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The Shadow Guard

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Check out post 763 on p. 31 - I think you'll find it very interesting! :lol:


Welcome back furioso! Good luck with finishing the Path.


It appears that RL is also playing games with me - I'm not sure I'll manage my vow for November - I'll give it a go but it'll be tight... :lol:

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I Izzuan do solemnly swear that my vow for the month of November is complete.


My original vow post (#650 on pg 26) has been modified, how ever due to [expunged by the Interrogator Chaplains] the unpainted vindicator picture has been lost to the warp.


(hard drive failure seems to be the second largest bane of my existance).


Also, I would like to thank everyone here (especially Furioso prime and Recon0321) for inspiring me to not give up and not surrender.


For the Emperor, and for the Lion!

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November is done! Just barely too, my final finals and work made me work for it. Now all I have to do is wait till graduation!


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Alright. First Vow completed, Second vow almost done, and Third vow just isn't going to happen. There's nothing I can think of that I can finish today that wouldn't feel like a cop out. Curious what that means for pearls. Do I only get November, or only October and November, or none at all?


Original post updated, and more pics can be found HERE

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I, Angelveto hereby declare my November vow complete!


However, I forgot to take pictures of the bikes and tac marines before I hit the road today. I will be back around 17:00 pm EST on Sunday. I shall take and post the pictures then.

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Is it too late to make a vow then break it so I can be the first THIS month to fail?


I've been the VERY FIRST to acknowledge falling off the Path for September AND October so far.

Can I get a cracked pearl? An empty bolter shell casing?

A malfunctioning drop pod without retro jets?

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TSG, I finished my November vow last night.Pics tonight if possible otherwise you may have to take my word for it for a few days :whistling:

Well done to the Brothers that have finished, and best of luck to those still toiling.

stobz EDIT: proofy

Amazing tuff of legends.... I am moved to say O M G as my daughter would exclaim... Just another fantastic piece of work Stobz.


So found about this yesterday but seeing as there's still tomorrow left in November, I'm doing a quick vow. Below is a picture of a tac squad I've been using for Kill-Team games. Its been a while since we've played at my LGS so they've remained mostly done unfinished but I vow to finish painting them by adding tactical symbols, wings on the chapter symbol & giving them eyes as well as any other touch ups and I will post them by tomorrow before midnight (it's 3:30 local ATM.)

No better way to make an entry than to splash in at the nth hour. Good luck in completing.


Time to post finished photos of my November Vow!

GMB, that deep black-green armour is absolutely fascinating. Just the way I always envisaged DA Power Armour.


November vow completed!November Vow, post #666

Very nice indeed. It would have been great if the after photo was done in with the models in the same position as the before..would be a stunning comparison.


Finished my November vow with a whole day to spare! Post 729 updated.

Well done brothers, lets get those completion percentages even higher!


Excellent. Exactly the kind of work the Pathto Redemption aims to stimulate.


I Izzuan do solemnly swear that my vow for the month of November is complete.

My original vow post (#650 on pg 26) has been modified, how ever due to [expunged by the Interrogator Chaplains] the unpainted vindicator picture has been lost to the warp.

(hard drive failure seems to be the second largest bane of my existance).

Amazing oath now stands complete. Well done!


Nov cop-out vow complete!!!! Pic in post #760, page 31.


There are completed oaths and failed oaths, but there are no such things as cop-out oaths. As is aid above to Brother Moridius, this is exactly the target for this event, completing your incomplete miniatures.


Vow complete, Post 710 p29

Amazing how many of our participants get this crisp bright painting quality. Very nice indeed.


November is done! Just barely too, my final finals and work made me work for it. Now all I have to do is wait till graduation!

Link to post http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...t&p=3168545

Brilliant librarian paint job! keep walking the path farfromsam, we're half way there. The ability to see this through your finals makes you all the better as an unforgiven!! Never give up....


Well finished with my vow, but my camera is having a fit. So I'm hoping to get it up before deadline. I get off work early so I should have time to get that sucker beaten into submission.

We'll take your word for it... ;)


I, Angelveto hereby declare my November vow complete!

However, I forgot to take pictures of the bikes and tac marines before I hit the road today. I will be back around 17:00 pm EST on Sunday. I shall take and post the pictures then.

... and your word too... :)


Is it too late to make a vow then break it so I can be the first THIS month to fail?


I've been the VERY FIRST to acknowledge falling off the Path for September AND October so far.

Can I get a cracked pearl? An empty bolter shell casing?

A malfunctioning drop pod without retro jets?

Just the fact you tried is good enough and the fact that you coming back for more is very commendable.... There are opportunities in the enxt three months to regain your pearls.. Do that.... and you may yet get a special commendation for "Intractable"... ;)


DONE!!!! Can't beleive I made it!

Excellent work.... can't believe you thought you wouldn't make it!! :P




Total participants = 60 Oathkeepers = 43 (71.7%) Oathbreakers = 0 (%)


Path to Redemption Current Status
SEPTEMBER N/A N/A N/A 82 29 (35.3%) 53 (64.6%)
OCTOBER 48 12 04 64 13(20.3%) 51 (79.7%)
NOVEMBER 45 11 04 60 00(0%) 43 (71.7%)

Up to date as of 2200 GMT 30th of November 2012.





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As I said, sadly there just is no way for me to make it, SG. :tu: I haven't even been able to leave work yet and my missus is almost 45 mins from me to pick up from work. It ain't happening with 30 mins to spare. Hopefully next month I can redeem some honor again, but I may have some really good news near the first weekend, so I may be too elated to paint.


My guys are pretty close to done, I'll post them when I can. With the current quality and state, I can't in good conscience call them done.

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We'll take your word for it...


Thanks SG :tu: I really need to learn this new camera better... but I updated my original vow with pics


November Vow post


Just want to say this is great, it's been keeping me painting and now I have a full codex legal force to field with a couple extras. Granted it's still small but still have 3 more months ;)

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vow complete! however i dont have a camera to take a picture of it :S


will try and get a pic up asap but it may have to wait unless i can borrow a camera over the weekend (away for a few days, have models but no camera and phone one isnt worth the effort!) - hope this is ok. if not i will accept my punishment and have to complete a penance for my pearl.


not actually that happy with the figure tbh - looks to busy and is too plain a model for belial. anyhow....

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We have now reached our halfway mark on the path to redemption. What ane xtraordinary effort by all of the participants. I hope to see as many of you as possible finish the path with six white pearls which earn you the right to the much coveted Black pearl!


LATE SUBMISSIONS: Given the length of the event so far and the issues of real life, the Inner Circle has felt som compassion towards those who are close to completing their oaths, and the fact that this is a weekend, and has relented by allowing Novmber oaths to be submitted until Midnight Suday Night 2nd of December 2012 GMT. Let us see if some of the stragglers may make it through!




Total participants = 60 Oathkeepers = 45 (75%) Oathbreakers = 0 (%)


Path to Redemption Current Status
SEPTEMBER N/A N/A N/A 82 29 (35.3%) 53 (64.6%)
OCTOBER 48 12 04 64 13(20.3%) 51 (79.7%)
NOVEMBER 45 11 04 60 00(0%) 45 (75%)

Up to date as of 0200 GMT 1st of December 2012.


+ + + 75% COMPLETION RATE + + +







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Vow complete!


Also it seems the Emperor is generous. I went to my LGS to finish painting up my guys & an old gaming buddy was getting rid of some Marine models he started way back when & now I have potential objective markers. Does anyone know if I can paint them up as Fallen & still have it count towards a montly vow?



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