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Thousand Sons and Alpha Legion


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Well I hate the arguments these sorts of threads can break down into, but I can't sleep so I'll bite.... :)


In a word no, there will always be a reason that 2 warbands/legions will work together, even those that usually don't. You could quite easily have a warband made up of Alpha Legion and Thousands Sons, I would personally centre it around the use of cultists - as they're a unit both legions use frequently - maybe with an apostle/lord and a MoT sorc as HQs - the apostle/lord would be in alpha legion colours. The reason I think cultists would be good is that I'd envisage a warband like this concentrating on infiltrating imperial worlds to foment rebellion and looting the planet for useful artefacts/knowledge once a full revolution against Imperial rule occurs, but that's just one possibility.


In general I think Thousand Son sorcerers would work with almost any legion in return for arcane artefacts and knowledge, bringing a squad or two of rubrics with him. Some legions might be less receptive to this (World Eaters come to mind as being unlikely to willingly 'hire' a sorcerer of any stripe) but most would be more than happy, especially if they didn't have access to a sorcerer of their own for whatever reason (you make up).

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Actually, I think a Thousand Sons / Alpha Legion match up has the potential to be really awesome. Especially for smaller warbands - a few Alpha Legion infiltraitors backed up by the ritual magic of the Sorcerers sounds like the kind of thing that could let five Marines seriously topple an entire planet.


Not too bad if it comes down to a stand-up fight, either.

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  • 4 weeks later...
What would be other be the general opinion of the legion on the emperor's children and Noise marines? I have been thinking of doing a squad of noise marines in Mk IV and if I do I might as well add them as support to my Thousand sons.


Icky and noisy. How am I meant to concentrate on translating this scroll with all that racket?! And oh, Changer, don't even get me STARTED on the Unnatural Axe.. Acts. I mean Acts.




No, seriously, go for it. Someone has to teach those Slaaneshi cretins how to read music ;)

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What would be other be the general opinion of the legion on the emperor's children and Noise marines? I have been thinking of doing a squad of noise marines in Mk IV and if I do I might as well add them as support to my Thousand sons.


Icky and noisy. How am I meant to concentrate on translating this scroll with all that racket?! And oh, Changer, don't even get me STARTED on the Unnatural Axe.. Acts. I mean Acts.




No, seriously, go for it. Someone has to teach those Slaaneshi cretins how to read music :P

I am now tempted to try and write a parody/crack fic of this now :P

Already got the colour scheme for the Noise marines sorted, just got to hope they don't turn into a whole army now :P

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