my starting point. I have found it is easier for me to paint individual parts and then assemble them. Finished the smaller pieces a few days ago. Finished the main Terminator bodies. Still need to seal and assemble. The bases. Nothing special. Should be done in a day or two. The finished front. The finished back. Vow Complete. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FinylCut Posted September 2, 2012 Share Posted September 2, 2012 September oath: I vow to complete my bike mounted Interrogator-Chaplain with power fist totaling 175 points. The bike is half painted, the Chaplain is primed. FC Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cpt_Reaper Posted September 2, 2012 Share Posted September 2, 2012 I, the 11th Company Dark Master, hereby vow to have the following members of the Angels of Shadow painted before the final hour of the final day of September. 1 Dark Master Kronos Nightshade of the 3rd Company wielding a power sword, combi-plasma gun 125 Points 1 Librarian Xaphan armed with a plasma pistol 115 Points 1 Tactical Squad Azael numbering 10 Astartes, including Sergeant Azael with a plasma pistol, one battle brother with a plasma gun and one with a plasma cannon 210 points Images have been uploaded to my painting log in the Works in Progress subforum. A link to the thread is available in my signature below. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
captain sox Posted September 2, 2012 Share Posted September 2, 2012 I Captain Sox pledge my allegiance to the Lion, and to the Dark Angels. The road to redemption shall be long, but oh so sweet. For my September pledge/oath/vow: I vow to complete a 10 Man Tactical Squad (right from the Dark Vengeance Box): 1 Sergeant with Plasma Pistol and Chainsword 1 Plasma Cannon 1 Plasma Gun Marine 7 Bolter Marines I shall complete this vow by the 30th of September, 2012 or shall forever be known as an Oath Breaker, etc. So here it is! Going to build and paint these: Vengeance will be mine. Update: September Vow complete! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ordo Machinum Posted September 2, 2012 Share Posted September 2, 2012 Quote WHO MAY ENTER:1. This is an in house Dark Angels Only competition 2. Anyone can enter but the models should be dark Angels or their unforgiven successors. Argh! No Fallen then. Think, Archangel, think. *paces around room in cellblock 42* There's got to be a way. Preheresy? If I had enough older bits to lay my hands on or Forgeworld models maybe. But I don't and trying to get some now and delivered quickly wastes too much time this month. I'm still waiting for my Dark Vengeance boxes in the mail. Think man! Consecrators? Why couldn't they have a winged sword symbol for a chapter icon? Rrrrgh! *starts smiling slowly* Waitaminute... DEATHWING! Oh, but before Shadow Guard thinks he has THIS Fallen painting bone coloured models... oh yes, I remember. There was a time before the Deathwing christened their armour in white. Before the tale of Cloud Runner, Lame Bear, and the other honored Terminators who fought with them against their homeworld's infestation of Genestealers. They wore BLACK! *flips on his ancient compact disc of AC/DC's Back in Black, grinning as the stark vibrant chords lash the walls of the room* Ah-hem. SEPTEMBER OATH I, Archangel, vow to build a pre-Deathwing Dark Angel Terminator Squad of 250 points from scratch. Starting picture: [uPDATE] Forgive me, Brothers. I have stumbled upon my path to redemption. I'd say "fallen", but the irony for me just isn't funny right now. My laptop has died completely, it's machine spirit has fled. My models sit half-done, and I have no way to post their picture when completed. I'm posting this from my work and cannot upload files from here. I will be back online as soon as I am able, so keep those Blades of Reason sharp. Good journey to you all! Cheers, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bryan Blaire Posted September 2, 2012 Share Posted September 2, 2012 I, Bryan, will complete my Venerable Dread, Gathrael, in the month of September (170 points). As he stands now (I've done work on the lascannon arm, which was only primered black at the end of E Tenebrae Lux): Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Semper Posted September 2, 2012 Share Posted September 2, 2012 I,m in! After vowing to complete a tactical