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I hidicul vow to paint 1 limited edition DV Interigator Chaplin by the end of December

So, I was able to pic up my friends GK army and turned it into my Sons of Malice army and now have a bunch of fallen angels painted up to be Malice worshipers that are need of redeeming. I figured who better to redeem then a Interigator-Chaplin, thus I give you Brother Alaric, the first model of my new chapter, The Noctis Mediae Angeli. Soon he will drag my poor fallen models to chamber 42 where their heresy will be stripped clean ;)



I Lord Cypherthefallenangel, vow for the month of december, to build and paint sammual master of the Raven wing on his jetbike 205 pts. I will post pics soon. Once complete i will make another vow time and family promitting. ;)


Vow complete...

There were a lot of imperfections on this model. It's good enough for the table. Crappy finecast, but i called GW and they are sending me a new one free. Good customer service though. Don't know what I'm going to do with the new one when I get it. Maybe I'll use it for bits. cant hurt to have an extra jetbike. :)




Having completed my November vow,


I, khalaek, vow to complete a 5-man Tactical Squad, including a Sergeant with bolt pistol and ccw, a flamer, and a missile launcher, totalling 105 points, in the month of December.


The Emperor Protects.


BOOM, done! I was up all night wednesday ('til 4am if I remember correctly), to finish these guys. Since I started them at 7pm, that's pretty much the fastest I have EVER painted a group of models (and I painted a Dwarf Lord to display quality in that time; THAT'S WHAT'S UP!). Here's proof; there is much more contrast to the highlighting in person, but my camera hates me.












I'm on vacation until the New Year, so I'm not even going to attempt a second vow this month. See you in 2013!

OK gentlemen, this is it:


I vow to complete a Legion Centurion on a jetbike for the month of December!




Is that entered as BFG or terrain? :lol:

Is that entered as BFG or terrain? <_<


Well, given its shape I could think of a number of possible entries but i'd have to say this is the moment I'm getting seriously involved in 30k! :P


Actually I'm thinking of setting up a project thread...

I am going to dive in head first with a long shot! I vow to complete my Pre-Heresy Dark Angels army by the end of the Path. Every month I shall finish multiple units or one large model each month with a goal of 2 a month.


December Primary Vow : 3 Ravenwing Jetbikes, Picture Taken 12/3/12



December Possible Additional Vow: 3 Ravenwing Jetbikes (including Sergeant Bike)





January Primary Vow: 10 Man Tactical Squad MkIII Iron Armor


January Possible Additional Vow: 5 Man Cataphractii Terminators

Sviar - its the bone recipe from the GW site. i originally got as far as trying out the new bone to see how it compared to my old deathwing style



it comes out less 'creamy' than bleached bone.

I, Cactus, vow for the month of December to paint Ezekial, Grand Master of Librarians, Keeper of the Book of Salvation and Holder of the Keys.




Good going Cerroneth! That's one in the bag already. I look forward to seeing the assembled librarian.


++Incoming update++

++Stand by to receive pict-capture++


I Elmo9141 vow to revisit 4 Terminator Squads and will complete the following:


Magnetise torsos/weapon options

Fit 2 squads with Missile launchers

Repaint to the same standard with icons and script as per my latest 10 for the ETL

Repaint weapon cases red


Edit: Post #4 updated.



The plan is that I have 4 Termi squads which I did a long time ago and since then my painting method for DW has changed so they need to be dragged kicking and screaming into the new scheme.


With a tear in my eye I have gone ahead and snapped off all the old arms.

I vow to add 1 attack bike to my 6th squadron of Ravenwing bikers with a multi melta at a cost of 50 points.


Completed photos:




I raven of the Wing vow to paint my DV librarian converted onto a DV ravenwing bike.


(will post pictures of conversion when i get home)


here they are and its 155 points.





hmm ive sliced off the ravenwing emblem since i took this picture,

I didnt think the ravenwing would be happy with the libby painting one of their bikes blue like a smurfs bike.






I, Sarducci the Humble, vow to actually base the 5 Terminators from DV, and the three characters from DV, although some will be on 40mm bases as terminators. Pics will be added soon.


Starting point, blank bases.


Slate and rough sand added.


Finished bases.


DV Characters.


DV Terminator Squad.


December Vow Complete.

Sviar - its the bone recipe from the GW site. i originally got as far as trying out the new bone to see how it compared to my old deathwing style



it comes out less 'creamy' than bleached bone.


Thanks lgh033. I'll see if I can come up with something similar, because my drybrushing technique could be a lot better.

I, Malus Trux, vow to base Tactical Squad Raziel of the 6th Company for December. This is the tac squad I had pledged to finish painting and if I base them they'll finally be finished! So for the Lion's honor, they shall be completed! This squad clocks in at 210 points with power sword, a pair of plasma weapons [banevoice]Of course[/banevoice] in the form of gun & cannon. I am tempted to rip off that bolt pistol & add another plasma weapon though...




Vow Complete! Now to wait for more models to make up for months I wasn't here.




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