squad and its rhino as an out-of-competition entry and only completed half, I'll do the other half for September and the Rhino in October! This is my completed demi-squad: And that's my vow for September: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Semper Posted September 2, 2012 Share Posted September 2, 2012 Archangel said: Quote WHO MAY ENTER:1. This is an in house Dark Angels Only competition 2. Anyone can enter but the models should be dark Angels or their unforgiven successors. Argh! No Fallen then. Think, Archangel, think. *paces around room in cellblock 42* There's got to be a way. Preheresy? If I had enough older bits to lay my hands on or Forgeworld models maybe. But I don't and trying to get some now and delivered quickly wastes too much time this month. I'm still waiting for my Dark Vengeance boxes in the mail. Think man! Consecrators? Why couldn't they have a winged sword symbol for a chapter icon? Rrrrgh! *starts smiling slowly* Waitaminute... DEATHWING! Oh, but before Shadow Guard thinks he has THIS Fallen painting bone coloured models... oh yes, I remember. There was a time before the Deathwing christened their armour in white. Before the tale of Cloud Runner, Lame Bear, and the other honored Terminators who fought with them against their homeworld's infestation of Genestealers. They wore BLACK! *flips on his ancient compact disc of AC/DC's Back in Black, grinning as the stark vibrant chords lash the walls of the room* Ah-hem. SEPTEMBER OATH I, Archangel, vow to build a pre-Deathwing Dark Angel Terminator Squad of 250 points from scratch. Starting picture: Now, I just have to dig them out of there or hope my Dark Vengeance box gets here. Whichever gets done first... Cheers, Fallen are fine Archangel - relax! :) The thing is the entry should be a legal choice from the DA codex. Organise your entries accordingly and the color of the minis is your call! The aim is to paint whatever you want based on the DA codex. The story behind your force, its name and its paint scheme is up to you! So you really can relax and start painting your heretics all you like! :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lone Scout Posted September 2, 2012 Share Posted September 2, 2012 I Lone Scout return from the wild and swear to atone for running with wolves, lions and bad dudes in black armour. I hereby repent and vow to asemble and paint 3 AoA bikers by Septembers months end. (even though the AoA have already been redeemed). ;) Said models will arrive soon....I am confident....sort of. Photos soon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pueriexdeus Posted September 2, 2012 Share Posted September 2, 2012 Vow Complete I pueriexdeus do swear that the Pueri forges are at peak capacity. SEPTEMBER OATH: I will complete my seven (7) Land Raiders that were started to compete in a 60000 point DW Apoc game several years ago. 1920 points screech,,,,,,,,, Munitorium, power on,,, servitors in place.... Paint,,, re-finish,,,, Inventory; 4X Crusaders, attach beyond normal parameters,,,, HKM, PMSB... repair Battle damage,,, bling missing from original template.... prepare hand detailing servitors.... 2X God Hammer, attach beyond normal parameters,,,, HKM, PMSB... repair Battle damage,,, bling missing from original template.... prepare hand detailing servitors.... 1X Prometheus, attach beyond normal parameters,,,, HKM, PMSB... repair Battle damage,,, bling missing from original template.... prepare hand detailing servitors.... warning, warning, warning,,,, additional services needed,,, communications (Damocles) upgrades.... Incoming communication... The Master of the Forge is in-route to the secured facility.... prepare multiple upgrade/detailing servitors........ +++++++++++End of Transmission+++++++++ When I return home (3000 miles away) I'll post some starting pictures of the first month (September) project. Time - 96 hours... @Stobz, my Thunder Hawk will be leaning toward the Bomb Pylon/TLD config. HMMM December??? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cactus Posted September 2, 2012 Share Posted September 2, 2012 Cactus' Path to Redemption - September I, Cactus, do vow to complete the below Deathwing Squad before the month is out. ++COMPLETED 8th SEPTEMBER++ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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